Chapter 1: Shattered

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7

In Green Hill, Tails and Cisco looks around then makes a turn in a Tornado as he flies toward the mountain.

"Come on, Egghead, show me what you got!" Sonic said.

The giant bot climbs onto the cliff, facing Sonic.

"That's the spirit, rodent— the spirit of a loser!"

Eggman makes the bot slams its fist on Sonic, only for him to dodge and land on the rock wall.

"Takes one to know one. Ha!" Sonic says back.

He dodges again by spin dashing as Eggman tries to smash. On the ground below, Cat Noir, Ladybug, and some of the other heroes are battling against Badniks.

"Why do I feel Eggman's keeping us off the main stage?" Ladybug questioned with suspicion.

Cat Noir then jumps down and lands on the Badnik.

"Eggman's got us fighting the Badniks so he can have Sonic all to himself." Cat Noir said as he bashed a Badnik with his stick.

"Let's go crash his show!" Drago said as he blasted a Badnik apart.

The heroes jump on higher levels and fight Badniks along the way. Eggman's bot keeps missing Sonic and punches the rock wall with Sonic laughing.

"One scrambled egg, coming up." Sonic spins and knocks the bot back to the edge as Eggman screams and groans through the bot. Tails and Cisco watches from the plane.

"Hmm. I don't like this." Tails said.

"Me either. It looks too easy..." Cisco said.

"Dr. Eggman's too smart not to realize how terribly positioned he is." Tails pulls out his gadget to show the figure of Eggman's bot as the red could be spotted on the head.

"It's almost like he's—" Tails and Cisco let out a sharp gasp.

"He's not in there." they said in unison.

"We have to warn Sonic, now!" Cisco said.

Eggman's bot balances itself and does some moves.

"Quaking in your tiny shoes at the might of my Eggcrusher? It's understandable. I'm rather astounding."

"In your dreams! You bring it, I break it, Eggman." Sonic grinned, punching his hand then doing a dance move. "That's the game, and I'm still the undefeated numero uno."

"Then put your quills where your mouth is, unless you're scared!"

"Oh no..." Cisco gasped.

Tails turns the plane and shoots the Eggcrusher.

"It's a trap, Sonic! It's a trap!" Tails shouted.

"He's tricking you! Don't listen to him!" Vibe shouted.

"I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one." Sonic said with a thoughtful look.

Eggman cackles, making Sonic glare at him.

"Something funny, Egghead?" Sonic asked in a glare.

"You are! Watching you try to think with that two-cent brain of yours is hilarious!"

"Sonic! You gotta listen! It's a trap!" Tails shouted.

"Don't let him get to you! He's taunting you!" Cisco shouted.

Eggman groans and the Eggcrusher shoots at Tails and Cisco as a beam chases them. Ladybug and Cat Noir watch from the ground.

"You're as stupid as your mutant, two-tailed fox friend that is ugly."

Sonic begins to get angry after hearing him insult his friend.

"Oh, you're really asking for it." Sonic glared as blue lightning sparks off him.

"Yes... I am!"

"You can mess with me, Eggman, but no one messes with my best friend."

Sonic charges at the Eggcrusher in speed.

"Sonic! Noooo!!!" Tails screamed.

Sonic runs on the cliff above the Eggcrusher and spins down and knocks it off the edge. Tails, Cisco, snd the other heroes watch it fall back. Sonic keeps spinning at it and drives it into the ground. The shockwave throws two residents back. Big drops a fishing pole and catches Froggy. Shadow sees the shockwave coming and it engulfs him. The Eggcrusher forms a crater. A crack goes up the rock walls to the top of the mountain. The top explodes and leaves more cracks. Smoke rises from the crater. Sonic stands on the Eggcrusher, looking surprised and looks at his hands.

"Whoa! Didn't know I had that in me." He said as he grins and jumps in victory.

"That's what you get for messing with my friends, Egghead!"

He looks into the bot, only to find nothing but a machine that glows light blue before it died down.

"Huh? Wh-where's Eggman? He must have ejected." Sonic said as he moves his head away from the inside of the bot.

"Well, looks like we win again." He looks up at them.

"Tails! Vibe! He's not even in here. Lame, right? Too chicken to face us in person. Whatevs! Couldn't have done it without ya, buddies!"

Frowning, Tails flies away while Cisco glares at him.

"Whoa, Tails looks upset. But I've never seen Cisco mad before." Cat Noir said, looking to where they have gone.

"And Tails never gets upset." Ladybug added with worry.

