Best Planets

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These are some planets that I think would be really nice to live on or are just really beautiful

1. Endor: What can I say? I love nature and this place is beautiful. I would so want to live in a treehouse.

2. Naboo: if I had to choose any planet to live on, it would be Naboo. It's so beautiful.

3. Ahch-to: I'm an introvert, so this planet would be a safe haven for me. Plus it's absolutely gorgeous.

4. Coruscant: I'm not much of a city person, but this planet just seems beautiful. I'd love to explore it.

5. Bespin: This gaseous planet just seems amazing. Living here would be interesting

6. Kashyyyk. Wookiees and tropical forests. Need I say more?

7. Scarif. I love the beach so Scarif seems like a perfect place to have a vacation

8. Alderaan: This place just seems so peaceful. For some reason it also reminds me of Asgard

9. Takodana: Lush greenery and big lakes. It's so beautiful

10. Jedha: This planet isn't my favorite, but it doesn't seem like such a bad place to live.

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