Soulmates- Din Djarin Pt.3 (final part)

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Strap in because this a long one


After we safely escaped the asteroid belt, leaving our pursuers in the dust, I had excused myself. I stumbled down the ladder of the Razor Crest and hurried into the washroom. I barely had time to close the door and lock it before kneeling over the toilet and vomiting.

What little food I had eaten that day went down the toilet. Groaning, I flushed, washed my hands and rinsed the taste of vomit from my mouth, and then exited the bathroom. Nights spent dreaming of space exploration felt silly now. I obviously wasn't built for it.

Mando however seemed unfazed by the fast flying. I pulled back my sleeve and looked at my wrist. The small half moon shaped tattoo stared back at me mockingly. I had considered removing it a dozen times after Mando left my shop that night. If he didn't want me, then I might as well remove all memory of him from my body. But every time I had picked up the laser to do the procedure, something made me put it back down.

I quickly covered the mark and returned to the cockpit. Mando was right where I left him, only Grogu was now sitting in his lap, looking surprisingly comfortable despite all the beskar.

"Are you okay?" Mando asked as i settled back down into my seat.

I probably should've remained downstairs and left him alone. He seemed like a person who enjoyed solitude. But I couldn't resist watching the stars as we passed through hyperspace. It was beautiful.

"I'm fine," I said, forcing smile.

"Things got a little rough back there. Flying can be hard unless you're used to it," he replied.

I appreciated how understanding he was but that made it even harder for me to dislike him. "How much farther until we reach Nevarro?" I asked.

"Six hours as long as we don't run into trouble," he answered.

I nodded in response. I had six hours left before I would likely never seen him again. I tried to tell myself that it was for the better but a pit formed in my stomach at the very thought.

"You must be tired. You should get some rest," Mando said. "You can use my bed."

While the thought of sleep was tempting, I didn't want to spend my last few hours with my soulmate, sleeping. I shook my head quickly. "No thanks. I'll stay here, if that's okay."

We settled into a comfortable silence. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about telling him. It must've crossed my mind a thousand times during the remainder of our trip. I just couldn't find a good enough way to put in into words, so I didn't. The six hours went by way too fast.

At some point I must've drifted off in my chair because I woke up to Mando hovering over me, shaking my arm slightly to wake me up.

"We're here," he announced.


Grogu was at my feet. He tilted his head and cooed.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, getting to my feet and following Mando down the ladder and out of the cockpit. I helped Grogu down after me. His little green hands clutched me and I cradled him in my arms.

When I turned around, the mandalorian was looking at us. I couldn't read his expression through the mask but I feel as though he was worried about me holding his kid. He seemed like a protective father.

"Only an hour," he responded. "The kid likes you." He gestured to Grogu before turning and pushing a large button on the wall. The door of the ship creaked opened and ramp slid out, hitting the dusty ground with a thud. He made his way down the ramp without another word and I followed.

I squinted at the sudden light. The bright sun of Nevarro was a drastic change from the darkness of deep space. The town was small like Mando had described. Only a few other ships were docked at the yard. They must have been used to the presence of a mandalorian because no one looked twice as we made our way through the shipyard and into the city.

"My friend, Karga, is the magistrate here," Mando said. "I'll have him set you up with a nice place and a job. He could even get you a new identity if you want."

A new identity. I didn't like the idea of being called by a new name but it would probably be the best way to avoid any bounty hunters who might recognize me. I followed him as we weaved our way through the groups of people. There was a small farmers market selling various meats and fruits that I didn't recognize. It all smelled wonderful.

I wanted to stop but Mando was moving fast. I hurried to catch up. We approached a large building in what looked to be the center of the city. It was made of sandstone and marble. Flags blew in the wind with a symbol I didn't recognize upon them. I assumed it was the flag of Nevarro.

A droid greeted us as we topped the long flight of stairs. "Welcome back to Nevarro, Mandalorian," the protocol droid said. "And welcome to your companion." The droid nodded in my direction.

"We are here for Karga," Mando said, his voice as gruff and unwelcoming as usual. "Is he here?"

"Yes, right this way." The little gray droid escorted us inside the building.

The place was a mansion, but much different than those on Corellia. This one had many fine things sure, but in most ways it was a lot more simple than the mansions on Corellia.

