The Games: Task 2 - Kanan

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Back with task two! :) I wanted to tag a few people whose characters I included in my entry: Several7s with a mention involving Kiernan, CCWinters' character epically teaming up with Kanan and of course, ariel_paiement1's character Yurrei playing the bad guy. Enjoy :)

As Kanan left Adaara behind, for her own safety, he cleared his mind and forced his thoughts to focus on the battle ahead. I only have an hour to reach Obstillia. He looked behind him to make sure Adaara was going to the Starfighter that had been on an asteroid near her. When he was satisfied that she made her way to it, he turned his attention back to what he was doing.

It wasn't very easy to use the Force to pull himself toward asteroids and navigate through the field. It took a lot of concentration, but the more he used the Force, the more familiar it was, and the easier it became for him to use it. I should never have stopped using it in the first place, Kanan thought.

He used the Force to sense where Jenaara and Kiernan were. Fortunately, they were close together, just several yards away from where he was. He landed on the asteroid just in front of where they both stood. Jenaara used a lightsaber to hold blaster shots from a squad of Stormtroopers on the same asteroid across from them. They stood back-to-back as Kiernan fired a blaster at more Stormtroopers who came at them from the other direction. It looked as if they had simply found each other out of pure circumstance.

Kanan landed just behind the squad of Stormtroopers firing at Kiernan. Igniting his lightsaber, he despised the crimson blade as he swept it across the backs of the two troops in the back. The others began to turn to see what happened, as he stabbed one and Force-pushed the other. Kiernan blasted the other two in the chest. "Thanks for the help, uh what was your name again?"

"Kanan." Kanan walked over to stand beside Jenaara, trying to sense if she was Force-sensitive. He didn't recognize her as a Jedi and she didn't use the lightsaber as effectively as a Knight would have. Even so, she was still skilled enough to tell she had been trained with it. He reflected two shots back toward the Stormtroopers who'd fired them, both shots landing in their chests.

As Kanan flicked his lightsaber back and forth, blocking the shots, he stepped closer and closer to the Stormtroopers, who were standing next to a Mandalorian and a young woman with a large blaster rifle. When he was close enough, he slashed two of them in the chest just as Jenaara stabbed a Stormtrooper and Kiernan shot the last in the head. It bothered him how easily he killed the Mandalorian and the woman without even a second's hesitation.

Kanan switched the saber off—it was a Sith lightsaber and he hated using it.

"Why did you help us?" Jenaara questioned.

"Because Dasram stuck those electric devices inside us. If we don't use them in—" Kanan paused, looking at the timer on his wrist, showing 57:43— "four minutes then all the devices will go off at once, probably killing us all."

"We can't just activate them now. We need a plan." Jenaara crossed her arms, looking at him closely.

Kiernan nodded. "I agree, but what?"

Kanan looked up at the sky, but there was no way to tell Adaara's Starfighter apart from the others up there. He sensed for her presence, which radiated from far behind him. "We get as far as we can and then space ourselves a hundred feet apart. One by one, we activate the devices, giving Adaara time to fly through it, pick us up, and reach Obstillia. Do either of you have a comlink?"

Kiernan held one out.

Kanan grabbed it and turned to a TIE fighter frequency. "Aevo?"

There was some static before he heard a reply. "Kanan?"

Kanan relayed the plan to him. "Tell Adaara and make sure she's ready. She'll need your help getting through the rest of the asteroid field... She's not exactly the best pilot."

"Got it. On my way now, Kanan."

Kanan tried not to think about how familiar the circumstance was to the Clone Wars. He had gone to battle with Adaara as his Padawan along with his Clone squadron, and their leader. Kanan gritted his teeth and shook off the thought.

"You can use the Force to get us into position, right?" Kiernan asked.

Kanan nodded. "I'm guessing you'll go first?"

Kiernan hesitated before nodding. "Alright."

Kanan closed his eyes, concentrating on the young man, especially his weight. He lifted Kiernan into the air and used the Force to guide him to another asteroid a hundred feet away.

