Volume 2: The Dance

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Tonight's the night, it is time for us to head to the dance. I can't wait to go there, after days of searching and searching, I got overwhelmed by it, but I think it's time for me to enjoy this moment while it lasts. Luckily, I bought one of the suits that were in Vale for a cheap price. It looks good on me for tonight's dance. I went to go look at myself in the mirror to see how I look.

This suit looks good on me. For once, I never actually wear a suit before in my life, but now I do. I got a text message from my Scroll, it's from Ruby. She said to me to wait for her outside by the statue near the ballroom. I guess I should go wait for her there. I went to get BD-1 and he got on my back, I know he's not allowed to go to the dance, but I can't just leave him here. I went outside to wait for Ruby to come. I sat down by a near by bench to wait for her.

You: Where is she?

Ruby: Y/n!

I heard Ruby's voice to my left. I got up from the bench and... she looks so beautiful in that dress.

I feel like I can't take my eyes off of her, she looks so beautiful. She noticed me that I was starting at her, she had a small blush on her face.

Ruby: Stop staring, you making me nervous.

I then got back to my senses and looked away from her.

You: Sorry, It's just... you look beautiful in that dress.

Ruby looked at me and i looked back at her again.

Ruby: Thanks, you look good in that suit.

You: Thanks.

Ruby: You're also bringing BD-1 with you?

BD-1: Beep.

You: Don't worry, he won't cause any trouble, he'll let me know what will happen here if something goes wrong.

Ruby: Y/n, nothing will happen here at the dance tonight, we'll have a good time.

You: BD will still be with me, just in case.

Ruby: (sigh) Fine.

Ruby then was walking to me while she was loosing her balance from wearing heels.

You: You having trouble wearing those?

Ruby: Yeah, Weiss made me wear these things. I told I would rather wear my boots, but she- whoa!

She got cut off by almost falling down, so I got caught her to stop her from falling. We then looked at each other's eyes for a good few minutes. Her beautiful sliver eyes were shining with the reflection of the the moonlight, while she was starting at my E/C eyes. We then got back to our senses and we let go of each other.

You: Well, that was something.

Ruby: Yeah, sorry.

You: It's okay, it's you're first time wearing a dress.

Ruby: I just can't wait to get back in my other clothes.

You: Guess you'll have to wait until this is over.

Ruby then playfully punched me in the shoulder gently.

Ruby: You're one to talk.

You: I only speak the best. So, shall we?

I extended my hand for Ruby to take, she gladly took my hand.

Ruby: We shall.

We then started walking to the ballroom where the dance is taking place. Ruby was still trying to get used to walking in heels, so I hold her by her side and helped her walk carefully to the ballroom.

Location: Ballroom

We entered through the doors of the ballroom. We were then greeted by Yang who was wearing a white dress standing by post where she checks off the people that made it here, she then noticed at us and spoke to us.

Yang: Oh, you two look beautiful!

Ruby: Ugh. Can we have a series talk about how Weiss flights in these? Whoa.

Ruby then started to struggle again to walk.

You: Hang on, I got you.

I then helped her again to prevent from falling over.

Ruby: Thanks.

BD-1: Bwoop.

Yang: You brought your little friend too?

You: Don't worry, he's just here for security.

Yang: Well, have fun you two.

You: Thanks, we will.

Yang then checked off our names and we walked down to the center of the ballroom.

Ruby: So, what do we do now?

You: We dance, duh.

Ruby: I'm not sure. I'm not that much of a dancer.

You: Well, better than to teach you right now.

Ruby: Wait wha- whoa!

I cut her off by grabbing her hand carefully to the dance floor. We then got into position to get ready to dance.

You: Put one hand on my shoulder, and the other in my hand.

Ruby did exactly what I said to her. She put one han on my shoulder and her other on my left hand. While I put my hand around her waist, she started blushing a bit when I did that. We then started dancing, swaying side to side. After that I started to spin her around and she spinned back in to me.

Ruby: Wow, I didn't know you were this good at dancing. How did you know how to dance?

You: Well, turns out I didn't know how to, just went with it.

We then kept on dancing to the music that was playing. And here come the slow dance music. A really calm slow dancing country music.


(This is actually one of my favorite music to listen. Please don't give me a copyright strike).

Me and Ruby started to slow dance. We started move side to side from the slow dance, Ruby had her head on my neck and started to enjoy this moment with the both of us.

You: You know, there's some people staring at us.

Ruby: Or maybe their starting at us for being a beautiful couple.

You: I don't know. I'm just a regular boy, and you're a regular girl.

Ruby then started put her arms around my neck, and I started to put my arms around her waist, Ruby looked at me and started to speak.

Ruby: We are just so happy together, you and me.

You: I guess I am glad that we are together, just you and me, right?

Ruby: And this is how much I love you.

Ruby then started put her lips on mine and started to kiss me, I kissed her back and enjoying this moment me and her, as a happy couple. We had our eyes closed for this moment.I know that we will make it through this, and everything will be alright for all of us. A few minutes later the music ended and we released each other from our lips, we opened our eyes and looked at each other with smiles on our faces. We then went to go hang out Yang and Weiss.