We were led down a corridor and up some stairs, and into a room with a few couches and a holotable in the center.

"Mando!" A tall gray haired man in robes approached from the balcony on the other side of the room. "So good to see you again." His eyes landed on me. "And you've brought a friend."

I waved awkwardly. Grogu started squirming so I set him down. He seemed familiar with the place. He waddled over to a couch and made himself comfortable.

"This is Y/N," Mando said.

"Nice to meet you Y/N. My name is Greef Karga." He held out his hand and I shook it. "I am the High Magistrate here on Nevarro."

"Karga, I need a favor," Mando said, getting straight to business.

The magistrate snorted. "I should've known you were here for more than just a social call."

"Y/N is in some trouble. I was hoping you had somewhere they could stay," Mando replied.

Karga looked at me curiously. "What kind of trouble? I want to help, but I can't endanger the city. If this is serious, I need to know."

The mandalorian looked at me. I think. It was hard to tell through the helmet, but it seemed he was waiting for me to respond. I appreciated him not wanting to out my crimes.

"I'm a tattoo artist," I began carefully. I hoped that was enough to get the message across.

Greef Karga's eyes widened knowingly. "I see..." He paused. "Well, as I'm sure Mando has already told you, Nevarro is not a member of the New Republic, nor do we plan to be."

He motioned something at the protocol droid and the little machine got to work pouring drinks.

"While we do have our share of bounty hunters that stop by," he continued. "You should be safe here."

"Well I'll leave Y/N with you and I'll be on my way," Mando said quickly.

"Oh no," Karga replied. "I'm sorry but you're not flying anywhere tonight. There's a huge sandstorm coming in. It's a few miles out. No one is flying anywhere."


Karga prepared a small cottage for me on an acre of land just outside the city. Mandalorian escorted me there and we settled in to wait while the storm passed.

I looked around at my new home. The windows had a cover that would swing shut to protect from sandstorms. The kitchen and living room were connected in a way that was very cozy. There was only one bedroom and one bathroom, which was fine for me. I was only one person.

"I hope you like everything." The mandalorian had been watching me explore the new surroundings. "I asked Karga to give you the nicest he had."

I smiled. "Thank you, Mando." The beskar mask tilted as he nodded.

The wind grew stronger outside. The light that had previously seeped through the windows was now gone. Karga had said a storm like this could last an hour. Maybe two. I would have to get used to this. Corellia rarely ever had storms.

"Thank you for helping me," I said. He didn't have to come back for me and risk his own life but he did. He seemed like a good man. It made me sad that I wouldn't get to know him better.

"You helped me," he replied. "I owed you."

It was quiet for a moment. The baby was asleep in his floating crib. Nothing but the wind made any sound. The mandalorian was perched on the edge of the couch, as if he was ready to go and ready for a fight. In the short time I had spent with him, he never seemed relaxed. Always on edge.

"Can I ask you something?"

The mask bobbed up and down as he nodded.

"Why remove your mark?" I asked. I regretted the question the moment it passed my lips. Something in me had to know. Why didn't he want me?

"Most mandalorians do," he replied. "Not many are willing to break the creed and remove their helmet, even for a soulmate. And most soulmates don't want to go their lives without seeing their partner's face."

I was surprised at the answer but it made sense. The creed was important to the mandalorians, from what I understood. Removing their helmet was treason. "What if their partner was okay with the whole helmet thing?" I asked. "With never seeing their face?"

He shrugged. "It's up to each individual to choose. But like I said, most mandalorians go ahead and remove the mark."

Tell him.


"I am grateful you chose to help me, despite the risks," he said after a moment of quiet.

I forced a smile. "I needed the credits," I answered honestly. I decided there, for good, that I would never show him my tattoo. I would never tell him. He wouldn't be willing to break the creed. And I wasn't sure if I could go without ever seeing the face of the man I'd spend the rest of my life with. I'd be willing to try, of course, but I would always be itching to see him. To know him.


The storm passed and I stepped outside into the sunlight. It was much warmer here than on Corellia. I sighed, thinking I could get used to this. The sky was blue and bright as if the storm had never even happened.

The door of my new home creaked open and then quietly shut as the mandalorian came out to test the weather.

"Should be good to fly now," I said. My tone was almost bitter, but it wasn't on purpose. He didn't seem offended by it.

