Welcome Home- Poe Dameron!AU

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So this is an AU that takes place in our universe on earth

I hurried through the airport and nervously glanced down at my watch, hoping I wasn't late. Poe's plane would be landing any minute.

I saw the number for his gate and smiled as I stopped nearby.

It had been nearly a year since I had last gotten to see my boyfriend. I loved that he was serving in the military, but it was so lonely when he went away. I prayed every day that he would stay safe.

The minutes passed by painstakingly slow, but eventually the door opened and the passengers of the plane started to walk out and into the airport.

I stood on my tiptoes, trying to spot him through the crowd of people. A baby wailed and her mother tried to hush her. An old couple walked by, holding hands. A young man in a suit exited the plan, holding a briefcase.

Finally, I spotted a familiar camouflage uniform. Poe was standing there, his bag in his hand. He scanned the area until his eyes finally met mine.

My entire face lit up and I ran towards him, practically leaping into his arms.

He dropped the bag from his hand and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me around.

"I missed you so much," Poe whispered, burying his face into my neck.

I held back my tears and sniffled. "I missed you too."

After a moment, he eased me to the ground, but kept his arms around me. He was still grinning from ear to ear but his eyes were glimmering with tears.

"Welcome home, babe," I said. With a bright smile on my face, I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

I have a few ideas for different AUs but this is the one that stuck out to me the most. I found it to be cute, but let me know what your thoughts are. If you like it I can try and do more AUs.

Thank you for reading!

Question: What's your favorite Star Wars film?

Mine is Revenge of the Sith

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