Final Chapter

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Months passed after the defeat of Toffee, I say 6 months, (YN) and his friends were still at the age of 18, him and Star were still together, both of them, Marco, Jackie, Janna, Tom, Kelly, and Ponyhead were at (YN)'s dimension, Scopios and reaches to his village, Mordoplis.

"Is your village like ours?" Ask Star.

"Not quite, its actually bigger than your village." Says (YN)

"How is it though?" Ask Marco.

"Eh, it's alright, just the fact that we had to get water from a river near us."


"Here we are."

The gang then sees (YN)'s home village, all old, rusty, and destroyed.

"Oh man." Says Jackie, holding Marco's hand.

They started to observe the house, destroyed and burned. They went in the house, which they were burned as well from the inside. (YN) then goes to his house, as he goes in and observe it, having memories of him and his family. He approached to a table, where there was a burned photo of him and his parents. He picks it up.

"I really missed you guys."

"Hey, you Okay?" Ask Star from behind.

"Y-Yea...just, found a photo."

"Lemme See."

(YN) hands Star the photo.

"Aww, you looked so cute."

"Hehe, yea, I was."

"Can't Believe your still cute now."

"Aw, come here you."

(YN) hugs Star as they start to kiss.

"Hey Guys!" Shouted Janna.

"Come on, let's go." Says Star.

As her and (YN) were about to leave, (YN) picks up the photo as they left his house and goes up to Janna, were she found something familiar.

"Guys, look what I found."

She then founded two little hills, like if they look like they buried someone.

"Look What is Says, "In memory of...Mom and Dad?" Says Tom. "(YN), are these..."


(YN) approached his parents were they were buried, as he was down on one knee.

"This is where I buried my parents, the day when Toffee killed them. I gotta say...they were the best damn parents I ever had, they took care of me, they supported me, and loved me, my mom was the best, she would always tuck me into bed, look after me, and love me...and my dad, oh man, he was better than my mom, he would take me to awesome places, fight monsters, and he does the same thing like my mom."

"Heh, I'm guessing you had a great childhood after all." Says Kelly.

"Yeah...I did."

Suddenly, two light balls came out from his parents grave as they floated in mid air.

"Hey, what's going!?" Says (YN).

Then the two lights shined as (YN) and them covered their eyes to not get blind. (YN) opened his eyes to see his mom and dad, they were ghost spirits.

"Hey there champ." Says his dad.


"Why hello there my son." Says his mom."


"My, you've grown a lot lad, look how big you are."

"Hehe, yea."

His mom approached to (YN) and puts her hands on his shoulders.

"(YN), Sweetie..."


"Your father and I are really proud of you, you have defeated the villain who caused us our lives."

(YN) started to cry.

"B-But *sniffs* I-I did t have the chance to save you guys." Says (YN), sobbing.

"Son, it's okay lad, we didn't know what to do as well. Don't blame yourself on this."

"...I really miss you Guys."

"We miss you too son...and who are these fellows?" Ask His Dad.

"Oh um...these are my friends, guys...these are my parents."

"Why Hello There."

"Hey." As all of them replied.

"You know, it's kinda weird and awesome at the same time talking to ghosts." Says Janna.

"And this...this is star, my girlfriend and my best friend."

"Why hello Star." Says His mom.

"Hi there, (YN)'s parents."

"My (YN), she's quite the looker."


"Haha, just saying."

"And besides, I hope that the future, you both have a great relationship." Says his Mom.

"Hehe, thanks mom."

"Thank you (YN)'s mom."

Suddenly, his parents starts to disappear slowly.

"Mom! Dad!"

"Oh well what you look at that, it's time."

"Son, we came by to say how proud we are, and that you keep on living your life with your friends, and your girlfriend."

"Yes, and that We will be remembered."

"Thanks Guys."

Him and his parents hugged as his parents vanished, their spirits stared flying to the sky.

" *sniffs* I love you guys!"

"WE LOVE YOU TOO SON" Shouted his parents from the sky.

They were now gone.

"Your parents are the best." Says Star.

"Yup, they were."

Star hugs (YN) from behind as everyone came to him and joined as well.

"It's okay (YN), we here too." Says Jackie.

"Yea, we have your back." Says Marco.

"Thanks Guys."

"You know what will it cheer you up, with some delicious NACHOOOOOS!" Says Marco.

"Mmm, Now your talking." Says (YN).

"Come on, lets go to my house and eat some while we watch a movie."

"Those nachos better be cheesy." Says Ponyhead

"They will, come on."

They all started to leave as Tom opens a portal to lead earth to Marco's house, as they got in the portal, (YN) was still on his knees as Star noticed.

"Hey, okay?"

"Yea, just...still missing them."

"Oh, I know your feeling, but listen... when good people passes away, their spirits ascend to the magic realm, and become one with magic. Sometimes, in their family members can't accept the fact that their love one is gone, the spirits should stay behind and stay close to them,

"So, do You think...they want me to move on?"

"I'm afraid so."

(YN) then gets up as he waves by to their parent's graveyard.

"See you guys....soon."

Star then hugs (YN).

"It's okay, I'm here."

"So um...shall we go?"

(YN) then grabs Star's hand.


They start to go in the portal.

"I was thinking, while watching a movie we should have a sleepover." Says Star.

"Good idea."

The portal closed as the story ended with a happy ending.

                                     The End

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