The Games: Task 1 - Adaara

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Being stuck inside the cage while Kanan was fighting a Terentatek was agonizing.

Shapes blurred as Adaara blinked her eyes, desperate to try to clear her vision. Iron bars surrounded her on every side and for a second, her breathing quickened. She could feel a panic attack creeping up on her, so she closed her eyes, trying to focus and calm her emotions. When she opened them again, she trained her eyes on Kanan and watched him as much as she could through the hurricane of sand being stirred.

That's when she realized just what exactly was stirring the sand. Monsters from every planet in the galaxy entered the arena, one behind each rebel. Kanan easily escaped from his chains using the Force, but the monster on his trail was a Terentatek. It's a Jedi killer, Adaara thought. Her heart raced, trying to keep her eyes on Kanan's every movement as he approached the gunship below her. When he disappeared inside, she felt a temporary surge of relief, but fear that she couldn't see what was happening.

Rebels seemed to flock inside the gunship, desperate for shelter from the monsters. With few prey around, most of the creatures shifted their attention to the helpless few either in cages above the gunship or chained to the side of it, dangling down.

Just before the Terentatek was about to swipe a claw at her cage, Kanan reemerged, jumping on its back.

Adaara screamed, forced to watch him pull one crazy stunt after another. When he grabbed onto her cage after leaving his lightsaber inside the Terentatek's head, Adaara wanted to curse at him.

"I've got a plan."

"Is it a good one?" Adaara frowned.

"... It's an idea." His "idea" turned out to be jumping back on the Terentatek, freeing the lightsaber and throwing it to slice open her cage as he guided it with the Force.

Looking down at the ground far below her, she wondered. She could easily land it if she used the Force, but with all the Gamemakers watching, if she used the Force, every one of them were sure to sense it. I can't risk it. "Now what?" she yelled at him.

"Jump! I'll catch you."

Oh, Kanan... Immediately she jumped, trusting him despite the doubt inside. He hadn't used the Force in years and after so long away from it, she was afraid he had lost his connection to it like she had. Even as she fell, he caught her, but she could see the amount of concentration it took for him to do something so simple for a Jedi Knight.

Before she could warn him, a Zygerrian wrapped a whip around his neck. Volts of electricity coursed from the whip into Kanan causing him to writhe and jerk in response. Adaara screamed and started that direction, but before she could, a Zabrak wielding some sort of dual-bladed sword she didn't know the name of, sliced through the Zygerrian's shoulder.

Darting to the gunship, she grabbed a blaster rifle and slipped behind the Zygerrian, who was easily distracted. She slammed it against the back of his head, knocking him out.

Without any concern for the other rebels around her, she knelt by Kanan's side, who struggled to stay awake. "I have a few weapons and knocked that Zygerian bastard out. Let's go! Come on!" No matter how she yelled at him, Kanan refused to listen. His eyes fluttered closed and stayed that way. She checked his breathing, ensuring he would be okay.

The Zabrak hovered over her. "How is he?"

Sighing in silent relief, Adaara pursed her lips. "He should be fine." Her eyes scanned everything about him: from his breathing, weak and shallow from being shocked, to his mechanical legs, to the angular shape of his face... From the only limb still remaining to the loose strands of hair leaking from its leather tie.

Desperately, she grasped his arm using all her strength to try to carry him to safety. None of her efforts worked, however, and she gave up, trying to think of something else. Before she could, the Zabrak grabbed Kanan's mechanical arm and slung him on his back.

Aiming her blaster rifle at his stomach, she growled. "What are you doing?"

"Helping him," the Zabrak replied. "The Gunship might be a target for the other monsters, but it's safer than lying out in the open. Stay with him and we'll help guard it." With a simple nod, she darted inside, kneeling beside Kanan, eying the exiting Zabrak warily.

Many of the weapons had already been looted, but there was still a few that would be useful. There were no supplies left at all, which made Adaara curse. She had her blaster rifle and there was one more hold-out rifle that she stuck inside her boot. Over in the corner behind an empty, overturned crate was a device she briefly recognized. It was collapsed into a ceramic frame, but there it was:

A Force cage.

