Nice to Meet You- Anakin Skywalker

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I stood in the middle of the forest. All was silent apart from the buzz of the lightsaber in my hands and the occasional bird chirping in the trees above.

I could sense the mechanical orb floating in the air in front of you, but I could not see it. I brought my lightsaber up to shield myself from the blasts. It was a training method most often used for padawans, but I found it to be useful.

"Why doesn't she have a blindfold on?" A male voice asked.

It wasn't Obi-Wan or anyone else I was familiar with, but I didn't dwell on figuring out who it could be. I didn't hear a response from Obi-Wan and assumed he was whispering.

I focused on my work, shifting my saber just in time to block a shot coming at me. I couldn't see it, but heard it hitting the weapon.

I had been born blind. Mace Windu and Yoda believed that was part of the reason I was so force sensitive. I could not see through my eyes, but I could see with the force.

My training continued for several more minutes until Obi-Wan called for me to stop.

"Very impressive, Y/N," Obi-Wan said as he approached me. "Master Yoda described your excellent skills. Thank you for letting my padawan and I observe your training."

I smiled in his direction and put my lightsaber away. "I haven't met your padawan yet," I said. I turned in the direction of the young man, sensing him beside his master. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you as well. I'm Anakin Skywalker," he responded.

His voice was smooth and attractive. It made me smile even more, but I quickly pushed all thoughts away. Attachments were forbidden, but it was something I had always struggled with.

As much as I tried to ignore it, something drew me to the padawan.

"Perhaps we could train together sometime," I said.

"That would be nice," Anakin replied. "It would be an honor to learn from you."

This is my very first attempt at a Star Wars fan fiction. I will be writing all of these in first person rather than second just because it is more comfortable for me to write.

I will also be including a gif of the character at the beginning of each chapter purely for your enjoyment and entertainment.

Thank you for reading the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope will enjoy the rest that follow.

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