Happy for You- Han Solo

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"You know, you don't have to do this," Luke said quietly.

I sat down on the stone bench beside the young Jedi and Chewbacca, smoothing down the skirts of my long burgundy colored dress. "Han and Leia are my friends," I replied stiffly. "I want to support them."

I didn't turn to meet his gaze, but I could feel Luke's intense blue stare. A breeze blew and goosebumps formed on my arm. Leia had wanted to get married on her mother's home planet, but rather than marrying by the lake as Padmé and Anakin had, she and Han had agreed on mountains.

The Gallo Mountains of Naboo were gorgeous, green, and filled with various waterfalls and cliffs to look upon. I could see why she had selected it.

I watched as Han stepped into view, wearing a simple suit that was very Han-like. It wasn't too fancy but he looked as handsome as ever. The corners of my lips twitched upward into a smile as our eyes met. He wore a wide grin and for a moment I forgot why we were all gathered here.

The music began to play, forcing me to snap out of my trance. Leia stepped down the aisle, wearing a beautiful white and gold wedding dress. Every step she took was slow and graceful. Anyone who looked upon her would know she was a princess. It was so obvious in the way she carried herself. Alderaan may have been long gone, but everyone still referred to her by her former title.

Leia was nothing like me, and I couldn't help but wonder if that's the reason her relationship with Han was so much more successful than mine.

I couldn't quite place where it has gone wrong and perhaps it had been a mess from the beginning. Both of us were jealous and stubborn. Both of us had different ideas on how to reach our goals. Both of us wanted different things in life. For years I wanted to settle down and stop with all of the adventures, but Han forever seemed the thrill of a fight. For a while, I was content that way. But one fight after another became too many.

A furry paw rested on top of my hand. I glanced over to Chewie, blinking away the tears that had formed in my eye. I was happy for Han, truly. I just couldn't understand what was so special about her.

Do you prefer Harrison's or Alden's performance as Han?
Personally, since Harrison was the original I'm going to pick him. However, Alden Ehrenreich did a great job.

I also want to apologize if I reuse gifs at any point. I forget sometimes which ones I've used in previous chapters

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