Father- Obi-Wan Kenobi

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I held onto my mother's hand as we walked down the street away from the school. I glanced over my shoulder, looking at all the other children who were being picked up from school by their mothers or fathers. I was jealous of the ones with fathers.

"Mother," I said softly, looking up at her. She was a beautiful woman with fair skin and bright blue eyes. Any man would be lucky to have her.

I told her that quite often, but she said her work was more important. Her second most important job. She would always add that the first was taking care of me.

I didn't see how that was true. Being Duchess of Mandalore seemed much more difficult than taking care of a seven-year-old.

"Yes, dear," she replied, looking at me with a warm smile.

"Why do other children have a father but I don't?" I asked. It was something I had been wondering for a while now, but this was the first time I had asked aloud.

My mother's body stiffened and sadness seemed to pass over her features. The look was gone in a flash and quickly replaced with a smile. "I'll tell you someday."


"When you're older." She stroked my hair gently and passed the turn we usually made to get back home.

"Where are we going, mother? Home is that way." I pointed in the direction of our large palace in the middle of the city. It seemed excessive, but it wasn't just the two of us. Meetings were held there and workers stayed there as well.

"We are going to pick up a small surprise before we go home," the duchess replied.

I walked with a bounce in my step. The mention of a surprise had me excited and curious. Pretty soon we arrived at a landing area for ships. One familiar ship stood out against them all.

A tall and strong figure stood at the entrance of the ship.

"Obi!" I exclaimed. I released my mother's hand and dashed to him.

He scooped me up with a big grin. "Look how tall you've grown. I was just here a few months ago and you've already grown so much." He set me gently back on the ground.

"I'm so happy to see you!" I said happily. "I can't wait to show you my new room. Mother helped me redecorate."

Obi-Wan smiled down at me. "I can't wait to see it." His gaze traveled behind me and his expression changed.

I couldn't tell what it was, but he looked different.

"It's good to see you again, Satine," he said.

My mother came to stand beside me. When I looked up at her, I noticed she was wearing the same expression as Obi-Wan. I wanted to know what that look was.

"I'm glad to see you too, Obi-Wan. How long will you be staying?" She replied.

"Just a few days."

I watched as her look turned sad and decided to speak up. "It's too bad that Jedi can't marry. You'd be perfect for my mom."

I wore a wide grin and studied the two adults. Obi-Wan's face turned slightly red and he shifted in a nervous manner. My mother muttered something to me in a scolding manner.

I didn't know why the comment had upset her. Obi made her happy. Even I, at seven years old could see that.

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