Until the End- Kylo Ren

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It's been a long time since I've updated this, so forgive me for my absence. College is very busy and stressful. But I'm hoping to start updating this again.

Trigger warning: swearing, sex, violence, etc.

"Kylo we should be more careful," I said breathlessly, pulling away from his lips.

His hands were under my shirt, large and warm and comforting against my skin. His brown eyes flickered to my lips impatiently. We had found a secluded spot in the storage room of the imperial starship. It was one of our rare moments alone. We had to fight in order to steal little moments like these. Our relationship wouldn't be approved of.

The two of us were both apprentices off Snoke's. He always stressed to us that avoiding attachment was of the utmost importance. Especially romantic attachment. He believed it would make us weak.

"No one is going to come in here," Kylo murmured, sliding his hands further up my shirt, towards my chest. I shivered. "How often do you actually see people come into this room?" He asked

He had a point. Apart from the occasional visit by the IT department, this room remained largely unused. A majority of the items in here were out of date and needed to be thrown out. It was only kept for spare parts.

As his thumb caressed my nipple, I smashed my mouth against his, unable to control myself any longer. It had been so long since we'd had a moment alone. He backed me up against the small table in the back of the storage room, massaging my breast with one hand and using the other to lift me up and set me on the table.

My hands got to work undoing his belt. I was careful as I removed it and set it to the side, along with his lightsaber. I didn't hesitate to stick my hand down his pants.

He moaned into my mouth. "Fuck." He pulled his hands away and I whined, thinking he was going to stop. But no, he tugged my pants down and I shifted to help him. His lips were on mine again in seconds and his hands on my thighs.

He was teasing me. One hand was dangerously close to that sweet spot between my legs. I shuffled to try and get him to touch me.

He broke from the kiss, staring at me intently with lust filled eyes. "Beg for it."

"Please. Please please please."

Either my begging was sufficient or he was just impatient because he finally plunged two of his large fingers into me. I gripped his shoulder and tilted my head back, eyes fluttering shut. His fingers curled into me, finding my sweet spot and making me moan. His spare hand was quick to come over my mouth, keeping me silent.

He leaned in close to my ear, pressing a kiss to the lobe. "Quiet darling, these walls are thin," he whispered. The sound of his voice only turned me on more. His fingers were great but I wanted the rest of him. I reached to finish unbuttoning his pants and pushed them down. He understood what I wanted. He always did. Our bodies were connected. We always knew exactly what to do to please the other.

I scooted to the edge of the table and spread my legs to take him in and wrapped them around his waist as he filled me up with his large cock. It took everything in me not to scream in pleasure.

There was no time to be gentle and 'make love.' There hardly ever was. We had to be at a meeting in ten minutes. So he fucked me. Fucked me hard. The table rocked underneath me with every thrust. Kylo's hands rested on my waist, holding me close so he could get as deep as possible. He moaned softly into my ear.


When it was finished, we hurried to make ourselves look decent, stole a few more kisses and then left for our meeting with Snoke. The entirety of the throne room was red apart from the glossy black floors, which were so clean it was like looking into a mirror.

Snoke was sitting on his dark gray throne when we arrived, looking unhappy. Although he rarely ever looked pleased today he appeared particularly annoyed. He wore his usual golden robes which had been ironed to perfection. He didn't like wrinkles. Which was ironic considering his face was covered in them. I stifled a laugh at my own thought.

Kylo and I stood before our master, waiting to see what this was about. I folded my arms across my chest. My mind flickered to earlier but I pushed the thought away, telling myself to focus.

"I have received word of something," Snoke hissed. "Something I rather disapprove of."

I shifted nervously, wondering what this was about. I had a sinking feeling in my gut. I knew exactly what this was about.

"One of my spies has let me know they suspect the two of you have a more than friendly relationship." Snoke tapped his long fingers on the armrest of his throne.

"Sir-" Kylo was cut off before he could finish.

"Do not interrupt me, child!" Snoke snapped. He rose from his seat. "I am not surprised that you have disobeyed my direct orders, Kylo Ren." His harsh gaze shifted to me. "But I didn't expect this kind of betrayal from you."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. No excuse would be worth it. Snoke's anger was so strong I could feel it radiating off of him through the force. It made me sick.

"I made it clear from the beginning that this kind of weakness will not be tolerated." Snoke curled his hand into a fist and held it up. I wasn't sure what he was doing until I heard Kylo's choking from beside me.

My eyes widened. Kylo was a couple inches off the ground, his hands clawed at his neck hopelessly as he gasped for air.

"Let him go!" I exclaimed, stepping towards my lover in an attempt to save him.

"Weak!" Snoke shouted, his other hand thrust outward and I flew several feet back. The landing knocked the breath out of me for a moment but I slowly sat up. The choking sounds continued, only getting louder.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill the both of you," the supreme leader said.

There was no reason I could give him that would be good enough. We were easily replaceable. He could throw us away and find new apprentices to do his dirty work. I got to my feet and pulled my lightsaber from my belt. "Let Kylo go." I stated.

Snoke stared at me blankly, unamused by my defiance. "You knew the consequences of your actions." He reached into his robe and pulled out something small and round. A holodisc. He held it out to me and turned it on. A hologram played before us- a video of Kylo and I just earlier in the closet.

My face turned a bright shade of red, a mixture of both anger and embarrassment. Anger fueled me. I turned in my lightsaber and swung it at him, but it stopped just before it connected with his side.

I was strong in the force but my anger blinded me and Snoke was stronger. For a moment we fought over control of the weapon. My hands held it tightly as he tried to pull it from my grip using the force. His focus was on me now and Kylo collapsed into the ground, gasping and coughing.

Hearing him breathing sent relief flooding through me, but broke my concentration. My saber was ripped from my hands. With a flick of his wrist, Snoke sent the weapon flying and it plunged straight into Kylo's back.

My scream echoed through the throne room. Forgetting Snoke, I ran to Kylo's side, dropping to my knees next to him. "No, no, no." I lifted his head and set it in my lap. Kylo's dark eyes stared up at the ceiling in shock.

"Kylo, Kylo look at me," I said frantically. "Stay with me." His eyes found mine, he opened his mouth but no words came out. He didn't move. I shook him. He didn't move still. I shook him harder but he just sat there, staring back at me. Hot tears began to spill down my face. A sob rocked through me, followed by more.

I could feel the presence of the supreme leader behind me, watching me. I didn't care if he killed me. Deep down I wished he would.

Instead, he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You see where attachments get you, Y/N?" He said.

Today's question: do you prefer Lots of shorter imagines (ones less than 10 pages each), or longer ones (which means I won't be able to update as often since they are longer)?

This was also my first time publishing actual smut so hope y'all enjoyed. It probably won't happen often.

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