Yang: Nice going you two. And Y/n, you got some good moves for what you did to Ruby, how did you know how to dance?

You: Uh, it's a long story.

Yang: Eh, who cares. I know you could be a good dancer.

Weiss. We're glad you are feeling a lot better from last time.

You: I guess I really did pushed myself too hard on the investigation, I guess really do need this moment to take a break. Thanks to Yang and Weiss, they really did a good job planning this.

Yang: Hey, no problem, anyone deserves to have a good time.

Weiss: Well, you two have fun!

Yang and Weiss left go enjoy the dance.

You: Hey, you don't mind I'm gonna go get some fresh air.

Ruby: Go ahead, I'll go hang out with Jaune for a bit.

You: Okay.

We then went our separate ways for now. I went outside to breathe in the fresh night air and looked at the stars and the cracked moon in the sky.

You: I wonder why is the moon like that?

BD-1: Bweep.

You: I don't know too, but It really does look beautiful out here.

Me and BD-1 enjoyed the night outside for a few minutes.

BD-1: Beep-boop?

You: What is it?

I followed for what BD was looking at, I saw a strange woman jumping on the rooftops on one of the Beacon buildings.

You: That doesn't look good.

I then followed the woman, she was heading to one of the CCT towers. I saw that some of the guards that were knocked out cold. This does not look good at all. I got out my Scroll to call in the pod that had my lightsaber in it. It got to my location and landed in front me. The hatch opened to reveal my Master's damaged lightsaber.

I picked up and clipped it to my belt. I entered through the entrance of the tower and looked around, there were bodies everywhere. I checked one of the guards pulse, he was alive, they're all were alive just knocked out. I entered the elevator and pressed the button to head to the top floor.

You: Stay sharp BD, we don't know who that lady is.

BD-1: Bwoop-beep.

The elevator doors open to reveal the top floor of the tower. There were computers around here.

You: Hello?! Is anyone here?! Come out and show yourself, I know you're in here.

Then the lady from what I saw from the roof came out from under the cubicles.

You: Hey, who are you, identify yourself.

She didn't say anything. Wait, is she... no, it can't be, it's her. She's the one who attacked me on the roof the other night.

You: You!

She was surprised that I found out who she was.

You: You can't hide your face through that mask, I recognized you. You're the same woman that attacked me the other night! I'm not gonna let you take over this school, and I'm not gonna let you hurt these people!

She smirked at me summoning her blades. I got my lightsaber from my belt, activate it and got into my fighting stance.


(Music Playing)

I charged at her first with an Overhead Slash to hit her, but she blocked my strike, she swung her two swords at me to hit me, but I blocked her strike as well. She backed away from me and summoned a bow and arrow from her hands, and shot explosive arrows at me at the ground. I yelled in pain and went into the air for a few seconds and my lightsaber went out of my hand, deactivated by itself and hit the floor away from me, I hit the ground floor hard. I groaned in pain and saw the woman about to stab me, but I rolled on floor to kick her in the face, she winced in pain. I got up quickly and to get my lightsaber from the floor, but I was tackled to the ground by the woman. She was on top of me not wanting me to get up. She then was about to stab me with one of her swords, but I grabbed the handle to push her back. I was struggling to push her back, she was still going to stab me, but I made a good move, I quickly punched her in the face and kicked her off me. I quickly got up from the floor and went to go get my lightsaber from the ground, I picked it up and activate it again to get into my fighting stance to face her. But then I heard the elevator doors open I looked quickly and see who it is, it was General Ironwood, I looked back at the woman, but she wasn't there anymore, she's gone. Where did she go?

(Music End)

You: No! She got away!

Ironwood: Who got away, who was here?

You: You remember that woman who was attacking me on the roof that night?

Ironwood: Yes?

You: She was here! She was actually here, she was wearing a mask!

Ironwood was surprised from what I said. He got out his scroll to inform his soldiers.

Ironwood: (From scroll) All units, search the outside of the tower and the ballroom, we have been breached! I want every men to search around the campaus, and try not to cause a panic.

Soldier: (From Scroll) Yes General!

Ironwood then put his scroll away while I sat on one of the chairs in the tower exhausted. I put my hands on my face exhausted.

Ironwood: You did what you could to stop her.

You: Now she knows where I am. Whatever she was planning, it wasn't good. She came here for a reason.

Ironwood: I suggest you head back to your team, we'll handle it from here.

You: But-

Ironwood: Don't worry about what happened tonight. Just come to professor Ozpin's office tomorrow morning. There, you will tell us what happened here.

I took a moment to speak to him.

You: Okay. I'll report this to my team and-

Ironwood: It's best not to tell them what happened here tonight, just keep this to yourself.

You: Okay, thank you sir.

I left Ironwood to do his business. I heard back to the elevator, pressed the button for the doors to close and head back down.

BD-1: Bwoop?

You: I don't know buddy, we'll have to find out about that for tommorow.

To be continued.

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