Close- Cal Kestis

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I followed Cal through the hallway, lightsaber gripped and ignited in my hand. The light reflected off the shiny metal walls. I peered down adjacent corridors as we passed, keeping an eye out for stormtroopers.

"All clear in section three," I said through the comms.

"Good," Cere answered. "I've been monitoring their communications. They still have no idea that you and Cal are in there. Let's try to keep in that way."

I knew her words were meant more towards Cal than myself. I couldn't help but grin. Cal was many things, but subtle wasn't one of them.

"We'll do our best," Cal responded in a hopeful tone.

We were currently in an Imperial base on Kashyyk. The Wookiees may have been liberated but the war was still tearing this planet apart. Cal and I had returned to try and help the Wookie warriors with their efforts to rid the empire from this beautiful planet.

This mission heavily relied on stealth. We were outnumbered greatly in here. Our job was to get in, plant the explosives, and get out as quickly as possible. As much I as would relish destroying every storm trooper in the place with my bare hands, it just wasn't possible. The explosives would do the trick and the result would be the same.

We entered our destination: a small IT room in the lower part of the base. I removed an explosive from my bag and attached it underneath a table where it wouldn't be noticed if anyone came in before the detonation time.

"One more to go," Cal said.

I led the way out of the room, green lightsaber extended out in front of me. My boots made soft thuds against the metal floor as we hurried down the hall. We were running short on time.

Our last destination was in the lowest floor of the base and it would be a long walk. We needed to be careful. We had gotten lucky so far and avoided the stormtroopers. The ones we had run into we managed to kill quietly and stuff in a janitors closet before anyone noticed.

I slowed as we approached a fork in the hallway. Cal nodded to me and each of us took a side, peering around the corner to check for storm troopers. All clear. We kept moving. Everything looked exactly the same in this place. Floor to ceiling metal, no windows, and occasional doors leading to various types of rooms. I'd get lost in there if we didn't have BD-1's map.

The little droid had been able to scan the entire place and get a read of a layout. The place was much larger than any of us anticipated.

As we got closer to our destination, Cal took the lead while I sorted out the explosive device as we walked. He had been nervous the first time he saw me playing with bombs. Now he trusted me with his life.

Thankfully, explosives were my speciality. I armed the small, round device and slipped it back into my bag. It wouldn't go off for another half hour, leaving us plenty of time to get back to the Mantis.

Loud footsteps broke the silence. Dozens of storm troopers making their way around the corner, in our direction. We froze. We could fight them off, but not before one or more of them alerted security that two Jedi were in the building. Shit.

We looked around frantically for somewhere to hide. Cal grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the nearest side room, a risky move. Thankfully there were no stormtroopers on the other side of the door. Unfortunately, it was a tiny broom closet.

Cal shut the door quietly, taking away all of the light. Shelves lines the walls, taking up most of the space, which meant that Cal and I were pressed rather closely together. Our chests touched and I could feel his warm breath mixing with my own.

Stormtrooper boots pounded against the floor outside. I could see their shadows underneath the door. I prayed to whoever was listening that one of the stormtroopers was not looking for cleaning supplies.

I shifted awkwardly, trying to get comfortable but that only made things worse. My breasts brushed against Cal's chest and I was suddenly very thankful for the darkness, otherwise he would've noticed how my face had turned as red as his hair. My heart pounded so fast I thought it might explode.

His hand found mine in the darkness. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. My face turned even more red. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I was able to see more of our surroundings. It seemed as though this closet was unused for the most part. A singular broom and a mop leaned against the wall. The shelves were mostly empty apart from some toilet paper a spray bottles of mysterious liquid.

I was kind of grateful it wasn't full. I was so nervous right now I would've knocked something over and alerted the storm troopers of our hiding spot.

BD-1 had settled himself onto one of the shelves and was looking oddly interested in a roll of toilet paper. Likely trying to avoid the awkward situation that was festering between Cal and I.

Despite having become his good friend the past year, I had never been this close with him physically. It was killing me. Jedi weren't supposed to have attachments. Both of us knew that. Even though the Jedi order was gone, that rule was still ingrained into us. Neither of us were willing to break it.

At least, I thought I wasn't willing. Now I was dying for him to do something. To make a move or to confess. He liked me, I could tell. I could feel it through the force. I could feel it right now especially since we were so close.

We were there for what felt like an hour but was probably only five minutes. The stormtroopers passed and it was silent again.

"Are you okay?" Cal whispered. He was still holding my hand. BD-1 was still busying himself inspecting the toilet paper. I still felt like I could explode.

I nodded, unable to speak. We probably should have left and continued our mission but neither of us moved. I could barely make out his features in the darkness. His round nose, the red stubble on his chin, and those beautiful eyes of his. Features I had always noticed before but never been able to examine this closely. I wasn't sure but I thought he was looking at me too.

"Cal? Y/N? Is everything alright?" Cere's voice coming through the comms interrupted us.

I resisted the urge to ignore her.

"Everything's good," Cal replied. He slowly released my hand, leaving it cold and empty, and opened the door of the closet. "We are almost to the last spot." He peered out of the doorway, checking for danger before swinging it open all the way and letting me exit first. I was reluctant to leave.

My first Cal chapter! What do you think? Should I do more of him?

Keep reading for some Merrin content ahead.

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