Breathing deeply, he opened his eyes to meet Jenaara's. "You next?"

When she didn't reply, he followed her gaze to where she was staring at someone. A Zabrak woman was chained to another Mirilian man, who had both appeared on the asteroid in front of them. The Dark Side of the Force radiated away from him intensely, nearly making Kanan choke. "Sith," he hissed. He had taken it upon himself to listen in and find out who the Sith users among the rebels were. One had been called Zira, but Kanan remembered her dying in the Arena. The other, he faintly remembered was called Yurrei.

"Let's do this, Jedi." Yurrei ignited his lightsaber at the same moment Kanan ignited his. "Ah, I see you've got a red one. Wonder why that is?"

"I couldn't find one I needed." With that, Kanan leaped toward him, striking toward Yurrei's head, but the man easily blocked it, before shifting his blade to block Jenaara.

"What are you doing? He's a Sith!" Kanan stared at her in shock.

"I can help you! I may not have the Force, but I still know what I'm doing when it comes to dueling." Jenaara's eyes narrowed.

Before Kanan could reply, Yurrei slashed toward them both.

Jenaara and Kanan both blocked it with their sabers, each one using all their strength to press against the Sith. Yurrei grunted and Force-pushed them back.

Kanan pushed the Force against him, blocking it. Jenaara took the opportunity to lunge toward Yurrei's mid-section, which he managed to block with one hand.

Kanan's eyes glanced to the poor Zabrak woman as she was jerked and jolted every time Yurrei moved. He grabbed his lightsaber and moved to slice the chains off, but he sensed Yurrei stabbing Jenaara. "No!" Kanan darted in between them just as Yurrei's blade jabbed toward him. What I saw was something about to happen, not what had already happened, Kanan thought. As Yurrei's lightsaber slashed his lower right side, Kanan realized his mistake with a curse.

Yurrei chuckled and released lightning from his hands. Kanan stumbled to his knees but held up his blade to block the lightning. "Now," he whispered to Jenaara.

She didn't need to be told. While Yurrei was vulnerable, she dashed toward him just as Yurrei stopped the lightning. Her lightsaber sliced through his left shoulder.

Ignoring the pain in his side, Kanan front flipped behind Yurrei and slashed his back. The Zabrak woman stepped in the way and before Kanan could stop it, his lightsaber stabbed her right shoulder.

He ripped it out, staring at her in shock. "Why... Why did you save him?"

There was no answer, only a furious roar from Yurrei who grabbed Jenaara in a Force-choke.

"Yurrei, drop her."

He shook his head, his eyes wild as the Dark Side swarmed around him. "Never. She will die for what you've done to Zillah and then I'm going to kill you too." Jenaara's feet struggled as she dangled helplessly.

Kanan jumped toward Yurrei with a growl, but his attack was blocked with Yurrei's left hand, which held his saber as his right still choked Jenaara. She won't last much longer. I've got to save her.

Kanan closed his eyes, leaving himself open for Yurrei's attack while he concentrated on Jenaara with the Force. As Yurrei lunged toward him, Kanan shoved against Jenaara as hard as he could. The Force blast sent her flying into space, but it broke Yurrei's hold over her.

Kanan only had enough time to shift his weight, causing Yurrei's lightsaber to stab his left mechanical leg, rather than his left hip.

"Kanan, you only have a minute left!" Aevo yelled at him through the comlink. Kanan had forgotten that he had kept it.

While Yurrei's lightsaber was stuck in his leg, Kanan grabbed its hilt and wrenched

it from Yurrei's hands, elbowing him in the face. With his other hand, he slashed his own lightsaber across Yurrei's chest and then used the Force to leap off the asteroid.

Jenaara was floating, so Kanan grabbed her and flung her a hundred feet passed the asteroid where Kiernan waited on them, holding off several Stormtroopers. Kanan grabbed onto asteroid after asteroid, as Kiernan's device exploded from behind him, trying to propel himself forward.

As Jenaara's went off, Kanan landed on an asteroid a hundred feet away from her just before the seven minutes ran out.