That will come in handy, Adaara thought. The boxed up cage had straps on it, surprisingly enough, so she strapped it to her back.

Kanan groaned and his eyes fluttered open. "Ad—Adaara?" he murmured.

Just as she was about to kneel beside him, he stumbled to his feet, leaning against the doorway. She stayed behind him but peered around him in time to see him Force push several creatures back. Briefly, she wondered what they were, but there were at least two or three dozen of them.

The Zabrak stood beside a Twi'lek female with only a right lekku. Adaara winced, clenching her left one tightly. I can't imagine what that would do to her. Shaking her head, she focused on what Kanan was saying.

"—won't attack if there's two things—sunlight and the Force."

"Be ready. More creatures are coming," the Zabrak replied. "I'm Aevo and this is Star."

"Kanan. This is—"

"Adaara," she finished for him, stepping up beside them. Since Aevo and Kanan turned their attention to the front, Star turned to the left side. Adaara shifted her weight so that she stood diagonally, giving her perfect sight of the inside of the gunship—in case anyone or anything came through the opposite door—and the right, which was now her left.

Suddenly, high-pitched growls and roars resonated across the arena. Adaara shifted her gaze to see a pack of five or more nexu surrounding them on all sides. Three of them headed toward Kanan and Aevo, one toward Star, one on top of the gunship above Adaara and another heading toward her left.

"This is not good..." she muttered.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Kanan said with a curse.

She fired several shots toward the one on the right, backing up as far as she could to avoid the one jumping down on her from above. It landed in front of her, just as the one on her right charged after all the shots had missed it. They both landed on her, ripping and tearing at her skin.

Raw and desperate, she threw up her hands and called to the Force, throwing them both off her.

It was as if the entire arena went silent. All eyes shifted her way, shocked at this woman, this Togruta who had been no more than a minor toy to be used to get to Kanan, used the Force.

Vader's heavy gaze fell upon her, along with Kaladin's lustful gaze, making her shiver.

She, Star, Kanan, and Aevo backed up and stood back-to-back, facing the surrounding nexu.

"Kanan... I'm sorry," she whispered, feeling as if she had betrayed her beloved husband.

He shook his head as blood pooled beneath them from all their wounds. "Don't be."

She took a deep breath, holding her blaster rifle in one hand and pulled out her hold-out blaster in the other.

The six nexu all lunged toward them, teeth bared.

She fired at both of them as the two nexu from before leaped toward her. They were more agile, keeping her from making a clear shot. Then, an idea hit her.

Darting back toward the gunship, she continued firing at the nexu, trying to keep them at bay. She found a perfect corner next to the wing, waiting for both nexu to come close together once they believed they had her.

They both stalked toward her, growling as their jaws dribbled with salvia. Just as they pounced, Adaara dropped both of her blasters and slid the box on her back in front of her. As both nexu landed near it, she opened it, springing the Force cage around them.

They were trapped.

Picking up her blasters, she looked at Kanan. He had picked up the whip from the ground in his right hand and had a red lightsaber in the other. He had one nexu on the ground by the throat with the whip, much like he had been only minutes ago.

The other nexu leaped toward him from the side, but he sliced through its front right leg, slicing it off. With a wild howl, the creature fell to the ground, writhing in agony. Kanan finished it off and then killed the other one quickly.

By that time, Aevo and Star had killed the last two.

They stood together in the center of the arena with the other rebels who had managed to survive. All the monsters were dead.

Adaara looked up at the balcony where Vader and the others waited for them, swallowing deeply. Kaladin's heavy gaze fell upon her, making her shiver once again.

Terror took hold of her and as adrenaline fled her body, the pain returned. She collapsed to the ground, held up by Kanan who was trembling and barely able to stand. The other rebels seemed to be in the same shape they were. Her eyes fluttered and she tried to stay awake, but the pain was too much.

Exhaustion took over, pulling her into a deep, dark slumber.

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