Grief- Obi-Wan Kenobi

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I knocked softly on the door. "Obi-Wan?" I called. I paused a moment but no response. "Obi, It's almost time."

Everyone was waiting for him outside. Qui-Gon Jinn had been his master. We couldn't have this funeral without him. I anxiously twisted my Padawan braid. The feeling of it offered me comfort.

My friend had completely shut down since returning to the temple after the death of his master. The door swung open just as I was about to knock again.

Obi-Wan seemed to look through me rather than at me. "I'm ready," he said. Together, the two of us joined Anakin and then left for the funeral. It was a traditional Jedi funeral, just as Master Qui-Gon would've wanted.

Qui-Gon's body was underneath a shroud atop the altar. The other Jedi masters had already gathered around. They looked at Obi-Wan expectedly as we approached. Traditionally, when a master died it was up to their last padawan to be the one to light the fire. All eyes were on Obi.

Anakin's little hand slipped into mine and I gave it a comforting squeeze. I suspected that within a few days, Obi-Wan would claim the young boy as his own padawan. The two of them had grown close. I could tell they cared for one another.

"What will happen to me now?" Anakin whispered.

My heart ached. There was no guarantee the Jedi council would allow him to become a padawan under Obi-Wan's care. I was still a padawan myself, otherwise I would volunteer to be his master. If the boy was to be sent away I would miss him greatly. I had a feeling he held a lot of potential and could perhaps become a great Jedi.

Obi-swan stepped forward and lit the torch. I watched as he approached the alter, studying his master's body. His feelings were strong through the force. I could feel his grief and his rage so strongly that it hurt. I wondered if the others could feel it too.

I knelt down beside Anakin as Qui-Gon's body went up in flames. I avoided looking in that direction.

"Obi and I will make sure you're taken care of," I said to the child, smiling weakly. "I promise."


Obi-Wan and I walked silently through the gardens. I had tried to come up with something to say that might be helpful but nothing came. He was grieving and so was I, so we just enjoyed each other's presence.

After a while, his hand found mine. Not in a romantic way, but more of a friendly way. We both needed a friend. The moonlight lit our path although we had no set destination.

"I am going to ask the council to make Anakin my padawan," he said finally, breaking the silence.

"I figured as much."

"Do you think they will approve?" He asked.

I thought about it for a long moment. "Yes, I do."

"Do you approve?"

The question took me by surprise. My opinion didn't really matter in this situation. "I think Anakin has a lot of potential." Sure Obi was young but I think he would make an excellent master. "I think he might be difficult to train. Rebellious," I added.

He laughed weakly. "Yes, I think so too."

Very short and not my best work but here ya go anyways.

Have you watched Andor yet? I have not. I'm so behind.

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