Worst Planets

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Here a list of planets that would be no good to live on, or that I just particularly have beef with.

1. Mustafar: This seems like a miserable place to live. Also, very bad things happened here in episode 3.

2. Hoth. I love snow, but this place seems awful. Creepy yetis that eat people? Freezing temperatures? No thanks.

3. Geonosis: Does this even need any explaining? The planet is just rocks and desert

4. Jakku: Again, no explanation needed. Hot. Desert.

5. Tatooine: Too much sand and too many sandstorms. Sand is coarse and rough and it gets everywhere

6. Eadu: this planet does nothing but storm and rain and make everyone miserable

7. Canto Bight: this planet would almost be beautiful if it weren't home to animal abusers

8. Moraband: Ghosts and Sith Lords. Not a fun place. No.

9. Abafar: This one just creeps me out

10. Dathomir: There's literally Nothing here but fog and witches

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