Eggman peaks out from behind tree and starts laughing.

"It worked! Without the power of that blue buffoon, we would have had to dig for months. Thank you for the earthquake, Sonic, and thank me for my plan, which went off spectacularly." Eggman said.

"And it worked, too!" Cubot added excitedly.

"Of course it worked! I just said that!" Eggman snapped at him before sighing. "Ugh, let's go. Papa wants his Crystal."

Orbot and Cubot fist bump and follow Eggman. The mountain looms in the distance.

Sonic runs to Tails' lab and stops at the keypad by the door and types "1992". The red door opens to reveal Tails is sitting on a stool at the computer typing. Cisco is leaning against the table reading his book.

"Yo! How's my genius friend?" he nervously greeted.

"Hey, Sonic." Tails greeted back in a flat tone before going back to typing.

"I brought you some comics." Sonic said.

"Thanks, Sonic, you can put them over there."
Cisco pointed to the table next to him to place them here. Sonic chuckles awkwardly at their tone.

"How about a little break from the big brain stuff and all the reading?" Sonic suggested.

"I can't. Something's not right. I gotta figure out what Eggman is up to." Tails said as Sonic frowns and steps closer to Tails, Cisco and turns him around.

"Sorry, Tails, Vibe. I didn't mean to upset you. In fact, I've never seen you so upset or seen you so angry before. I just kinda got into the moment and..."

Tails raises his hand.

"Sonic, it's cool. Really. But thanks. I appreciate it." Tails said.

"Same here, I forgive ya." Cisco said.

"Don't you think it was weird that Eggman wasn't in the Eggcrusher?" Tails asked.

"Uh, not really. I mean, he is a total chicken." Sonic shrugged.

"Sonic, be serious. This is Eggman we're talking about. He always have a plan with a purpose." Cisco scolded.

"But I did find a hunk of junk in the cockpit where his big butt shoulda been." Sonic mentioned.

"Hunk of junk, huh?" Tails said with a thoughtful look. "Wonder if that was all part of the trap? Tell me you didn't toss it in the barge of badnik parts."


Sonic takes off and comes back with the junk he found.

"Junk speed delivery! You smash it, we dash it!" Sonic said.

"Whoa, lemme see that!" Tails takes it and gets a look. "It wasn't a trap, it was a trick."

"A trick? How?" Cisco asked as he takes a look at the device.

"You've never created a blast that destructive. I think that this device was some sort of speed amplifier. Long story short, he used your speed against you!" Tails explained.

"The fox is on to something." a new voice said.


They turn to see Blinkous and Dictatious sitting on the wooden door.

"Blinky? Dic?" Sonic and Tails said in surprise.

"How did you get in here?" Sonic asked.

"He played you for a fool, Sonic." Blinky said.

"Pfft! Please!" Sonic scoffed.

"He's not wrong, though." Cisco said.

"Hey!!" Sonic said hurt by the insult.

"What would he need a massive explosion in that area for?" Tails asked.

"Well... we have a hunch." Dictatious said.

The Galadrigal brothers brings out their Palismen floats down from the top of the door.

"You see, during our time exploring our world, Earth-Prime, we've been searching for the last 4 years for a super rare and shiny gem called the Kyber Crystal." Blinky said.

"Kyber Crystal??" Sonic said. The troll brothers then lands in front of them.

"Legend speaks of untold power, and it's buried deep within the Green Hill bedrock. Our guess is that he used your power against you to try to find it." Dictatious explained.

The trio were surprised at this new information.

"Fascinating. But what I really want to know is, how did you get in here?" Sonic said.

Blinkous and Dictatious look at him funny and deadpans.

"You left the door open." Dictatious said as he points to the door that is still opened, which Cisco glares at Sonic.

"Gather the team and meet us at the top of the loop-de-loop. Let's find out what Eggman is up to." Blinky said.

On the loop-de-loop, Sonic and others stare at where the shockwave was caused by Sonic as they detect a smoke along with the crack on the rock wall.

"I think Blinkous and Dictatious are right." Mario said looking at the area where the destruction was caused.

"Eggman picked that spot for a reason. Why else would he hide a power amplifier in his own Eggcrusher?" Zane said.

"So we start at the scene of the crime like how I do at my other job." Barry stated.

"Exactly. Let's go investigate and see if anything might lead us to this Kyber Crystal you guys are talking about." Oliver said.

"And we better do this fast or else it's too late." Marinette added.

"Let's stick together and we'll-" Oliver was cut off by Sonic.

