Elevator Ride- Obi-Wan Kenobi

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I stood beside Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padmé inside the elevator. The machine took us down through the levels of the senate building.

Senator Amidala and Anakin were deeply engrossed in a conversation. Their interactions made me smile a bit. It was obvious that they were in love. Both Obi-Wan and I knew it, but we couldn't judge them for breaking the code. He and I were breaking it ourselves.

We had managed to keep a secret for a couple years now. In public we maintained perfectly professional appearances. No one would ever suspect that we were more than friends.

Anakin paused his conversation and his gaze travelled to me. "How was your night yesterday, Y/N?"

The question caught me a little off guard but I smiled politely. "It was fine. Thank you."

The padawan's eyes sparkled playfully. "Fine? Just fine?"

I furrowed my brow a bit in confusion but nodded. "It was perfectly fine," I repeated, unsure of what he was getting at.

Beside me, Obi-Wan shifted awkwardly.

"Judging by the bruise on your neck, I'd say your night was more than fine," Anakin replied. "But perhaps I'm wrong."

My face instantly turned a deep shade of red and I reached up to my neck. My fingers brushed lightly over the spot which I thought was being covered by my robes. The touch brought back memories of the night before with Obi-Wan.

I glanced at the Jedi master and saw that his face was just as red as mine. "Mind your place, Anakin," he scolded, but there wasn't much threat behind the words.

Padmé tried to hide her smile and conceal her laugh and she hid her face in Anakin's shoulder.

With a roll of my eyes, I stepped a bit closer to Obi-Wan. Just enough so that our shoulders were touching.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's been a long first week back at college.

Do you think Obi-Wan was a good mentor?

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