"Thanks again, for everything," he said. His voice was genuine and I couldn't be sure but I thought he was smiling under that helmet.


The mandalorian left. I didn't go to see him off.

Greef Karga got a me a job in his palace until I found something else I liked. Nevarro was a growing economy, he had told me. There would be plenty of jobs to choose from, and while my artist heart wanted to go back to tattoos, I knew it would be best to stay away.

I woke up with the sunrise that morning and yawned. Another boring day at the palace lay ahead of me. I was grateful for the job, but the work was so monotonous.

I put on my uniform, a simple gray and red ensemble with the flag of Nevarro symbol over my heart. I had been provided several sets of this uniform along with other clothing items to wear.

The job paid fairly well, although I didn't know what to spend money on. I stopped at the farmers market a couple times a week for food. I made simple dinners with the ingredients I could buy. Most of it was stuff I didn't recognize, but it all tasted amazing.

I made my way out of the door, locking it behind me. That was when I noticed the shadow overcast above. My brow furrowed as I looked up.

A large ship had come into the atmosphere and was flying steadily towards the city. My curiosity quickly turned into panic as something opened from underneath the ship and a rage metal contraption came out. It was only when they started firing that I realized it was a gun.

Even from my house outside the town, I could hear the panicked screams. Figures began flooding from the streets, looking for shelter. The ground shook as more shots fired. Buildings crumbled. For a moment I was frozen in place, watching as the chaos ensued.

When I finally did start moving, my steps felt almost robotic. My walk turned into a full blown sprint as I headed into the city. Alarms bells on my brain were telling me I should be running away from the danger but I didn't listen.

People were in trouble, and I should help. Karga had given me a small blaster for emergencies. It was heavy in my pocket as I ran. Did I know what I was going to do exactly? No. No I didn't. I didn't have a clue. But I did know that I couldn't sit around and hide while people were being attacked.

I reached the city, and things were worse than a thought. Gaping holes now covered the buildings and the street. Crying reached my ears. A small child. I searched frantically through the smoke and ash, and then my eyes landed on her.

A small togruta girl, who couldn't have been any more than three years old. She shrieked so fiercely I knew it must have hurt her throat. No parents or any obvious guardians were in sight so I ran towards her.

My sudden appearance startled her and she scrambled backwards, still screaming.

"Hey, hey it's okay," I said gently. I knelt down to her level and opened my arms. "Let's go find your family. Come on, hurry."

Sensing that I was not a threat, the girl stood up and toddled into my arms. I wrapped my own arms around her and lifted her with ease.

"It'll all be okay," I said, gently patting her back. We made our way down the street, the little girl burying her face into my shoulder and soaking my uniform with her tears.

As I rounded the corner of some buildings, my eyes caught a flash of movement. Two men in dirty outfits and large blasters in their hands. Before I could do anything, the one with bright orange skin turned around and made eye contact with me.

He hit his companion in the shoulder. "There! Get that girl!" The other one turned around and both raised their weapons at me.

I ducked and ran for cover, hiding behind a crumbling wall. Plasma shots from the blaster blew so close to me I could feel the heat from them. I refrained from swearing in front of the child. The blasters upset her even more. Her screams sent pain shooting through my ear.

The shots continued for a moment before halting. I could hear their faint voices and then boots crunching against the rubble of the ground. My heart pounded. My blaster was in my hand but it only had a few rounds and I hadn't had much practice. I had definitely never shot at someone before.

I eased the kid off my hip and set her on the ground, tucking her coat around her and making sure she was completely sheltered by the wall.

Carefully, I lifted my head and pointed my blaster in the general direction of the enemy and fired. Missed. I quickly ducked my head as they started shooting again. When the shooting paused, I took my chance and sat up. When I fired this time I was more sure of myself.

The man on the left flinched as the plasma shot went into his shoulder. I couldn't believe I had actually hit him, but there was still his friend. Before I had time to to aim and fire, the other pirate fired his own blaster.

Fire exploded through the hand holding my weapon and I screamed in pain. My hand instinctively dropped the blaster. I ducked down behind the wall and cradled my now bleeding right hand.

A few more blaster shots fired and then all was quiet for a moment. I stopped my crying to listen out for possible danger.

