An Even Match- Luke Skywalker

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"What do you want me to do sir?"

"Kill him."


"We'll be landing any minute now," Han called over his shoulder. Chewie was in the copilot's seat as always, and he mumbled an agreement before flipping a few switches on the control panel.

"Perfect," Leia replied as she stepped into to cockpit of the Falcon.

Luke entered the room only moments later, a serious expression on his young face. He'd had a lot on his mind for the past few weeks.

Han glanced over at the young Jedi and rolled his eyes. "Don't look so serious, kid."

Luke's gaze was set on the window and he watched as they entered the atmosphere of the small planet. Han's voice interrupted his train of thoughts and he released a sigh. Before he could respond, Leia was speaking.

"Leave him alone, Han," she scolded.

"It's okay, Leia," Luke replied. "He's right, I need to relax."

Han grinned triumphantly up at the Alderaan princess as he guided the ship into a perfect landing. " Are you sure this chick is going to be here?" He asked. "I mean, can we really trust the word of some wrinkly green swamp creature?"

Chewbacca howled something in his native language. Luke imagined it was a howl of agreement.

"Master Yoda is right," Luke replied. He was trusting in his Jedi master to guide him correctly. "She'll be here." He hoped he was right, for the sake of the mission. If he had been wrong than everything would be ruined.


I stood near the landing pad, watching as the Millenium Falcon descended from the sky. Vader had been right. The ship was a piece of junk. I reached out with the force, trying to sense who might be there. Hoping that he would be there.

I could sense him even from a hundred feet away. He was strong with the force, just as his father had told me. I watched with narrowed eyes as the doors to the ship opened and the motley crew of rebels exited. I couldn't understand why the storm troopers were having such troubles capturing them. They didn't look like much. A Woookie, Two droids, and three humans. The Wookie and the Jedi were the only ones who posed real threats.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I shifted my gaze and met a sharp blue stare from the blond haired Jedi. I quickly realized my mistake. He must have felt me reaching out through the force. There was no way he would've seen me through the crowd of people.

He was stronger than I thought.

I hopped onto a nearby speeder and started the engine. The owner must have noticed because there were sudden shouts of protests as I dashed off down the road. I looked over my shoulder, wondering if Skywalker had taken the bait. Just as I predicted, the Jedi had snatched a speeder and was following me in a fast pursuit.

I returned my gaze to the road ahead of me, weaving between the heavy traffic of droids, people, and other speeders. I could hear the shouts and curses being thrown at me for driving so recklessly.

It wasn't long before I was on the outskirts of the city. Now that I didn't have to fear running into anyone, I shot a glance over my shoulder. He was even closer to me now, and gaining speed. I eased up on the gas, allowing myself to slow down ever so slightly.

My eyes closed and I focused on my surroundings, just as Master Vader had taught me. Then I leapt up from the seat and launched into a perfect backflip. As I was in the air a reached for the red lightsaber strapped to my belt and turned it in. The weapon ignited and I swung it towards Luke Skywalker's head.

I landed on my feet, my back facing the speeder that Skywalker had been riding. I heard the sound of metal crashing against metal. A triumphant grin spread across my features and I turned, expecting to see the decapitated Jedi going up in flames. Instead I saw him standing a few feet from the wreckage with his head still very much intact. He had ducked at the last second and my lightsaber had hit the engine of the speeder rather than Skywalker's brains.

He looked rather calm for someone who had nearly been killed. His gaze never left mine as he pushed his jacket aside and reached for his saber. The weapon lit up a brilliant shade of green.

Without a word, the two of us launched into a battle. I was on the offense, taking swing after swing at him. I had been given a mission and I would not disappoint Darth Vader. I knew what he would do to me if I failed him. I had experienced that wrath before and I vowed to never suffer it again. I would prove myself to be a good padawan.

I jumped up, flipping over him and trying to attack from behind but he was fast and he quickly blocked my attacks. I growled in annoyance, beginning to lose my temper. I used to anger and hatred to give me strength to keep fighting.

The duel seemed to stretch on and it seemed I had underestimated my opponent. He suddenly went on the attack, swinging at me left and right. I barely managed to block each of his hits and he came close to wounding me a few times. I held out my hand used the force to knock him off his feet and give myself a chance to recover.

He seemed shock by the sudden action. He landed on his butt with a thud and a small gasp. He looked up at me as I swung my blood red saber down towards his face, a look of fury in my eyes. Just as I thought I was about to hit him, I noticed a small twitch of the fingers on his right hand.

I flew several feet backwards. The breath was knocked out of me as I landed flat on my back. I hard the buzz of his saber as he took slow steps in my direction. I reached down into my pocket and clicked a button on a comm, summoning a ride for me.

I sat up only to be met with the tip of a lightsaber in my face. "Looks like we're an even match." I grinned wickedly up at him. He wouldn't kill me and I was growing tired.

"We are not even," Luke replied sternly. "Now tell me, who sent you?"

I didn't respond, instead listened for the familiar rev of a an engine approaching. I could tell from the tone in his voice that he thought he was better than me on every level. As I rose to my feet, he kept his weapon level with my neck. I could hear the sound of the ship growing closer and he seemed to notice it too.

I reached up and blew him a kiss before launching myself in the air, grabbing ahold of the ship as it passed by. I turned my head and watched as Luke Skywalker disappeared from sight and I climbed into the cockpit of the ship.
I had this idea and I just had to write it. Also, I would like to apologize for not updating for so long. I hope to get back into this once I have a bit more inspiration and motivation.

I hope you all enjoyed this Luke chapter.

Question: Do you like Jar Jar Binks?

I find him to be annoying but I don't hate him. I feel like the actor got wayyy too much hate and he didn't deserve any of it.

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