I - The Beginning

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Three teenagers awoke with startling gasps.
Their first thoughts may have been panic or fear of death, but they had no recollection of where they had just been prior, so each teen's reaction was simply that of confusion. After scrambling to their feet, trying to gain a grip on the dark and sandy rubble that was the ground, they analyzed their surroundings in disbelief. They hadn't yet noticed each other, as the sky was next to pitch black, and they were too dazed to have processed the sound each other's own gasping for breath. After an adjustment to their eyes that helped them see ever so slightly, they saw each other—or rather, began to see each other, in the forms of dark but non-threatening silhouettes.
"Who...where....what..." they all seemed to say, none of them being able to form full sentences at the moment. One silhouette was fairly tall, or at least in comparison to the others. Another was shorter but close in height, while the third was shortest. Next to each other they would have formed a sort of "stair step" height, that is, if the final step has been measured incorrectly and was installed lower to the ground.
Two were guys, the third female. That much they could figure out. But something more did seem familiar about them....
A small flicker of light from above, caused by who knows what, briefly shone across the teens' faces and revealed to each other their identities. Shocked, they finally spoke up.
"You guys??"
"Huh??" asked James and Saydee.
"It's me, True!!"
"True?" exclaimed James. "How on earth are we all here? What happened?" Now they were all stumped again, and briefly left without words, but something on the horizon quickly inspired James to find his voice.
"Guys," he spoke, anxiety building in his tone. "I think we're being watched."
"How can you tell?" Saydee asked, scared out of her mind.
"That noise..." said True. "It can't be what I think it is..."
"It's an Imperial probe droid," said James. "Run."

So that was the first chapter! I'm really excited about this series! My friend mrstarwars made something very similar (go check it out. It's awesome) and now I'm giving it a shot!
I'm pretty open to ideas at the moment, so if you have any suggestions, be sure to comment!

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