Volume 2: Night Shift

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Location: Beacon Academy: Dorm rooms

I decided to wear a different outfit than my usual one. I'm wearing my new outfit called " Guardian" and a poncho called "Bravo". My teammates also had different outfits on instead of their default outfits. We were all ready to go out there and find whoever is planning their next move to destroy Vale and we will stop them from doing what they are planning. We got back from professor Port's class to get ready for the night.

Blake: I thought that class would never end.

Ruby: Alright guys, today's the day. The investigation, begins!

Ruby said while jumping off her bunk bed almost hitting Weiss.

Weiss: I'm glad that we are taking this so seriously.

Yang: Hey! We've got a plan. That's... moderately serious.

Ruby: Right, everyone remember their roles?

Weiss: You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies, or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to head out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard.

You: I'll search around in Vale for any more murder cases going around. I bet I can finally get what is coming for those two.

Ruby: Great, we'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we've found. Let's do this!

You: Let's go then!

???: Yeah!

We then looked to see who said that it was Sun who was hanging upside down from a tree with tail on it.

Blake: Sun!

Yang: How did you get up there?

Sun: Ah, it's easy. I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what?!

Sun: I climb trees all the time!

You: You're not the only one who can climb up stuff.

Weiss: You climb trees too?!

You: No. I can climb up anything, I use to climb a lot of things when I was a scraper.

Sun: Wow, that's cool.

Sun then flipped inside the dorm.

Sun: So... are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?

Blake: We, are going to investigate the situation. As a team.

Ruby: Sorry Sun, we don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to.

Sun: Pfft, that's dumb. You should always get friends involved. That's why brought Neptune.

We then all looked out the window to see Neptune by the edge of the building.

Neptune: Sup

Ruby: How did you even get up here?

Neptune: I have my ways.

You: Let me guess, you climbed up here.

Neptune: You could say that. Seriously though, can I come in. We're like, really high up right now.

You: Hang on, I got you.

I gave Neptune my hand, and helped him inside.

Neptune: Thanks man.

You: No problem, next time, just take the stairs.

Neptune: I'll keep that in mind.

Ruby: All right. I'll go with Weiss. Sun, you go with Blake. And Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner. Y/n and BD-1 will be okay together on their own. Everyone good?

Ruby said while pushing Neptune to Yang while he winked at Weiss.

Weiss: Actually Ruby, why don't you go with Yang, ha. After all she is your sister.

Ruby: But Weiss, who would go with you then?

Weiss: Well, I guess Neptune will come with me.

You: She's right, after all, she does have a crush on him.

Weiss blushed a little when I said that. Ruby took a few seconds to speak.

Ruby: (laughing) Nah.

You: Stay safe okay?

Ruby: I'll be fine, you stay safe too, okay?

You: Okay.

Me and Ruby gave each other a quick hug as good luck. Then Ruby grabbed Weiss started pull her with Ruby.

Weiss: But! But!

You: All right. We all know what to do?

All: Yes.

You: Okay, good luck, all of you. Let's go BD.

BD-1: Beep!

Me and BD left Beacon to go out into Vale to find anymore murders in Vale.

20 Hours Later

We've been searching all around Vale for 20 hours now, and it began to get dark. We were sitting on a rooftop looking at the view of the city at night.

You: I guess we didn't find anything.

BD-1: Boop.

You: Let's head back to the others.

BD got on my back to head back, but then something came at me I quickly deflected it with my lightsaber, it was an arrow, it was on the ground, it lit up and exploded at me. I went in the air for a second and hit the ground. I groaned in pain and got up from the ground. I looked to see who shot me with that arrow. I saw a woman with a red dress with her hair covering her left eye.

???: Wonderful night, isn't it?

I activated my lightsaber and get into defense mode.

You: Who are you?! What do you want from me!

???: Oh foolish child, I don't want anything from you. All I want, is you.

You: What? Why me?!

???: My teammates told me all about you. They told me about how you fight, and how you have such good abilities in you, I came here to take you with me, to take over this city, and you will work for me.

You: Never! I'll never join you!

???: (sigh) So be it.

