Jealousy- Anakin Skywalker

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I sat in a lounge room in the Galactic Senate building across from Senator Organa. There had been an assassination attempt and I was tasked with protecting him until the assassin was caught.

It wasn't a job the Jedi council usually gave me, but I was grateful for it. It was much calmer compared to being on the battlefield fighting droids. This job also meant I was working much closer to Anakin.

As if my thoughts had summoned him, the metallic doors at the entrance parted and Anakin strolled into the room with Padmé by his side.

I tried not to feel too jealous. His job was to protect her. Still, he spent much more time with her than was necessary.

"Y/N, it's so good to see you," Senator Amidala greeted politely. She smiled at me and crossed the room, taking a seat near Senator Organa.

I forced myself to be polite and exchange pleasantries. "It's good to see you too, senator," I responded with a small smile.

I scolded myself for being so jealous. It wasn't proper Jedi behavior.

Neither are your feelings for Anakin, a small voice reminded me. I quickly silenced it. I had been doing my best to push away my feelings for the Jedi. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done.

He sat down beside me on the sofa, barely a foot away. "You haven't had any troubles have you?" He asked.

"No," I said with a shake of my head. "There's been no more attempts on Senator Organa's life, luckily." I glanced at the senator who was smiling at me gratefully. "And there's been a lead on the case," I added.

He wasn't even that close to me and I could feel my heart pounding. I had learned to hide my feelings so that he would never find out. Not that anything would become of it if he did.

"That's very good news," Anakin said. He gave me a brief smile, his eyes lingering on me for a moment before turning to Padmé to discuss her plans for her speech that afternoon.


Padmé made a wonderful speech, just as she always did. I might not care for her closeness with Anakin, but she had a way with words. She could rally the senate together better than anyone.

The four us walked down the corridor after the meeting was over and everyone was congratulating Senator Amidala.

"That was a beautiful speech, Padmé," Bail Organa said. He patted the woman gently on the shoulder and gave her a bright smile.

The senator from Naboo gently patted his hand and thanked him.

While they spoke about speeches and politics, Anakin and I walked behind.

He leaned down, close to my ear. I could feel his warm breath and it sent a tingle down my spine.

"I'm a little hungry. What do you say we leave these two to their politics and get dinner?" He asked softly.

I knew better than to assume it was a date, although I would love for it to be one. "I can't leave Senator Organa," I said in a monotone voice. I knew if I didn't he would be able to hear the emotions when I spoke.

"There are guards around that can protect him just fine," he responded. "Besides, we will only be gone for a few minutes."

I paused and looked at him. "Alright, but only for a few minutes," I agreed. "Senators, we will be back soon. Call if you need anything."

Both of the senators smiled and gave polite nods before going back to their conversation.

Anakin led me to an elevator and pressed a button. The doors closed and the machine began to move downward.

The elevator was made of a dark gray metal so we couldn't see out and no one could see in as we traveled down to the lower levels where the mess hall was located. The size of the Galactic Senate building never ceased to amaze me.

There was complete silence for a moment.

"I sensed a bit of jealousy in you today, Y/N," Anakin said, finally breaking the silence. "Is something wrong?" He turned his head slightly to look at me.

I felt my body tense, but forced myself to relax. "Nothing is wrong. I'm just worried about Senator Organa is all."

He gave a small nod of understanding and all went quiet again.

"But what I sensed from you was strong," he continued. "It seemed more like jealousy to me."

Anakin's sense were strong and I knew he would be able to tell if I was lying. He turned so he was completely facing me now and looked into my eyes.

"I wish you would tell me what you're thinking," he said.

I sucked in a sharp breath and my heart began to pound. I could take on a battalion of droids without fear, but admitting my feelings was somehow causing my palms to sweat and body to shake.

"Anakin, I-"

Before I could say another word, his hand was gently cupping my cheek. He stood close to me now, merely inches away. I could feel him sending thoughts to me and I suddenly realized he had feelings as well.

"I wished you wouldn't hide your feelings from me," he said softly as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Attachments are forbidden." The words came out as a force of habit. Those words had been ingrained into my mind as a child, but had never stuck well with me, especially after I met Anakin.

He nodded slowly and dropped his hand, stepping away. "Alright then." He put on a stoic expression and faced the doors.

I stood there, speechless. Had I just ruined everything? I glanced up to see what floor we were on. I had only a moment left alone with him.

"Anakin," I said frantically.

His gaze turned back to me and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

I rushed forward and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him down so his lips met mine. His lips were surprisingly soft and gentle. The kiss only lasted a moment because the elevator beeped to signal we had reached our floor.

He stared at me in shock for a moment, but then people were flooding into the elevator and we were forced to step out.

I walked across the room in a daze, in disbelief at what I had done. How could something so wrong feel so right? I grabbed a plate of food and took a seat without checking to see if Anakin was behind me.

A moment later he took a seat beside me with his own plate of food. We ate our food in silence and I began to fear that I had made a horrible decision.

Romantic relationships were strictly forbidden by the Jedi council. If anyone found out... I didn't want to think about what would occur if that happened.

I felt something brush against my leg and looked down to see Anakin's hand. It was a brief touch and his hand was gone in a flash as he resumed his meal, but it was enough to reassure me.

"We should be getting back," I said after several minutes. It was partly so I could resume my guard over the senator and partly so we could ride in the elevator again.

Anakin smiled softly and we left, stepping into the elevator once again. As soon as the doors shut, his lips were on mine.

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