Chp.25 The Confrontation

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While Moon and River were enjoying their selves, sitting on their royal chairs, relaxing, Star and (YN) together approaches to them as they speak.

"Mom? Dad..?"

"Ah Star, What is it sweetie?" Says Moon.

" and (YN) have a confession to make."

"What is it pumpkin??" Says River.

"Well...What we want to say is..."

(YN) cuts her off talking and does the talking instead.

"Me and Star are lovers."

"Excuse me!?" Says Moon as she stood up.

"That me and Star...are together, like...we're boyfriend and girlfriend..."

"Yea, and We waned to tell you that me and him had fallen in love ever since and we thought it was time to tell you guys today."

"Star! Why on earth did you have to fall in love with (YN)!?" Screamed Moon.

"What?? Is there a problem?" Ask Star.

"Yes! There is a problem! And it's (Yn)! Look, I'm not saying about your relationships, but the problem is that you can't be in love with him!"

"Well why not Mom!?"

"Because can't you see what is he!? He's nothing but a dangerous mad kid! What would happen if he would have hurt you!? Or worse he would have killed you!"

"Moon, sweetie, calm down, your overreacting." Says River.

"I'm overreacting?! No, Im not River! I'm saying the truth! (YN) is nothing but a lunatic, monstrous, evil and dangerous boy!"

"Your highness, I'm surely I'm with River on this one but you are actually-"

"No I'm not (YN)! I am not OVERREACTING!"

"Hehe, your highness, look just calm down, and we could talk to this nice and calm and-"


After what Moon just said to (YN), she suddenly Gasps and then covers her mouth with both hands

"Moon!" Screamed River.

"Mom!" Screams Star as well.

(YN) then stood quiet and shut as he then closed his hands real tight and started to get angry, and crying at the same time.

"(YN)...I-I didn't mean to...oh dear...I'm really..."

"Don't speak! You had enough! You have been really rude and brought up my parents, and you managed to disrespect me and my parents as well, don't you have manners!? Star and I have a romantic relationship together and we wanted to last long forever, but NOOOOOOO! You had to fucking ruin it for me and her, well guess what? If you really don't want me here and not being with Star, then might as well get the FUCK..OUT..OF..HERE!!!"

(YN) then ran to the exit as he kicked the two big doors down and ran away from the castle.

"(YN) no wait come back...c-come...back *sniffs and sobs*"Says Star as she then runs to try and stop him but it was too late. She then falls into her knees and cries as she then looks back at her mom.

"What the hell is your problem mom!?"

"S-Star, I didn't mean to say that...I-"

"Oh what! just because your the queen and you can just say whatever and say those rude things to (YN), and you even brought up his parents, even though there dead!?"

"Sweetie, I didn't mean it..."

"Well guess what mom, you actually did mean it! And you even ruin everything for me! I was waiting for response like "oh how wonderful dear, oh you and (YN) together?? How splendid!" But all I get is some disrespectful and ruthless response from you, me and (YN) has something, we were going to live together as love ones and be together for ever *sobs and sniffs*"

"Star, I'm r-really.."

"Don't speak mom! had enough...I'm going to my room."

Star march upstairs to her room as you can hear and echo of a door slamming.

"What happened!? I heard screaming." Says Marco.

"Don't worry Marco, just go check on Star please?" Ask River.

"Yes your majesty."

Marco then runs upstairs to go checks on Star while River confronts Moon

"Moon, that was so wrong of what you had said to (YN)." Says

Moon then starts to cry as well as she was sitting down at her royal chair.

"*sniffs* I-I didn't mean it River, and you were right...I was overreacting a lot!"

"But why Moon?? Why would you respond to (YN) like that!? I don't get it!? Is it the fact you hate him, or what!?"

"I don't hate him, it's because of the fact that I don't want him to be with Star!"

"What do you mean Moon??"

"...It's just, I can't just let Star have a boyfriend who is cruel and dangerous like (YN), she might get hurt or get killed at the same time, and I don't want that to happened!"

"Moon listen, I know (YN) is a dangerous lad, but I have never seen him like that towards Star. Think about it honey, he was happy and excited to be with Star and besides, I trusted her to take care of him back on earth with Marco and you did as well, and look? Nothing happened to Star, it's the fact that she has already have (YN) under control, and think about it, ever since he was going berserk on the robots you and the commissioners have created, Star managed to calm down (YN), and he did, and it was so similar to the time where you and the commissioners were testing him and went out of control and then Star helped to calm him down and he did, so what that means is that (YN) has seen an angel, and that angel was Star, our beautiful, who soon is going to be Queen."

"Y-Your right River, She did managed to calm (YN)...twice.....and she did confessed me that he was actually a good person too besides of being a monster."


"And now, I really messed everything up for her and (YN), I'm such a bad mother."

"You won't, if you apologize to Star and (YN)...where ever he ran off to..."

"Oh dear...we'll find (YN) later, but for right now...I have to go apologize to Star."

"Indeed, I'll call the commissioners to come here to have a mission to find (YN) while you Go and apologize to Star."

"Okay, oh and River?"

"Yes Honey?"

Moon then gave River a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you."

"Anytime My Love one."

As River calls the high commissioners, Moon goes on to Star to apologize.

End of Chapter 25

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