Chp.26 Toffee

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In the woods, (YN) kept running away from the castle with full of anger and crying. He wimps and sobs as he continues to run, knocking down tree that are getting his way. He then stops as he gets on his knees to the ground and cries.

"W-Why!? Why she has to be like this!?!! And now I don't have the chance to be with Star...just I always wanted...Moon's right...I'm nothing but a dangerous person...."

"Oh but you are (YN)."

A voice came out of no where, which got (YN) his attention.

"Who said that!? Show yourself!"

A dark shadow came up walking towards (YN), as he then revealed himself, and it was Toffee and Ludo and his men came out as well and Ludo's (Cyclone, Hera, Brute, Gallows, Toros, Kronos, Jak, Jasper, Brock, Krank, and Tank.

"We meet again, (YN)."


"Hehe, you still remember me kid? How nice."

"The hell you want from me now?!"

"Oh nothing, you know...came by to say hello and do THIS!"

Toffee then pulled out gun which had a needle in it and shot it right to his chest. The needle then got stuck to (YN)'s chest as he then started to scream.


"Don't worry (YN), the pain won't take long."

The needle was made out of a mind control potion, which is making (YN) brainwashing. (YN) started to hold his head with both hands and kept screaming as the potion went all in to his body. As the potion was empty, the needle then pulls out itself and drops to the ground as (YN) then stood still and then lift his head up and then roars.


He transformed into the legendary warrior and then started to become berserk. His hair was spiked up, with the colors of green-yellow, and his eyes were His eyes were all green, which is a signal of Toffee's power.

"Now listen to me closely (Yn), from now on your now under my control."

"I am now under control by Toffee."

"You will obey my orders and my directions."

"I will obey all orders and directions from Toffee."

"And you will never know the names of All the people you know, especially Star Butterfly."

"I will now not remember the names of the people I know, especially Star Butterfly."

"Now, on the count of three, you will do as I say, one...two...three!"

Toffee snapped his fingers as (YN) then roars and then was under control by Toffee.

"Yo boss, we going already or what?" Ask Jasper.

"Why yes we are, (YN) us the way to the castle of Mewni."

"As you wish my lord."

"Wait, before we go I forgot to put this on around your neck." Says Ludo

Ludo has a collar device and puts it around his neck. The device is a shocking collar, which will make (YN) get trigger.

"Now, we can go! Lead us (YN)!"

(YN) then started to lead toffee and all the monsters to the castle. After they all left, you can see that three unfamiliar foes, Ponyhead, Tom, and Kelly pop out of no wher and heard everything as they were hiding behind the tree.

"Did you hear that guys!? That kid is mind controlled by Toffee, and he's leading them to Star!" Says Tom.

"We gotta go warn her!" Says Kelly.

"Come on guys, there's no time to waste!" Says Ponyhead as the three of them starts to go for Star.

End of Chapter 26

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