Soulmates Pt. 2 Anakin Skywalker

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The battle over my home continued for three days. I remained in a camp with the rest of the refugees. We had few tents, and those we did have were reserved for the elderly, disabled, or those with children. I didn't mind sleeping outside under the stars. If I closed my eyes, sometimes I could tune out the sound of blaster fire in the distance.

For three days I waited for the Jedi to come back for me. I could hardly sleep at night, wondering who he was and if he was okay. I could still see in color, so I knew he was alive at least. I wondered if he could come back for me like he promised. Jedi weren't supposed to have attachments. He could simply never return. Make things easier on himself.

I can't say I would blame him, no matter how much it hurt me. Being a Jedi was an admirable thing. They'd banish him from the order if he chose to be with me.

On the morning of the fourth day, the blaster fire and explosions ceased. Murmurs were heard all throughout the camp as everyone paused what they were doing and turned their eyes towards the city. An hour passed and there was still silence. People around the camp began speculating as to what had happened. It was clear that the battle was over.

People began to pack, anxious to get back to their homes. Whatever was left of them. I remained at my spot underneath the tree, watching my neighbors with a blank expression. I should probably be packing my own belongings. I didn't have much, only a few things I had grabbed before we were forced to evacuate the city. It wouldn't take long for me to pack.

The end of the battle meant the Jedi might return for me. Emotions bubbled up inside me- a mixture of fear and joy and nervousness.

Another hour passed before we could see figures approaching in the distance. Clones appeared over the hill, their white armor gleaming in the sunlight. There were leas of them than when they came, but it seemed like I was the only one that noticed.

Leading the clones were three figures in robes. Cheers erupted throughout the camp as they grew closer. The people flooded the greet their heroes. The Jedi and clones had saved us and everyone was grateful. I didn't join in their cheers, my eyes instead locked and frozen on the dark haired Jedi in the distance. People crowded around him, trying to hug him or shake his hand. People fought to have a chance to talk to one of the Jedi.

He seemed very charismatic, waving and smiling at the people who came to talk to him. Even after being in a battle for days, he was attractive. I wish I knew what color to call his eyes. They matched the sky.

I stood at the back of the crowd, patiently waiting. He had come back but would he want to speak with me? Would he want me at all? I caught a glimpse of his two companions. A young Togruta girl was at his side along with a tall bearded man.

Finally, he noticed me. Our eyes locked through and for a moment it was just the two of us. Everyone else seemed to disappear. I felt the blood rush up to my face. He turned to his companions, said a few words that I couldn't hear, and then began to weave his way through the masses of people to get to me.

His eyes never left mine, even as other refugees fought for his attention, called out for him, or tried to stand in his way. Finally, they seemed to get the message that he wasn't interested and instead began sending all their thanks to the other two Jedi.

He stopped about a foot in front of me. "Are you alright?" He asked. His eyes trailed me up and down, scanning for any signs of wounds. His gaze made me feel very self conscious.

I hadn't showered in days. I had bathed in the river, but without soap it was almost pointless. I wore the same dusty clothes I had been in the last time I saw him. I wondered if I smelled as horrible as I looked.

"I'm fine," I answered. "Are you alright?" I took a tiny step forward without realizing it. All I wanted was to embrace him. I was dying to get out of there and be alone with him. I wondered who he was, what he liked, and where he was from. I wanted to know everything about him.

He smiled and let out a breathy laugh. "I'm great," he replied. "I'm happy you're alright."

I shared his smile. It was infectious. And damn was he attractive. I knew hugging him would seem inappropriate so I held out my hand instead. "Y/N," I introduced myself.

"Anakin Skywalker." He took my hand, shook it, held it for longer than necessary before letting go.

This took so much longer than I planned. Again, sorry for publishing these chapters in a weird order.

Cal chapter coming up soon.

Who do you think has the best lightsaber? Personally I find Leia's saber to be the most beautiful

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