Best Ships

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These are some of the best ships in the fandom (in my opinion).

1. Anakin and Padmé: I can already hear people coming at me saying it's toxic. So let me clarify. I mean Anakin when he was good. Before he was ever tempted by the dark side.

2. Han and Leia: These two are meant for each other. I just wish they could have had a happier ending together. I will never forgive them for killing off Leia. (Harrison Ford wanted an on screen death so I'll let Han's death slide but I'm not happy about it.)

3. Obi-Wan and Satine: You cannot tell me that these two were not madly in love with one another.

4. Cassian and Jyn: I was shipping these two so hard during the entire movie only for them to tragically die in each other's arms. Yes, it's not cannon but I still ship it.

5. Rey and Finn: For the entire sequel trilogy I was praying that these two would finally get together. Then Rose kissed Finn and Rey kissed Kylo and everything was a mess. I still think they would make a cute couple

6. Finn and Poe: No one can tell me that these two did not have even the slightest amount of feelings were one another. Maybe it's just me. I just think they would be adorable.

7. Luke and Mara Jade: I want to see Mara Jade in live action so bad. Can we just get a movie, even an animated one, about their love story?

8. Beckett and Val: These two compliment each other perfectly. I hated it when Val died.

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