Volume 2: More stressed

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Location Beacon Academy

It's been only a week since the incident I had with that woman. She knew who I am, she knew that I am a Jedi, and now she's after me. I don't know what they're planning, but I will stop them from making their next move to hit Beacon Academy, I know something is coming and it's big. It will be more than the Jedi Purge. I couldn't sleep for four days, I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, I don't care about that now, people's lives are at stake, and I will stop them, I will stop an entire army if have to. I was with my team in professor Goodwitch's class. I just saw Pyrrha just wiped out Cardin's team, she is a natural fighter indeed. They had time for one more match until that gray hair guy's name Mercury wanted to fight someone, I'm guessing he's gonna choose Pyrrha.

Mercury: I'll fight, him.

What? I looked to him seeing that he was pointing at me, he wants to fight me? After what happened in last semester? This is not good, he's testing me, seeing how strong I am so he can report to his friends so that will have the advantage to come after me so they can hunt me down and destroy me. Fine if he wants a fight? I'll give him a fight, but I won't go easy on him.

You: Well then Mercury, I will be glad to oblige in you're challenge.

I said with a fake smile on my face.

Glynda: Very well then. Come down here when you're ready.

I then got out of my seat with BD-1 and head on down to the arena. I was in my casual outfit from last time without my poncho on. I got into the arena so did Mercury. We both walked In a circle for a few seconds. I had a furious face on me. Mercury didn't have a weapon on him, I'm guessing he's using his fists or legs to fight me.

A/n: Mercury can block your lightsaber attacks with his legs.You don't know that they are robotic legs yet. That's all you need know, back to the story.

Mercury then got into fighting position, and I got out my lightsaber and activate it and get into my fighting stance. We looked at each other for a few seconds, then I started to charge at him with an Overhead Slash move, he doged out of the way from my strike and kicked me. He almost kicked, so I doged roll out of the way from his kick. I kept my distance from him. I wasn't being so easy on him like I said, he was going to strike me again, but I parried his kick staggering him to his balance, I strike his chest with my saber to get enough damage on him, he groaned in pain a little bit.

Mercury: Ha, that was nothing.

You: Let's see what you can do on the next one then.

We then charged I each other, but i used my Force Slow on him to slow him down. I charged at him with a Overhead Slash move. I saw that it depleted his Aura, looks like I win this battle.

Glynda: Y/n L/n wins this battle.

Mercury was on the ground, so I pretend to offer him a hand up, he actually accepted it. I pulled him up and whispered something to his ear.

You: *whispering* I don't know what you're planning here, but it will not happen. You don't know me that well, but I know you enough that what you are doing here, is going to kill millions of people. So I suggest that you stay away from me, and my friends. And if you ever, ever! Touch one of them, I will not hesitate to strike you down in our other battle between us, I will say this again. Stay. Away. From. Us. Do I make myself clear?

He nodded his head in a little scared way.

You: Good.

I let go of Mercury and quickly excited the area with a furious look still on my face. I was then greeted by Sun who was waiting for me and my team.

Sun: Hey, Y/n!

You: What is it Sun?

Sun: I heard that there's a dance this weekend, and if you have date with you, you bring her there right? I know it's not my style, but I know it's gonna be a good time. So, what do you say? Are you interested in going?

I took a moment to say something.

You: I don't have time for this stupid dance.

I walked away from Sun. My team heard that from me and they had sad looks on their faces. I quickly went back to my dorm and sat in silence. I need time to think to myself. Am I really going to save these people from danger? Did I come to this planet for nothing? No. I didn't come to this for nothing. My job is to protect these people from danger. I then heard my teammates entered the room, Ruby sat next to me, Weiss, Blake and Yang sat down the other bed in front of me.

Weiss: Y/n, We need to talk.

You: What do we need to talk about?

Yang: We want you to come to the dance.

You: You what?

Ruby: We want you to go to the dance.

You: That's ridiculous.

Yang: Y/n, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.

Weiss started talking counting her fingers of what I didn't do.

Weiss: You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering.

You: You think I care about grades? People's lives are at stake.

Yang: We know and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.

Ruby: Thanks to Blake and Sun, we know they're operating somewhere out of the Southeast of Vale.

Weiss: And the Schnee company record singled out Vale as the primary target for dust robberies over the last few months.

Yang: Don't forget about their missing military tech too.

You: But there's still unanswered questions.

Ruby: Y/n you won't be able to find anything if you can't keep your eyes open.

Yang: All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day.

Blake: The event will be fun when it starts.

Weiss: It will be fun. Yang and I will make sure of it.

Yang: Yeah! We're planning the whole event.

You: Excuse me?

Weiss: Team CFVY's mission away lasted longer than expected.

Yang: So Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night.

Weiss: And once it's all over we'll return to our search, rested and ready.

Ruby: So, what you think Y/n?

It took me a few seconds to answer her question.

You: I think this is a colossal waste of time.