She summoned some kind of swords made with glass out of her hands. I don't have time for this, I deactivated my lightsaber and jumped off the roof and rolled on the other one. I was running for my life, jumping from rooftop to rooftop again. I turned around for a second and saw that she was chasing me, I did a wall run on a nearby and jumped to the next roof and rolled on the ground. I didn't bother to look back, I knew she was still chasing me. I jumped to another rooftop, but I didn't see where to go, I was pinned down. I saw the woman dropped from the roof I came from.

???: Going somewhere?

She said while she summoned one sword in her right hand. I activated my lightsaber and went into defense mode.

???: I know that stance. Perhaps you had some training with you.

What? What is she talking about?

???: Who was your Master, Padawan?

How does she know that?

???: Someone I killed? What Jedi sacrifice his life so that you would live.

I had no idea how she knew who I am. I strike at her first with a Overhead Slash, but she blocked it with her sword. She went to strike, but I blocked most of her attack, she did multiple attacks to hit me, she staggered me to loose my defense, she went to strike me, but I blocked her attack in a clash. I was trying to push her back, but she was pushing me back. She's too strong for me to push her back. She had a evil smirk on her face while I had a fear look on my face, knowing I can't beat her. She was almost about to overpower me, but then I heard a ship rising from my left, it fired at the woman fighting me. I was sent to the air and went to the hit the ground. I groaned in pain, I then heard a voice from behind me.

???: Get on board!

I listened to what the man said to me, I got up from the ground and grabbed my lightsaber and went to the ship. I looked at the woman coming at us, the man pushed me out of the way into the ship while I heard gunshots, he was shooting at the woman who was fighting me. She doged or block the bullets with her sword and continued to come after us.

???: Get us out of here!

He said to the pilot flying the ship, while he pressed the button to close the doors, he kept on shooting at the woman to buy him some time for the doors to close, the woman was still coming at us, she jumped into the air to strike the man. But then the doors closed in time. I got up and activated my lightsaber to head to the cockpit with the man and pilot, we took off fast enough to escape her. Meanwhile I was still freaking out about what happened still holding my lightsaber.

Pilot: Okay, shut that thing off, and grab some seat.

I was still holding my lightsaber still activated I was breathing heavily in and out, but I listened to him and deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt.

You: Thanks for the help, but who are you people.

???: I'm General James Ironwood, headmaster of Atlas Academy.

Ironwood: What is you're name?

You: Y/n L/n. Who was that back there?

I said pointing to the door.

Ironwood: I don't know, but what I know that she is after you now, and she won't stop until she hunts you down and destroy you.

You: What? How do you know all this? And why'd you help me?

Ironwood: When we were on patrol, we heard an explosion, then we saw her fighting you, so we decided to come save you before she killed you. Take us back to Beacon Academy.

Ironwood said to the pilot.

Pilot: Yes General.

The pilot started flying us back to Beacon Academy.

Ironwood: Sit down, relax. Go you're safe, for now.

I took a seat on the ship and relax until we arrived at Beacon. What a crazy night I had.

A few minutes later

I got back to Beacon Academy, I was exhausted. I went to my teammates dorm room and knocked on the door, for Ruby to open it.

Ruby: Y/n!

She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Ruby: We were so worried about you. Are you okay?

You: Yeah, I'm okay, I'm just tired.

Ruby: Okay, well we're all ready for bed anyways. Come on, you could use a goodnight sleep after all that work you did.

You: Did you guys did your search?

Ruby: Yeah, we almost got Torchwick, but then one of his new henchman intervene and escape.

You: Well that stinks.

Ruby: Yeah, but we'll get him next time, I'm sure.

You: Yeah, well I'm gonna get washed up and get to bed.

Ruby: Alright, I'll see you when you're ready.

I then went to the bathroom locked the door, took off my clothes and get in the shower. There's no way that knows I'm a Jedi, how did she know? I can't let her take me, and I can't let her hurt my friends and Ruby. I got out of the shower and went to bed with Ruby. I hope we will catch them, and I hope that we will bring them to justice, and I'll be ready.

To be continued.

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