Pickpocket- Luke Skywalker

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Life on Tatooine wasn't easy for an orphan, but I made do.

I walked through the dusty streets, the sun beating down made me sweat.

I scanned the area for an easy target. A woman walked nearby with her two children. An old man sat beside a building, begging for food or spare change. Shopkeepers shouted out advertisements for items they were selling, hoping to draw in some business.

Then I spotted him. He was a few years older than me. He had dirty blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. In the pocket of his clothing, I could sense a large sum of money.

I didn't need all of it. Just a few coins would do. I walked in his direction, pretending to be absorbed in the various shops and market stalls around me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him growing closer.

Just as he passed by me, I closed my eyes and concentrated. My fingers twitched then I felt the coolness of the coins in my hand just a moment later.

I clutched onto them fiercely, shoved them in my pocket, and disappeared into the crowd. I rarely ever was caught pickpocketing, but I didn't want to take any chances by sticking around until he realized some of his money was gone.

I didn't know how I had gotten my gift- my powers. I had been able to do unexplainable things for as long as I could remember. It was a blessing. It gave me a way to survive.

I pulled my hood up over my head as I walked. After a moment, I felt uneasy. A glance over my shoulder told me I was being followed.

"Bantha fodder," I muttered under my breath. I quickened my pace. How had he seen me? I had been so careful.

I glanced over my shoulder once again and accidentally locked eyes with the man. I turned my head back forwards and tried not to look so guilty, but I could tell he was on to me so I started to run.

I ran down the street and turned the corner into an alley, only to find that it was a dead end. My heart pounded and my breathing grew heavy from both my sheer panic and the running.

When I turned to escape the way I had entered, he was blocking my path out of alley. But rather than being angry and ready to kill me like I had expected, he looked almost kind. There was a small smile on his peaceful face.

I didn't fall for it though. He could kill me or beat me for stealing from him. "You can have your money back, just let me go," I said. I started to reach into my pocket. My life wasn't worth risking for a bit of change.

He raised a hand, motioning for me to leave the money. When he did, his robe shifted aside and I saw a glint of silver. A long cylinder shaped piece of metal hung at his hip, sparking my curiosity.

"How long have you been able to do that?" He asked.

"Do what?" I responded, playing dumb. I had kept my abilities a secret from everyone my entire life and that wasn't about to chance.

The young man's smile grew. "You can do things you can't quite explain. Move things. Feel things." As he spoke he stepped a bit closer to me. I felt the urge to run, but stood my ground.

I remained quiet, unsure of what to say.

He held out his hand once more. I felt the money in my pocket shift and I looked down to see it slowly float out and towards the man. He took it into his palm and slipped it back into his robe.

I stared with wide eyes. "You can do it too..." I whispered. For so long I had thought I was the only one. This time it was me who stepped closer. I couldn't help but be curious.

"I can teach you how to master it," he told me.

"What is it?" I asked, still in complete shock. "Who are you?"

"My name is Luke Skywalker," he replied. "And it is the Force that gives you your abilities. I can sense that it is strong in you."

I remained quiet. The Force. I had heard the word before but never knew that it was what gave me my gift. "My name is Y/N." I was quiet for another moment. "Can you train me?"

Luke smiled and nodded. "Come with me."

I hope you enjoyed this one. I thought it would be interesting for Luke to find a force sensitive person on his home planet.

The question I have you for today is... Do you like Ewoks?

I find them adorable!

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