Snowball Fight- Han Solo

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"This planet is miserable, I am cold, and I want to go back to the ship."

I laughed and turned around to face my boyfriend who was trudging through the snow behind me. "You're such a grouch."

"I am not a grouch!" Han exclaimed. "I just don't understand why you wanted to come here when there's so many more planets. Ones that aren't covered in snow."

"I've never seen snow before," I explained to him for what felt like the millionth time. It never snowed on my tropical home planet, but I had heard the stories. Seeing the snow know made me realize that it was better than any story I had ever heard.

I reached down and grabbed a handful of snow with my gloved hands and an idea came to mind. I smirked and patted the snow into a ball. Before Han could realize what was going on, I threw it tight towards him.

The snowball landed smack in the middle of his chest. He almost jumped and I wondered if he was frightened or cold- or both.

I burst into laughter and reached down to make another.

"This isn't fair," he grumbled. But he began making one of his own and threw it at me before I was even finished with mine.

I laughed as it hit me in the shoulder and I chucked a ball of snow at him this time, aiming for his face. It hit my target and grinned triumphantly.

Han paused a moment to wipe the freezing remnants of the snowball from his face. His previous look of annoyance and frustration turned into one of pure joy. "Oh you're going to pay for that."

I smiled, having succeeded at my goal in cheering up the grouch. Both of us raced to make snowballs and toss them at each other or dodge the other's blows. I was laughing so hard that I could hardly breathe, but I didn't care.

I watched in curiosity as Han stopped making snowballs. He ran towards me and scooped me up into his arms, laughing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a big kiss on his cheek.

I treasured days like this.

"Are you ready to go back to the ship now?" He asked.

I nodded. The cold was settling in more. I could feel in through the many layers of clothing that I wore.

He took a step forwards, still carrying me bridal style. Only he lost his footing in the deep snow and went both went tumbling to the ground.

I landed on top of him with a light thud and looked to see if he was okay. His hair was full of snow and judging by the uncomfortable way he was shifting, I assumed some snow had gotten down his shirt and jacket as well.

His eyes met mine and he smiled softly. I moved to get off of him but he held me in place and leaned in to press a kiss to my lips.
Here's a short and cute Han Solo imagine. I hope you liked it.

Do you ship Han and Leia?

I love their romance. I wish they had gotten a happier ending

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