I said leaving the others and went to the door.

You: I'll be in the library.

I then left the others and BD-1 to go to the library.

Location: Library

I was on one of the holographic computers to find out more about those people that attacked me.

Ruby: Y/n?

I heard Ruby's voice, I didn't bother to look at her, not right now.

Ruby: Y/n please, talk to me.

I still didn't respond, I was still focusing on the screen not looking at Ruby.

Ruby: Y/n, please answer me.

I guess she has to talk to me.

You: What do you want Ruby.

Ruby: I want to talk to you.

You: What do you want to talk about, about me?

Ruby: Yes, I want to talk to you alone.

It took me a few seconds to speak to her.

You: (sigh) Alright.

I got out of my chair and followed Ruby. She led me to one of the classrooms that were empty, I guess this is a good spot to be alone with her.

You: What do you want to talk about?

Ruby: Y/n, I'm worried about you, we are worried about you. You can barely sleep, you can barely eat, and you can barely keep your grades up.

You: How can I be so focused on those while people's lives are at stake.

Ruby: Y/n, we can get back to that when you take a break for one day. You're pushing yourself away from me, and your friends. I don't like seeing you this way, I wanna see you when you are happy, and calm, I want you back Y/n please, I love you.

My heart started beating when she said that and it almost made me cry.

You: Have you ever heard the Droid Army Ruby?

Ruby: What?

You: Have you or not.

Ruby: No, I never heard of that before.

I walked to the empty desk and put my hands on the desktop.

You: My kind had been at war with these killing machines for years. And I was still a Padawan Learner.

Ruby: Y/n, I-

You: But then after years of fighting, we finally won the war. We finally got a chance to live in a world at peace, but then the clone troopers turned on us. They killed every Jedi around the Galaxy! They killed Jedi Masters, Jedi Knights, Padawans, they even killed the Younglings!

I turned around to see Ruby in a face of sadness and shock.

You: I was the only one that survived the Jedi Purge. I was only a child when that happened. That's why I've been alone for five years, and I know that we are at war again. Struggling to the enemy that's behind all of this. I have to stop them, I have to do whatever takes to save this world, and I will not rest until they are stoped, because I don't want the same thing to happen here at Beacon. So no Ruby. I will not go to this stupid dance, these people don't know that we are at war, a war that someday cannot be won. This needs to stop, and it needs to stop now!

I said raising my voice at her, she was about to cry when I told her what happened to me.

You: I don't have time for this.

I started to walk away from Ruby, but then I felt something on my wrist, I turned to see it was Ruby holding my wrist looking at me with tears in her eyes.

You: Ruby, I don't want to have this conversation anymore.

She still hold my wrist. Then she turned me around to face her.

You: Ruby I told you, I don't want to have this conversation anymore, just leave me alone.

Ruby then kissed me on the lips. I knew I couldn't resist that, so I kissed her back, we closed our eyes for this moment with tears in our eyes. We began to do our own make out on one of the seats in the classroom. Her arms were around my neck and my arms were around her waist, what am I doing, I did not mean to hurt her or the others, I don't know what came to me. We kept on doing this for ten minutes, until we stopped because of lack of air. We then looked at each other with tears in our eyes, when the put our four heads together.

You: I don't want to lose you.

I said between my tears.

Ruby: I know you don't, but please, don't shut me out, don't shut us out. We're here for you, I'm here for you.

I heard Ruby's voice in sadness, knowing that she cares about me. I love her.

You: I'm sorry Ruby, I don't know what happened to me, I'm just so stressed out that the enemy is still out there.

Ruby: It's okay Y/n, I forgive you. I know we will be ready for what they are planning next. So please, don't shut us out, we're here for you okay?

You: Okay, I love you.

Ruby: I love you too.

Me and Ruby kissed again one more time. We then released our selves from each other again.

Ruby: Come on, let's head back, the others are waiting for us.

You: You're right, I guess I should apologize to them.

Ruby: So, will you come to the dance with me?

I took a moment to speak to Ruby.

You: Of course I will go with you.

Ruby: Thank you, I just want you to have a good time.

You: I will.

We then head to our dorm rooms. I saw that the girls are ready for bed.

Yang: Well well well. I noticed that Ruby convinced you to go to the dance?

You: Yes. Look girls, I'm sorry from my behavior, I guess I was too stressed out about with all of this going on. I guess I was working too hard to find what the enemy is planning next.

Weiss: It's okay, after all, we will make sure that you will have the best night ever.

Yang: Yeah! I know you will.

Blake: I guess we'll all have a good time at the dance.

You: I get that now. Thank you, all of you.

Ruby: I guess we should all get some rest the dance is tommorow night.

We all agree with Ruby and I got into my sleeping wear like usual. I climbed on Ruby's bed and we kissed each other good night. I finally can get some sleep for once. Ruby and the others are with me and so as BD-1, I'm not alone, I'm with the girl I love, and friends to look out for me.

To be continued.

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