Big News- Poe Dameron

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I paced nervously back and forth across the small room on the ship.

The rebellion had brought Poe and I together. We fought side by side in every battle. We were only separated if Leia sent us on different missions.

There was a series of whirs and beeps from BB-8.

"I can't calm down," I said with a sigh of exasperation. I plopped down on the bed I shared with Poe and looked at the small droid in front of me.

BB-8 continued to ramble on and on, insisting that I listen. I tried my best to believe what the droid was saying. I rested my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Do you really think Poe will be happy?" I asked.

"Think I'll be happy about what?" Poe asked, appearing in the doorway.

I suddenly regretted not shutting the door. There wasn't much foot traffic on this section of the ship so I hadn't thought of it.

BB-8 rolled out of the room. I silently cursed the robot for leaving me to do this alone. I could use his support right now.

There was silence for a moment.

"What's going on?" Poe asked. His brow furrowed and he crossed the room to sit on the bed beside me.

I fiddled with my thumbs, staring down at my hands in my lap. "It's nothing."

He reached out, placing a gentle hand on my chin and tilting my head so I was meeting his eyes.

"It's not nothing, Y/N," he said. "Tell me."

My heart began to race. My mouth opened, but no words came out as every worst case scenario ran through my head.

"Whatever it is, we can face it together," he added.

Tears built up in my eyes. "I'm pregnant, Poe."

He didn't say anything for a moment. Then in a matter of seconds his eyes widened and a grin appeared on his face. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap.

"Wait, you aren't upset?" I asked. I sniffles and blinked away my tears.

"Upset? Why would I be upset?"

"How are we going to raise a child in the middle of a rebellion?" I asked softly, voice cracking as I spoke. Since the moment I found out yesterday it was all I could think about.

"We will figure something out, baby," Poe assured me. He pressed a quick kiss to my lips. "We will figure it out together." He placed a gentle hand on my stomach and kissed me again.

Here's a wholesome Poe one shot for ya.
If y'all have any requests or ideas please leave them in the comments or PM me. I'll make sure to credit you if I write it

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