Soulmates- Han Solo

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Soulmate AU- when your soulmate dyes their hair, yours changes as well

"Do I really have to do this Chewie?" I groaned.

He let out a long grumble and nodded. Next time I wouldn't make the mistake of losing a bet to a Wookie. He passed me the bottle of pink hair dye with one of his large furry hands. I reluctantly took it and went into the bathroom. I could hear him laughing as I did so.

I spent the next two hours costing my hair in the pink dye, waiting on it to set, and then rinsing. I wasn't even sure where Chewie had gotten the dye from, as we haven't landed the Falcon in nearly a week. I didn't want to do this but I had lost a bet and I was a woman of my word.

I stood underneath the stream of water in the tiny shower, watching the excess dye run down the drain and cursing Chewbacca in my mind for making me do this.

When I emerged, my hair was bubblegum pink. I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to get used to it. I had never dyed my hair before and it was for good reason. My natural color suited me best. I pitied my soulmate who was out there somewhere with a drastic change in hair color. Poor guy.

Chewbacca was waiting in the main room of the Falcon when I was finished. The second I walked through the entrance, he nearly toppled over with laughter.

"Oh shut up, would you," I said, shaking my head at him.

From somewhere else in the ship, Han let out a yell. Before either of us could do anything, the smuggler appeared in the entrance way.

"Alright who's responsible for this?" Han asked. I stared at his bright bubblegum hair, the same as mine. His eyes locked with mine the second the question left his mouth.

"Oh," he said.

Out of all the people in the galaxy, Han was my soulmate. Of course, I had been crushing on him for months and not yet made a move. I never imagined the universe would've decided we were meant for each other.

Chewbacca was hysterical at this point, laughing and pointing at both of our heads.

"Shut up, fur ball." Both Han and I said it at the same time.

My face reddened as I looked back at him.

"Pink, really?" Han asked. "You couldn't have picked a more attractive color. Pink isn't really my thing." He walked across the room slowly, making his way over to me.

Carefully, he reached up and brushed a lock of pink hair behind my ear. My heart raced at how close he suddenly was.

"Pink may not be my color, but it certainly does look good on you," he whispered.

Another short but sweet filler chapter while I work on some longer ones and come up with new ideas.

Which character do you think I should write more of?

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