Chp.31 The end of Toffee

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(YN) then flies towards Toffee as he massively punche him in the gut, sending him flying, crashing to several trees and ends up in and empty area. Toffee then gets up, seeing (YN) falling towards him, landing on him as (YN) started to punch Toffee on the face several times, picks him up from the tail, smashing him to the ground several times and throws him to the sky as (YN) then blasted a big energy beam at him with his mouth, hitting Toffee as he falls down to the ground.


(YN) was so angry, Toffee couldn't even fight back, he was all beaten up.

"I-Impossible, Wh-Why is strong...!?!!"

(YN), somehow created a energy green ball from his chest

And blasted to Toffee. The energy ball hit Toffee, as he went flying towards a huge boulder, he got stuck to the boulder as (YN) came rushing towards him, and starts to beat the crap out of him.

" *punch* TOFFEE *punch* TOFFEE *punch* TOFFEE *punch* TOFFEEE *punch* TOFFFEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

The last punch caused Toffee to send fall down to the ground. (YN) landed on Toffee on his feet, and starts to jump up and down on top of Toffee, stomping him like if it was like a trampoline. He kept stomping and stomping, causing Toffee to bleed from his mouth. (YN) then grabbed Toffee, throws him in the air again, he goes after him, he then grabs him again and brings him down to the ground, and looked like he was gonna piledrive Toffee from the sky all to the ground. He kept falling while holding Toffee and landed on the ground, pile-driving Toffee. He then gets up, slowly in pain.

"Nrgh, tch...d-damn it...Wh-Where is he getting this power from!??!"

(YN) then roars angrily as he started to fire green beams all over and then started to fire at it to Toffee. After that, he started to throw mini green arrows at Toffee, and hit him, causing him to fly away and finally, (YN) then. blasted a big green energy beam at Toffee with his hands, the beam hit Toffee as the beam and Toffee caused and huge explosion.

"Nrgh, Toffee...!"

Toffee then was luckily to survive from that explosion as he was hurt bad, and irritated.

"Aaaargh, D-Damn it! I-I will not be defeated by a brat like you..!"

Toffee then flies up to the sky as he pointed up with his finger, creating a big purple energy ball. (YN) then rapidly flies towards him as Toffee throws the ball at him.

"Go to hell, (YN)!!!!" He throws the Ball toward (YN) and hit him, causing an explosion and black smoke coming from it, but then again...(YN) somehow managed to still fly towards Toffee as he appeared from that back smoke.

"Wh-What!? How!?!"

(YN) then was ready to strike a huge punch at Toffee as he was ready. He closed his fist as it starts to glow green.

" going to end you for good! For Star...for my friends...FOR MY FAMILY!!!"



Toffee then started to see a big green dragon from (YN) as it was coming towards him

and then (YN) massively punched Toffee in the gut, as his hand went all the way inside to his body and popped out from behind.

"A-Ack! G-Gack!!! can't...end like this....!"

(YN) then took out his hand from Toffee as he then falls down to the ground.

"This ends now toffee!!!" Screams (YN), as he was still floating in mid air.

Toffee then gets up.

"Hahaha! You think you finished me!? Guess again brat! I got one in me! Try to deflect this attack!"

Toffee then created a huge red energy ball, the ball was full of lighting shocks.

"So, he thinks he can just end me with that attack, we'll guess again Toffee, there's one attack I have been saving just for you."

(YN) then puts his hands together and puts them behind.


                               End of Chapter 31

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