My Unpopular Opinions

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Here are some opinions I have about Star Wars that are kind of unpopular. No hate please, this are just my thoughts.

• Rey is a Skywalker- No she wasn't born a Skywalker but I think it's okay that she took the name. Luke and Leia were both very important to her, like parental figures. I think they would be happy that she's carrying on their legacy.

• Rey gets a lot of hate that she doesn't deserve

• Darth Maul should have stayed dead after Obi-Wan killed him in The Phantom Menace- I really hated that he came back in the Clone Wars. It was unnecessary. Let villains stay dead!

• Jake Lloyd (young Anakin) received way too much hate- I will never understand why the fandom chose to bully this child out of Hollywood. Mark Hamill himself was ashamed. Yes, Jake's acting was cringe. So is the acting of most children.

• Jar Jar is annoying. But he doesn't deserve all the hate that he gets. He has some redeeming qualities- He has some funny lines, but overall I find him annoying. And in the Clone Wars it was frustrating and he gets in the way a lot. But I will admit, he's useful every now and then.

• The Jedi order isn't all that great- They almost seem like a cult, telling people they can't have attachments or strong emotions. I believe that part of the reason characters like Luke and Rey are so successful is because of their attachments and emotion

• Obi-Wan could have been a better mentor- Don't get me wrong, he was great. I just feel like he should have helped Anakin to help his emotions in a better way. This is not me hating on Obi-Wan. I love him dearly, this is just my thoughts on the situation.

• Boba Fett really isn't that interesting of a character in the films- He has a few lines and then he 'dies' in the sarlacc pit. If we had seen more of him, I would've been more interested. Also, how did he survive the sarlacc pit? Why do so many characters come back to life?

• Palpatine should not have come back for the sequels- the whole point of the original trilogy was to defeat him. Him coming back destroys the purpose. Maybe I'm wrong, but they should have come up with a different villain.

• Ewoks are awesome- I will never understand why these little guys get so much hate. What did they do to you? They're adorable.

• The prequels are good movies- the prequels are probably my favorite trilogy, although I will admit The Phantom Menace isn't great. I love these films very much.

• Anakin is not as whiny as everyone makes him out to be- I hear a lot of hate about Anakin. I've always thought he was more frustrated than whiny. Typical teenage angst that went horribly wrong.

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