Kanan activated his device. An explosion blasted away from him as agony consumed him. When he came too, he looked at the timer on his wrist.

51:13. I was only out for a couple of minutes. He was floating in empty space but his body was in too much pain to move. Jenaara floated near him, so he closed his eyes and could only concentrate enough to keep them close together and place them both on a small asteroid as they waited for Adaara to arrive.

The waiting was the worst—waiting for Adaara to get there, waiting to see if his wounds would kill him, waiting to hear word if Adaara had died or if she was still alive. Kanan's chest tightened as the minutes slowly ticked by, one by one bringing them closer to death.

Finally, a ship landed near them and Adaara jumped out. Kanan's lethargic mind grasped what happened in pieces. First Adaara leaped out of the ship and the next thing he knew, he was lying on the left wing beside Jenaara as they flew through empty space.

By the time Kanan opened his eyes again, an explosion shattered through the middle of a Star Destroyer. Their ship sped through it and neared Obstillia's surface.

"Kanan, you need to catch Adaara!" Aevo screamed at him.

Kanan blinked his eyes and called to the Force for strength. Behind them, Adaara's cable was tied around the wing, dragging her behind the ship as they grew closer

and closer to the ground. At this speed, if he didn't catch Adaara, she would slam against the ground and die from the impact.

Kanan closed his eyes, wrapping the Force around his wife as if he was giving her a passionate embrace. It wasn't easy with his exhausted mind, but at last, the fighter landed and he gently placed her on the ground beside it. Igniting his lightsaber, he cut the cable tying him to the Starfighter's wing and collapsed on the ground. "Adaara? Adaara what happened?" Kanan asked. He thought he spoke loudly, but his voice was husky and hoarse as he crawled over to her.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shaky, but she was alive. He glanced at her wrist to see that she had manually activated her device. "Why? Why would you...?" Tears glistened in his eyes as he placed his hand on her stomach. Like he had before, he tried sensing for the life's presence inside her, but there was nothing.

The baby was dead.

"Kanan!" Aevo yelled at him over the comlink. "You don't have time! Grab a disruptor and disable the self-destructing droid inside you both! Now!"

On his wrist, the timer only showed 1:03 left. As Star handed a disruptor into Aevo inside the TIE fighter, Jenaara had stumbled to her feet and grabbed one of her own.

Kanan forced himself to his feet, ignoring the waves of agony shooting through them with each step. He grabbed Adaara's arm and dragged her behind him toward the pile of disruptors.

Suddenly, the disruptors all shot away from him as someone slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. Yurrei stood over him, using the Force to hold him against the ground.

Kanan struggled, pushing the Force back against him, but Yurrei was stronger than he was. The blast had weakened him too much.


Kanan growled, igniting his lightsaber and threw it toward Yurrei. His aim was way

off and the lightsaber landed against the ground several dozen feet away.

"Now, you will die, Jedi scum," Yurrei hissed at him.


Adaara's eyes fluttered open as Kanan used the Force to try to lift Yurrei's Force-hold off him, to no avail. Adaara jumped toward Yurrei's back, only to be stopped by the Zabrak woman. They rolled around on the ground, punching and clawing each other.


Anger took hold of him, anger toward the Sith for stopping him, anger toward Adaara for activating her device, anger toward the Empire for putting them in this situation in the first place, anger toward Vader for killing all the Jedi ... No, not anger...

Hate. It was deep and unfathomable, like an endless pit that no one could see their way out of.

With a renewed energy and a sudden burst of power, Kanan force-pushed Yurrei's hold off him and used the Force to pull a disruptor toward him. He activated it, punching in the number on his wrist.

"No!" Yurrei slashed him with a lightsaber, right over his collarbone.

Adaara screamed, kneeling over him. "Kanan?"

Kanan's eyes blinked. "Why did you do it?"

Her exhausted body sighed and collapsed beside him. "I had to..." she whispered. Without moving, he could sense she was still alive, just unconscious.

He briefly wondered where Yurrei was, but it was lost to him as pain consumed him and pulled him into a deep slumber.

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