Chp.30 Marco "Rose" Diaz

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Marco powers as his clothes starts to change, he clothes turns out to be a tuxedo suit, the one he seared at the blood moon ball to save Star a year ago, then his entire body and hair starts to change into different colors, red, yellow, blue, white.


Marco Shouted as his hair then turned pink and his entire body as well.

"Hehe, the Marco "Rose" Diaz!"

Star then already witnessed to see Marco of how he looks.

"W-Wooow!" Argh, damnit focus Star."

She continues to sneak up to (YN).

"My, what a stupendous power!" Says Moon.

"Gosh, I never knew pink was Marco's color." Says Hekapoo.

"Okay, lets get to it!" Says Marco as he stands in his fighting position.

(YN) then flies toward him as they collide, (YN) missed a a few punches towards Marco, as Marco gave (YN) a massive punch, sending him flying in the air as he flew up with him, (YN) then grabs Marco from the shoulders as he head it's him and grabs him from his legs as he lands on the ground with him, slamming him to the ground several times, and throws him as (YN) jumps up in mid air and lands on top of Marco on his feet, giving him a few punches and a hammer fists. Marco then blasted a pink energy beam at him, sending him flying in the sky again as he flew towards him again. (YN) then created small green energy balls and throws them towards Marco as he shot them all with a pink energy beam, causing a black smoke, where he came from it and collides with (YN). They starts to through hands at each other in the air when Marco spears him to the ground, where there was lava, both were in the lava, no effect not even hurting them. (YN) grabs him from the neck as Marco bites his hand, making him to release him. Marco starts taking advantage as he grabs (YN) from his legs and throws him away to the sky. There was a scene where (YN) cane out from the ground and an explosion came out from there where Marco started to float in mid air. He looks up to see (YN) creating a gigantic energy ball

He then throws it towards Marco, Marco tried to block it but it was too heavy and it caused an huge explosion, almost like a nuke. The explosion wave went towards Kelly, Pony head and Tom.

"Get Down!" Screamed Kelly as the three rook covered.

Then the wave went towards Star too.

"Oh crap I gotta cover!"

And then, the wave went towards moon and the others and Toffee and Ludo. Toffee then somehow created a shield ball for him and Ludo to cover themselves from the wave. The destruction wave caused everything to destroy, even the castle was destroyed but still okay, but tornes into pieces. After the destruction wave. Everything was red and black the clouds were totally black. Marco and (YN) continued to fight each other as Marco created a pink energy ball and hit it towards (YN) to his gut, kinda like a rasengan move, sending (YN) flying, crashing to a rock. Meanwhile, Star was behind the bushes, or should I say hiding behind the bushes and Toffee and Ludo. Moon and the others realize she was behind them.


Star told them to be quiet as they play along like nothing is happening but the fight between Marco and (YN). Star started to tip toe behind Ludo as she snatched the remote from Ludo's pocket. Ludo then noticed the remote was missing.


"What is it??" Ask Toffee.

"The remote...!?"

"Don't tell, you lost it."

"N-No, I had it right in my pockets and-"

"Looking for this Ludo."

They both turned around to see Star with the remote.

"Star!" Says Ludo.

"You know, you shouldn't been treating (YN) like your weapon, or should I say my boyfriend."

"Well what do you know, the princess finally steps up to save his lover." Says Toffee.

"Shut it Toffee! I want you to stop this madness now!"

"Or...I have a better idea, give us the controller and I will stop it."

"Sheesh, like if I trust you, you know what, fuck it all!"

Star the throws the remote to the ground and stomps it, smashing it into pieces.

"How you like that huh!?"

"No! Star you will-"

Ludo was cut off by Toffee.



"I'll take care of her." Says Toffee as he starts to approach her. Suddenly, Toffee lifted his finger up and pointed at star, his finger then somehow started to light up, targeting Star.

"Star, Look our!" Screamed Moon.

Toffee shot a green laser beam at Star's stomach, causing her to fall back and lean towards a tree.

"Star!!!" Screamed both Moon and River

"That's should finish her."

"Excellent work my liege!"

"Now, let's focus on the battle."

"No! Star!" Screamed Moon again as she brought down into her knees in tears.

"Moon...i-It's over....Star is..gone.." Says Omnitraxus.

