Swimming- Poe Dameron

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"Are you crazy?" Poe said, laughing.

I turned and faced him with a smile. "Definitely."

I removed my shirt and dashed towards the water, jumping and ducking in my legs so I landed in a cannonball. The water was cold but in a good way. I sucked in a breath and opened my eyes once I popped back up to the surface.

"Jump in, Poe," I called to my boyfriend who was standing at the edge of the water with his arms crossed.

It was one of our rare vacations and we were only going to be there for a few days. The forest planet was beautiful and contained several large pools of natural springs that were perfect for skinny dipping.

"Are you kidding me? That water looks freezing," Poe stated.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. "Quit being a baby!" I attempted to splash water on him but missed.

Poe gave a shake of his head in amusement. "I think I'll just watch."

I stuck out my bottom lip ever so slightly in a pout.

"Don't even try that," he told me.

I tilted my head and forced a sad gaze in my E/C eyes. He stared at me for a moment and I watched as he slowly fell apart under my stare.

"Fine." He sighed heavily and pulled off his shirt and pants. I watched with a pleased grin on my face as he waded into the water and swam towards me.

"Happy now?" He asked once he reached me.

"Yes." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

I hope you enjoyed this quick Poe chapter. Drop a vote and comment if you did. I appreciate every bit!

Question of the day:

Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal?

I'm team Pedro all the way

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