The Games: Task 2 - Aevo

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Aevo cursed. Everything about this situation just went from bad to worst. Well, I should be used to that, he thought to himself amusingly. Once again, he tried to free himself from the straps that held him to the pilot seat inside the cockpit of a TIE fighter, but they wouldn't budge. He didn't even have anything to cut them with, and his blaster rifle was leaning against the wall behind him, just out of reach. This is just great.

Instead of wasting any more time, which was a luxury he couldn't afford, he lifted the TIE fighter from its position atop a medium asteroid. The rocks were everywhere; up, down, left, right, completely surrounding him on all sides. As soon as the TIE fighter was in the air, he rolled down and twisted to the left to avoid a cluster of them. He assessed the navigation computer to search for life forms as well as to see how far he had to go. "Come on, Star..."

Before the timer had begun, he told Star to pound on the top of the TIE fighter once she used her leash to secure herself to it. That way, he could fly and still help her across the field all at the same time. As soon as he heard the thud from above, he grinned. "Alright. Let's see what this baby can do."

He had never flown a TIE before, but he had flown more Starfighters and Starships than he could count and he had experience in working on a Star Destroyer. Should be a piece of cake.

As if he had jinxed himself, several TIE fighters flew around him and one began firing. With a curse, he shifted to the left and fired back at one of the TIEs. Several more shots trailed along behind him, so he shifted power to his rear shields and flipped the fighter upside-down to fire at the two TIEs stalking him, one filled with a Mandalorian and another filled with some sort of cat-creature.


Aevo's forehead wrinkled as he looked at the com. "Kanan? Is that you?" He was reminded of old times as he heard his friend's voice.

"Jenaara, Kiernan and I are all going to separate a hundred feet apart. One at a time, we'll activate our devices, clearing three-hundred feet ahead of Adaara once she gets here. We'll be weak, so you and Adaara will come pick us up. Tell Adaara and make sure she's ready. She'll need your help getting through the rest of the asteroid field... She's not exactly the best pilot."

Aevo chuckled. "Got it. On my way now, Kanan." He clicked off the com and turned on his scanners, searching for Starfighters. "Where are you, Adaara?" The console beeped again and he flew straight up before whirling around to fire at the two other TIEs chasing him.

Suddenly, explosions surged in the distance one after another. "That's my cue." Turning on the com, he found the frequency used by Starfighters. "Adaara? Adaara?" When there was no response, he shifted frequencies again.

The console rapidly beeped, informing him of the two proton torpedoes heading straight for him. Cursing, he flipped the TIE on its left side, narrowly avoiding both torpedoes as they skidded by him.



"Yeah it's me," he said, flipping his TIE downward in a spiral as he fired at another fighter. "Listen..." He quickly repeated everything Kanan had said and waited for her response.

"Copy that, Aevo."

Aevo shook his head. This isn't the Clone Wars. You have to remember that. The situation is different and they don't even know who you are! Grumbling to himself, he shifted his attention to finding Kiernan, Jenaara, and Kanan. He found the latter two first, on an asteroid just below Adaara. He informed her over the com and then finally found where Kiernan had ended up. Stormtroopers surrounded him, about to kill him.

"No, you don't!" Aevo twirled his TIE fighter, flying above them and fired at them before landing the Starfighter. "Star, you're going to have to tie him beside you," Aevo yelled, hoping she heard him.

He glanced at the timer on his wrist. 25:01. We're running out of time. As soon as he thought that, he heard the pounding on his TIE's ceiling. "Good." He lifted the

TIE off the asteroid, firing at more Stormtroopers gathered on another rock above them.

"Adaara? Come in, Adaara! We've got to hurry!"

"Aevo, I've secured Kanan and Jenaara to my left wing and I'm ready to go. Lead the way."

He twisted to the right, shooting down another TIE as Adaara's Starfighter flew behind him.

"Stay on my tail, Adaara."

Four more TIES surrounded them and Aevo shifted downward to come up beneath the first. He fired, blasting that one out of the sky as the others sent proton torpedoes toward Adaara.

He maneuvered his fighter to the left and steadied it to shoot the torpedoes before they could hit Adaara's fighter. At the last second, he shifted to the right and fired the last two.

It was much easier to navigate with the way clear, but his eyes landed on an intimidating sight: a Star Destroyer just in front of Obstillia.

Aevo cursed. "There's no way we can get around that thing."

"My device. I can activate it," came Adaara's response.

"The devices have already been activated." Aevo furrowed his brows, trying to understand what she was thinking.

"I know. That just means that mine won't be automatically activated, but it's still inside me. It will be enough to blast a hole through the center of the Star Destroyer, giving us the opening we need. I'll be weakened, so you can get everyone to Obstillia safely."

He didn't like it and more than that, he was stuck in his blasted fighter. "I can't leave my TIE fighter. Star can take over your ship and she'll pick you up after you activate your device. Star! Did you catch all that?"

The response was another thud on the ceiling. Be careful... he thought as he watched Star take Adaara's place in the cockpit.

Adaara floated in front of the Star Destroyer, looking like an ant. Electric energy pulsed across her body before it exploded away from her. Aevo darted his ship backward to avoid it as the explosion pierced the center of the Star Destroyer.

"There's our opening," he said to Star over the com.

Star's fighter went first and he followed behind her as they flew through the debris of the middle of the Destroyer. Pieces of metal hovered around them as if they had entered an asteroid field made from metal, rather than rock. Star's fighter was heading toward the surface too fast. Adaara's body, floating behind it, attached only by her leash, would be killed.

"Kanan! Kanan, you have to catch Adaara!" Aevo screamed over the com.

Aevo landed his TIE first, watching in horror as the fighter landed and Adaara's body flew toward the ground. Just before she slammed against it, she was caught in mid-air. She was gently laid on the ground, where Kanan crawled to check on her.

"Star? You have to get a disruptor and get it inside my cockpit, now," Aevo said over the com. He watched as she jumped out of the fighter and dashed to the pile of disruptors and grabbed one.

His eyes shifted over to Adaara and Kanan who were still embracing on the ground. He glanced at the timer. 1:10. "Kanan! You don't have time! Grab a disruptor and disable the self-destructing droid inside you both, now!" Aevo screamed.

Star entered the cockpit, handing Aevo a disruptor. He activated it, punching in the number on his wrist, and waited to see if it worked. Outside, a Sith had scattered all the other disruptors and pinned Kanan to the ground. Adaara had fully woken up and attacked the Sith only to be attacked by a Zabrak woman chained to the Sith man.

"Get these off me!" Aevo yelled at Star, desperately trying to peel the restraints off him.

Star reached down from the opening hatch and held her hold-out-blaster, shooting through the center of the restraints. She moved as Aevo grabbed his Zhaboka and leaped out of the ship.

Kanan activated his disruptor as the Sith charged toward him, lightsaber raised.

"No, you don't!" Aevo darted toward the Sith, twirling his Zhaboka. He jabbed it toward the man, surprising him enough to force him backward. Star fired her two hold-out blasters at him, and in response, the Sith used his lightsaber to block the shots.

Kanan and Adaara had both passed out, leaving Aevo and Star to face the Sith. From behind him, Kiernan fired a shot toward his back as Jenaara raised her lightsaber to meet his.

"You're outnumbered, Sith," Aevo said.

The Sith cursed but darted away from them.

Aevo collapsed on the ground, sighing in silent relief. For now, they were safe.

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