Suddenly, a voice started to speak to Moon at her mind.


"Wh-What!?!!" Star??!"

"Your highness?"

"Mom, it's me Star."

"Star! B-But how!?"

"Don't worry about it mom, look at my body and if you see me smile, I'm alive."

Moon looks at Star's body, seeing her with a smile.

"Oh thank Goodness your alive!"

"Moon?" Says River.

"Your highness, Star is..."

Hekapoo gets cut off talking

"Is alive! She's reading in my mind."

"What really!?" Says River.

"Mom listen, Now since I'm "dead" call out  (YN) out to make scene, that should knock the trick."

"What do you mean??"

"Call him and point him at me, trust me mom."

"......Okay Sweetie, I trust you."

"Your highness, is star dead or alive!?" Ask Hekapoo.

"baaaaah!" Says Lekmet.

"Guys, Star is Okay, she somehow is alive, but right now, I have an idea."

"What is it queen moon??" Ask Rhombulus.

"Watch this."

Moon then looks at Marco and (YN) fighting in mid-air as she coughed.


Marco and (YN) stopped for a moment as (YN) turned around and looked at Moon.


"What!?" Says Toffee.

(YN) then looks at Star, as he was shocked to see her "dead".

"Nows my chance!" Says Marco as he got close (YN) to pull out the collar and mashed it into pieces.


(YN) then starts to slowly land on the ground.


In (YN)'s mind, you can see that he was getting his memory back, having memories of him and Star on how much fun they both had together through tour the months that has passed. He now fully got his memory back, but then again, she sees her "dead" again.


"(YN) Screamed in rage as his entire body started to glow green, he starts to grab his head with both hands like a lunatic and roars.


Marco then backs up as he lands on the ground. (YN) stars to have tears in his eyes, seeing her beloved it girlfriend "die".


"(YN), I command you to stop!" Says Toffee.

(YN) ignore Toffee as he continues to Roar. Lighting started to strike down between (YN).

"Wh-What's going on!?!!"

"Don't you see Toffee..." Says Star, getting up.

"Wh-What!!!!?? I killed you!"

Star then takes something under her shirt, which was a hard solid wood.

"Hehe, you thought...oh and un you did to me, made my boyfriend really mad, and trust me...he doesn't like when you get him angry."

"Nrgh, Why you!" Toffee then blasted a green beam at her, until Marco came flying through to save Star and takes her with him."


"I got you Star."

They landed with Kelly, Ponyhead, and Tom.

"Wait here." Says Marco as he flies back to save Moon and the others.

"Oh my gosh girl! I thought you was gone forever!" Says Ponyhead with tears of joy.

"You know me girl, I always think before I do something."

"We thought we had lost you for sure." Says Kelly.

"We don't know what will we do if you have been actually killed." Says Tom.

"It's okay Guys."

"I'm back." Says Marco, bringing moon and then with him.

Marco then brakes the cage, releasing everyone free.


"Star! Says both Moon and River."

"We thought we lost you for sure."

"Well, you didn't!"

"How do you..."

Star then shows them the hard solid wood.


"That's my girl!"

"Princess, that was smart of you to wear that." Says Omnitraxus.

"Yup, Totally."

"Star, here."

Marco then approached to her, giving her powers back as he then turns back to his normal self with his same clothes.

"Ah, much better." Says Star.

"Now What?" Ask Rhombulus.

"Now We watch my boyfriend beat the living hell out of Toffee."

-(YN)'s POV-

While the gang watch (YN), lightning continues to strike between him.

"Ludo, do you have a better idea? ...Ludo??!"

Toffee then sees Ludo and the other monster running away.

"Hey, where the hell do you think you guys are going!?!!" Says Toffee.

"We are getting out of here!" Says Ludo.

"There is no way I'm dealing with that dude!" Says Cyclone.

"You Bastards! Get over here and-"


Toffee then looks back at (YN), seeing him powering up more as his body started to glow from the inside as his skin starts to torn off and exploded. Everything turned, green, blue, and purple, and back to its normal color, to see (YN) standing still...introducing himself as the legendary warrior.

"Y-You think with that kind of power can kill me!?!" Says Toffee.

(YN) looks at him.


"Well guess what, give me your best shot!!!" Shouted Toffee.


                             End of Chapter 30

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