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Star and the others were worried to know what happen to (YN).

"Mmm, Mom, we have to go find him!" Says Star.

"Your right, this is taking forever, Guards I want you to go find (YN) and-"


Suddenly, a voice was calling Star, as he appeared from the trees, it was (YN).



They both ran each other as Star jumps on top of (YN) and kisses him.

"Your okay!? How???!" Ask (YN)

"Well lets just say that your girl had, protection."

"Hehe, smart, I thought I lost you for sure...I-I don't know what would I do if I lost you..."

"Well, you start going nuts and destroy everything."


"Anyways, is Toffee..."

"Yes...he's gone, forever."

"That's good."

Moon and the others approach to them.

"Um...(YN)?" Says Moon.

"Your highness." Says (YN), crossing his arms.

"I...I just wanted to say that I am really really sorry if those horrible words I said to you back there, I didn't mean all that, I was just...scared, that the fact that my daughter being with you was a bad idea, because it made me think what would you do to her."

"Your highness, why would on earth I would do such a horrible thing to Star, I would never do that to her, I love Star, and I would do anything to be with her, forever...and, I accept your apology, I know you didn't mean it."

"Thanks (YN)."

"Um, your highness, not to brag or anything, but everything is destroyed, even the villagers have no home, their house got destroyed." Says Rhombulus.

"Don't worry, the guards would take care of it."

"Aw man really!?" Says the guard.

"I'll pay y'all double!"

"Deal! Alright men, time to get to work!"

The high commissioners, Moon and River went off to help them as well.

"So, how did it feel to kill Toffee?" Ask Marco.

"It felt awesome."

"Hehe, neat."

"And um, sorry if I tried hurting you guys, especially you Star, you know I didn't mean it."

"It's okay babe, i know you didn't."

"And um...what's your name again??"


"Tom, sorry dude.."

"It's okay...besides, you have skills, I give you that."


"Yea, and you looked awesome You were like "BOOM POW" and Toffee was like "nOOOO" Says Ponyhead.

"Hehe, yea."

They started to get along each other as they all Waite until Mewni was all fixed up.

                                  End of Chapter 33

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