"Perfect! I'm gonna ring up. Meet you there." Sonic said as he sped off.

"Sonic!" Jim shouts.

"Sonic, hold up!" Luigi called.

Sonic spins down to the ground and runs through a purple puddle.

"He promised he'll listen." Wolf facepalmed.

"I guess he didn't hear the 'stick together' part." Oliver said in frustration.

"Does he ever?" Shadow questioned, not surprised at this.

"No. But he also hasn't let us down when it really counts. You know Sonic. He'll catch up at some point." Barry assured.

"I hope you're right..." Draal said a little worried.

Later, the team were riding in the seat Waverider towards the mountain. They fly over the crater.

"Wow! Are you guys seeing this? Look at the fault line. It goes right up the mountain." Cole said.

"Whoa, you're right." Adrien said.

"Ugh." Logan scoffed as he smokes.

"Anyone noticing that?" Blinky pointed to the cloud. "That cloud hasn't moved an inch. Something's unnatural. Sara!"

"Already on it." Sara says as she moves the Waverider to fly up to the mountain. They burst through the cloud and reach the cave entrance with different Badniks outside of it.

"Whoa. Do you think Sonic's in there?" Kai asked.

"With all those Badniks still standing?" Bowser questioned.

"Our pal's not exactly the stealthy type." Mick added.

"We got here before him? How?" Donkey Kong questioned.

"That's unlikely of Sonic. He normally comes in first before us." Piranha said, looking concerned.

"Find a spot to land. Let's find out what's going on." Oliver said to Sara.

"I just hope Sonic comes soon." Jim said.

On the ground, Sonic keeps running.

"We can wrap this up before dinner. Mmm. Chili dogs. But first, just in case Eggman gets in a lucky shot, Rings!" He said.

He gets a few floating gold rings that pops out then a few more. He turns and gets some more.
In another direction, Silver the Hedgehog flies with cyan streaks behind him. He jumps onto a higher path then he jumps down and speeds towards Sonic. Sonic sees him and screams.


Before he could stop himself, Silver punches Sonic into the air. Back to them as Sonic falls on the ground. He gets up and looks at him in shock.

"Silver?!" Sonic said in shock.

"What did you do?!" Silver demanded.

"What did I do? Eggman's the bad guy here." Sonic said.

"Yet your actions shook the area." Blaze the Cat said as he flew down.

"Blaze? You're here too?" Sonic said surprised to see her.

"Along with the three of us." Scratch said with Geoff and Jeff behind him.

"You three are here as well?" Sonic said more surprised.

"Yes, because of something we've felt in the Still Force." Jeff said.

"Oh boy... let me guess, there's a new threat coming or a disaster in the future." Sonic said not so surprised.

"Wow! You're good." Geoff said happily.

Meanwhile, in Green Hill, the superheroes are fighting the Badniks up on the mountain where the cave is.

"Where's Sonic?" Wolverine questioned, punching the bots away. "How long does it take to collect rings? I thought we were doing this together."

Toby hammers away the bot with Aarghaumont by his side as he smashed away with his shield.

"Sure would be nice if he'd stick to the plan." He said as he hammers the caterpillar robot, but another knocks him back and crawls toward him. Someone knocks it away as Toby sees it was Drago who throws it.

"Tell me about it. No gem is worth me losing my wings." Drago said as kicks away two Badniks. A small device zaps another one and flies in a circle as Webs controls it.

"Don't worry, guys, Sonic will show. I know he will." She said as she zaps more Badniks. "I just hope it's in time."

"He better be quick. It's unlikely of him to be late." Rykarr said as he smashed some Badniks into scrap.

Shadow air skates away from the Badniks before jumping off the rock wall and sending a powerful kick as they went flying.

"And he should've listened." Shadow growled.

On the ground, Sonic spots explosions on top of the mountain where the others are fighting.

"Oh no! My friends!" Sonic exclaimed as he saw more explosions. "Look guys, I gotta go! Thanks for the warning."

"What? No! Wait! Sonic, you haven't heard—" Silver starts before Sonic left in a gust of wind.

"He never listens." Blaze said not so surprised.

"So what do we do now?" Jeff said looking at the others.

"Come on, follow me. Before it's too late." Silver said as they go after Sonic.

Sonic zooms past the destroyed robot and runs up the wall. Once he made it to the top, Sonic runs into the cave and skids to a stop.

"Hey, guys! I made it!" He shouts in victory.

The team of superheroes all glare at him as they shouted.

