Cold- Poe Dameron

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"It's fucking freezing," I muttered, wrapping my jacket tighter around myself. The ship blocked some of the harsh winds, but it couldn't keep out all of the chill.

Especially since our ship was broken after our crash land onto this snowy hell of a planet. For the moment, I was alone while Poe scouted for possibly civilizations. My attempts to rewrite the communication systems had failed horrifically so right now, he was our only chance.

I hated that he was out alone in this Blizzard. I knew he had his navigation system, but what if it was blocked by this storm? I shook the worries from my brain.

Footsteps approaching sent me on high alert, and I instinctively reached for the blaster attached at my belt.

A figure in an orange and white uniform stepped into the wreckage of the ship. He pulled off his hood and shook out his dark mass of curly hair. "Now I understand why Leia hates this planet," he sighed.

"Did you find anything?" I asked eagerly. I wanted to stand up to meet him but I was too cold to move. My muscles and joints felt stiff and achy. Deep down, I knew that we wouldn't last long. Hoth was known for its deadly blizzards that could last for weeks at a time. We could die best if we didn't receive help soon.

Poe shook his head in dismay. "I can't see any more than a foot ahead of me in this weather." He shuffled towards me and plopped down by my side. "I couldn't go very far. Not without getting lost."

I didn't say a word, simply shifted and tucked my blanket around the both of us. The material was thin and flimsy- not meant for weather this cold- but it was better than nothing.

We sat together in relative silence. Nothing stirred apart from the roaring wind and snow outside the metal hull of the ship. Eventually I felt the heat radiating off of his body as he slowly warmed up. My body impulsively leaned towards his, pressing our shoulders together. I was worried he would be annoyed but instead he put his arms around me.

"You're warm," he muttered.

I buried myself into him. "I have to disagree," I said between my shivers. "You're warm." Between the two of us, we managed to create a small amount of heat. It was the most comfortable I had been in hours and I cherished what little heat came from it.

I closed my eyes and wondered if anyone would come to save us or if in ten years someone would find our bodies, still frozen in this position.

I burrowed my face into his neck and drifted off to sleep within minutes. I was so comfortable that I really couldn't care less whether or not I woke up in the morning.

This one was requested by LilaKatelyn
Sorry I haven't updated this in forever! I took a bit of a mental break.

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