The Video Pt. 2- Anakin Skywalker

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"I've told you, Dooku. I don't know anything."

"Now, we both know that's a lie."

I was laid out on the table once again. The cool metal sent a shiver up my spine. The handcuffs were there and I knew that they would be placed on me sooner or later. The memory of electricity flowing through my body was still fresh.

The count stepped around the table and into view. I was laying flat on my back so I had to tilt my head ever so slightly to look the man in the eye.

"You won't get me to break," I said sternly. The information I had was priceless. Dooku and I both knew that.

"Everyone breaks eventually," he remarked coolly. "Even a Jedi."

"You were once a Jedi yourself." It amazed me that he could betray his own in such a way. He had made a pledge and he'd gone against it in every way. I wondered if he ever felt guilt for betraying the Order, especially Master Yoda.

"Yes," he responded.

I felt the handcuffs close around my wrists and my heart rate instantly quickened. I could feel the metal prongs on the inside of the cuffs prodding into my skin and I waited for the shock.

"Which means I know better than anyone what it takes to break a Jedi." Count Dooku signaled to someone out of sight and I could hear the flip of the switch before all sounds were drowned out by my own screams.


Anakin brought up his saber, blocking the blaster shots coming from the droids that had appeared at the end of the hallway.

"Are you sure, Y/N is here?" Obi-Wan asked, raising his voice so he could be heard over the battle droids. He angled his lightsaber and a shot bounced off of it, traveling back and destroying one of the droids.

"The transmission was sent from here," Anakin responded. The two of them slowly closed in on the droids, who quickly retreated. Anakin stepped forward, ready to go after them, but he was stopped by Obi-Wan.

"We only have so much time," the older Jedi reminded him. "Master Windu wants us in an out."

The two of them walked down the hallway towards the prison sector.

"Besides, this was supposed to be a quiet mission," Obi-Wan added. "But I've learned that my missions with you are seldom ever quiet."

The Separatist base was massive and Anakin was positive that they had taken his girlfriend there. As the pair of Jedi walked through the hall and past rows and rows of cells, they peered in each one for signs of Y/N. The cells were made of solid metal on three sides and the front was bars.

"This doesn't seem like the most secure place to put a Jedi," Obi-Wan commented.

Hearing the sense of doubt in his old master's voice, Anakin tensed. "Let's check the lower levels."


"Anakin, she isn't here."

"No, no, no." Anakin paced back and forth, his hands clenched into fists and his breathing heavy. "She's supposed to be here, the transmission came from here!"

"Be careful of what you're feeling," Obi-Wan responded, his voice laced with a tone of warning.

Despite the fact that Anakin and Y/N's relationship was supposed to be secret there were a few people who knew. Obi-Wan may not have known for sure but he suspected it. After all, he knew Anakin better than almost anybody. Almost.

They had checked all three floors of the prison and while there were some prisoners on each one, none were who Skywalker was looking for. He had had brief hope when they reached the bottom floor and it was high security as he suspected. But she wasn't there either.

"Did it ever occur to you that they knew we'd track them?" Obi-Wan continued. "They most likely took the video and then sent the transmission from here."

Anakin shook his head, too stubborn to listen.

"It's also possible that the Separatists heard we were coming and decided to move her."

"We have to find her," Anakin replied.

Obi-Wan sighed heavily. He took a few steps towards his friend and placed his hand on the younger man's shoulder. "We will, Anakin."

"Anakin," Ahsoka called happily as she walked into the room. "The Council has good news."

Anakin turned in his chair. It had been two weeks with no leads. Many were beginning to lose hope. They didn't have the resources to waste. "What is it?" He asked, trying to sound excited.

"There's been a sighting. They're moving Y/N."

Anakin's brow furrowed in determination. "Where?"


"There's the ship," Ahsoka stated. The padawan had been right. The ship was exactly where they had expected it to be.

"We need to move quickly," Anakin responded. He sucked in a deep breath, hoping that his girl was on the separatist cruiser.


I sat with binds around my hands and feet. The droids had put me in a small cell on a lower level of the ship. They were taking me somewhere but I had no clue as to where. I just hoped that wherever it was I would be killed quickly, but thrown in a cell and left to rot and further tortured for information.

But I knew better than that. Dooku wanted the information I had and he wouldn't give up until he had it. I leaned my head against the glass with a sigh. The security droid on the other side of the glass stepped up to me, eyes glowing a menacing red. The beast towered over me in a threatening manner before speaking. "Don't touch the glass."

With a roll of my eyes, I held up my middle finger and pressed it against the glass. I was about to use some rather unkind words but was interrupted. The cruiser shook violently, knocking me to the ground.

The security droid swayed on his feet. "Stay here," he said in his monotone voice. He turned and disappeared up the stairs.

I released a huff. It wasn't as if I could go anywhere. They had taken my weapons and bound me with metal cuffs. I couldn't escape unless I had a death wish.

On the upper levels, I could hear the clanging of metal and sounds of blasters being fired. My heart skipped a beat. I attempted to stand but it was difficult with my legs being tied together.

I squirmed, moving onto my knees and trying to stand up from there, muttering curses under my breath as I struggled to gain my balance.


The voice caught me off guard. My head snapped up towards the entryway of the small prison. "Anakin..." I whispered. Tears flooded my eyes and I watched as he broke through the lock on the cell door.

Suddenly I was enveloped in his arms. I felt smaller than before and I probably was. I hadn't been fed regular meals and I had been tortured for countless hours. There was no telling the state of my appearance and I didn't care in that moment. I was finally home.
What did y'all think of this chapter? It took me forever to finally be happy with it and I'm still not totally sure.

Today's question:
Clone Wars or film Anakin?
Personality wise, I like Clone Wars Anakin but movie Anakin is way better looking

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