"You're late!!!"

Eggman perked up at his voice and turned around.

"Sonic!" Eggman said with hate as Sonic grins at him.

"Eggman!" Sonic said as he pounded his fists together.

Eggman stands with his robots along with Orbot and Cubot.

"Just in time to watch me claim the Kyber Crystal and transform your disgustingly green world into something more..."

Eggman stands behind the multicolored crystals that glows.


He then lets out his nefarious laughter once again. Sonic lands and opens his mouth.


Everyone gets into their fighting stance.

"Yep, I 'yawned' you, Eggman." Sonic says in a mocking way.

Eggman growls in anger and points at them.

"Crush them all!!" He ordered his army.

Sonic and his super friends rushed to battle Eggman's Badniks. Sonic spins through one bot. Ladybug spins her yo-yo and hits another bot. Aarghaumont punches another. Shark kicks. Toby smashes with his hammer. Green Arrow shoots. Sonic busts other bots, but one of the Badniks comes behind and hits him, causing some rings to fall out of him. Drago flies in and catches him.

"Sonic!" Drago chuckles as he hold onto him.

"Yo, Drago!" Sonic laughed as Drago whipped Sonic away to the Badniks.

Sonic jumps and lands by Wolverine who's slashing away with claws at the Badniks.

"Wolvie! You okay, buddy?" he asked, kicking one off.

The Badnik goes to charge them when Wolverine catches it.

"Nothing flusters me, Sonic..."

He then throws the bot at the other as they exploded. He glares at him over his shoulder.

"...except when you're late."

Wolverine runs off to fight more bot, leaving Sonic smiling. What he didn't notice is the caterpillar bot comes behind him. Luckily, Supergirl comes to the rescue and kicks it away.


"Thanks, Supergirl!" Sonic waved at her.

"Don't mention it. Literally." Supergirl said as she focused back on the fight.

Supergirl then flies off. Toby jumps and hammers the bottom part and stops the head from rolling away. Blue flickies flies out of the head. Sonic zooms in and leans casually on the head.

"Minotaur!" Sonic says as Toby smiles to see him.

"Sonic! Where have you been?" Toby asked.

"Got a little sidetracked." He answered.

Sonic spins away, up the rock wall and into the air. He then knocks out three flying bots with his spin dash and Toby hammers away the third one.
Lloyd slashes through most of the Badniks as he does Spinjitzu to whip them around as Sonic joins in.

"Heya, Lloyd!" Sonic said as he blows a blast of Wind at a Badnik.

"Sonic! What happened? You were never late at the time like this." Lloyd asked, spinning his sword before hitting the bot away.

"Everything's fine. Just ran into Silver, Blaze, and the Time Ghosts." Sonic said. Lloyd's eyes widened to heard them.

"What?" Lloyd said surprised.

"I'll explain later." Sonic said as he goes back to the fight.

Aarghaumont sees the flying bot coming behind Sonic and jumps and destroys it with his shield as his weapon flies back to him.

"Must stop Egghead!" Aarghaumont says to Sonic.

"Get that rock out of the ground!" Eggman ordered.

Bots with drills on their noses work on the base of the crystals, the Kyber Crystal. But everytime they tried to go near, the Crystal shocked them with electricity. Eggman growls in frustration as he pulls his mustache down before letting it go. He then jumps into the giant bot.

"Want something done, do it yourself."

Sonic lands next to Green Arrow as they keep taking down the bots.

"Sonic, we don't know what the Crystal is capable of. Be careful." Green Arrow warned him.

"If Eggman wants it, it can't be good." Toby said, hammering away the bots.

"It's always never good when it comes to finding something special." Zane said, slicing the bots in half as ice could be seen.

"Got it!" Sonic said, rushing after Eggman.

In a giant bot, Eggman grabs the Crystal and pulls.

"Step away from the rock, Egghead."

"Not this time, you fool."

Sonic speeds toward the Crystal. Eggman struggles to pull it free. The electricity bolts arc around its claws. Flash and Draal notices this and feels something wasn't right and goes after Sonic in speed.

"Sonic, stop! Something's wrong!!" Flash says as he and Draal speed after him.

Sonic jumps and spins at it as Flash and Draal jumps at him at the same time. Eggman grins.

"Sonic, wait!!" Lloyd called.

Something glows from under the Crystal. All the superheroes shouted at Sonic.


Sonic and his friends fall back and everything shatters in different glowing colors. In slow motion, the team of superheroes float in beams of light. Everything goes black.

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