Footsteps. Several pairs of them, and heading in my direction. I'd have to shoot with my other hand. I only had a couple shots left but I'd have to try to protect both myself and the kid.

"Is someone there?" A gruff voice called out.

I recognized that voice. I peered over the top of the wall. Mandalorians. A whole group of them.

Mando must have seen me because he motioned to the others and they all dropped their weapons.

My whole body relaxed in relief. "We need help." My voice was hoarse from the fear. I bloody handed had soaked through my shirt and pants. I was so grateful to see the dark gray of his armor.

Mando rushed towards me. The kid was screaming so he picked her up first and handed her towards one of the other mandalorians, a woman in a blue and gray beskar suit with the face of an owl on the helmet.

"Where are you shot?" He asked, turning his attention to me now. I couldn't see him but I could sense his gaze scanning my body for wounds.

"My hand," I replied. He reached for my arm and even though I resisted at first, he pulled it towards him to inspect it.

"We can take you back to the ship and get you bandaged up," he said. He was careful as he turned my hand over so that my palm was facing upwards. He pushed up my blood soaked sleeve and then stopped.

I was too distracted by the pain and the crying child and the rest of the chaos to understand what he was looking at.

I pulled my arm away quickly and covered it again with my shirt. I wished now more than ever that I could see his face to read his expression. His mask was looking in my general direction and he didn't say anything.

His gaze turned towards the other mandalorians. "Get the girl to safety. I'll join you as soon as I get her to a doctor," he ordered. They did as he said, without questions.

He supported me from my elbows and helped me to my feet.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said. If he was mad, I couldn't tell. I couldn't tell if he was happy either.

"You don't have to apologize," he said. "Let's get you back to the ship. We have people who can patch up your hand."


The mandalorian healer was a pleasant middle aged man, who thankfully had very gentle hands. He was careful as he cleaned and bandaged my wound. They didn't have many pain medications but he gave me what he could. I tried to keep my mind occupied to ignore the pain.

After the pirates retreated, I was able to go back to my cottage. I hadn't seen Mando since he dropped me off with the healer.

I was alone in my house again. The city was rebuilding. People had flooded the hospital with their injuries. Any volunteers were welcome and highly encouraged. When I showed up, however, they turned me away. Didn't want me working with my injured hand.

So I was home alone with nothing to do. One of Karga's droids had dropped off a few books but none of them seemed very interesting. I picked one up and flipped through it with my good hand. There was a knock at the door. My brow furrowed. I hadn't made any friends on Nevarro, so I hadn't a clue who would be visiting me.

I crossed the room nervously. Could the pirates be back? The thought was ridiculous. Pirates wouldn't knock.

I opened the door to come face to face with the last person I ever expected to see.

The mandalorian stood awkwardly on my doorstep, the baby in his arms.

"The, uh... the kid misses you," he said, after I didn't say anything for long while. "We wanted to see how you were doing."

I smiled nervously. "Oh I'm fine. The doctors gave me the all clear to come back home. My hand is healing just fine, they said."

He nodded quickly. "Good, good."

Grogu cooed and reached for me.

"Can we come in?" Mando asked.

I nodded and opened the door wider so they could step inside. His movements were careful, almost robotic as he stepped into the cottage. He set Grogu down on the floor to check the place out.

I closed the door but didn't move from my spot, too in shock to do anything else. After he saw my tattoo, I was positive he'd make a run for it. But now he was here in my living room, just a few feet away from me.

I sat down on the couch and after a few minutes he sat down on the other end. We said nothing and simply watched the baby as he explored. I wondered if I should say something but I'm that moment I don't think anything needed to be said. We simply sat and enjoyed one another's presence.

I was talking to a girl that said she never actually votes for the stories she reads on Wattpad even if she likes them. Which makes me wonder how many people read my stories and enjoy them and just don't vote. When I first joined EVERYONE voted and commented. It's so different now. And it's only a little frustrating because votes and comments are so encouraging to me. Rant over.

I try to keep these stories as gender neutral for Y/N as possible so that everyone can read and enjoy without feeling awkward. Let me know if there's ways I can do that better.

I'm thinking of doing a series of imagines with classic romance tropes in them. I did it for Cal's chapter 'Close' with the forced proximity trope. I'll do it with some others if it's popular. Any suggestions?

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