Special Day- Finn

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"Are you sure I look okay, Rey?" I asked, smoothing down the fabric of my dress.

Rey reached up and pinned a few stray hairs back into place.

She stepped back and looked me up and down, a soft smile on her face. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Y/N."

"Finn is going to be amazed," Rose chimed in.

She and Rey were my bridesmaids and were dressed in matching blue gowns.

I grinned at the both of them and covered my mouth with my hands. "Both of you look lovely," I told them. "Thank you so much for doing all this for me."

They had helped me plan the entire day, pick out a dress, and do my hair and makeup.

"We were happy to help," Rey told me.

I reached up and wiped away a tear before it could slip down my face and ruin my makeup. My two friends enveloped me into a hug and for several moments we just sat there, the three of us.

Finally, Rey pulled away. "Come on, it's almost time and you've kept that man waiting long enough."

I laughed lightly and sniffled. Blinking away the rest of my tears, we left the room.

I supposed I had kept him waiting long enough. We'd known each other for three years and been dating for four. I had been ecstatic when he finally proposed. And today was finally our day.

Poe and Chewie were waiting outside the doors.

"You look great!" Poe exclaimed when his eyes landed on me. Chewbacca howled in agreement.

Rey looped her arm through Chewie's and together they opened the doors and walked into the room where the wedding was held. It was a small ceremony, but traditional. Rose was escorted down the aisle next by Poe.

I clenched my sweaty hands into fists and resisted the urge to wipe them on my beautiful dress.

It was my turn. I sucked in a sharp breath and stepped out. At the end of the aisle stood Finn, looking as handsome as ever in his suit.

His expression lit up when his eyes met mine. I grinned right back at him.

It seemed to take an eternity to reach him and when I did, his large hands grasped my smaller ones. I stared into his deep brown eyes as the man giving the speech talked. I hardly listened to a word other than when it was time to say our vows.

He slipped a gold ring onto my finger, and I a silver one onto his. I stared down at our joined hands and the rings on our fingers. The thought of being with him for the rest of my life made me smile.

Finally, it was time for the kiss. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine tenderly.

I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with this man.


The reception was small just like the ceremony, but it was perfect. It was being held outside under the canopy of large trees. Lights had been strung throughout the branches and candles were placed on the center of each table.

The guests included my bridesmaids and their escorts, C-3PO, R2-D2, BB-8, and a few other people who had fought alongside us during the rebellion.

My only wish was that Leia, Luke, and Han could have been there. I missed them all greatly, and I could tell everyone else did as well.

Finn gently squeezed my hand underneath the table. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Around us, people were eating and chatting. They all seemed to be having a good time.

I met his eyes and smiled softly. "I'm fine. Just thinking about old friends."

He smiled back at me. "Would you like to dance?"

"I would love to."

We rose from our seats and he guided me out onto the makeshift dance floor made from old wood. I felt eyes on us as he placed his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

As we gently swayed with one another, someone turned up the music. A few others joined us on the dance floor, but my focus was only on the handsome man in front of me.

"I love you so much, Finn," I told him with a bright smile.

"And I love you, Y/N."

I thought you guys would enjoy some pictures of how I imagined the dress and such. Also a picture of a very attractive John Boyega in a suit.

Thanks for reading

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