Chapter 2: Rebels

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7
All the superheroes were blinded by the light that started pulling them through the fabric of space and time, being flown to another universe.

They all tried to stay close to one another, but none of them could keep track of one another. While they were flung through the universe, they started hearing voices as they ripped into the new universe.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"There's always a bigger fish."

"You refer to the prophecy of the one that will bring balance to the force."

"The boy is dangerous."

"Now this is Podracing."

"We will be watching your career with great interest."

"Guess I was wrong. There was no danger at all."

"A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one."

"I don't like sand."

"You're stuck with me, Skyguy."

"I have waited a long time for this moment, my little green friend."

"This is where the fun begins."

"A fine addition to my collection."

"You never would have made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan. But you might make it as mine."

"What about the Droid Attack on the Wookies?"

"Unlimited power!"

"Henceforth, you shall be known... as Darth Vader."

"I will do what I must."

"From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!"

"Then you are lost!"

"You underestimate my power!"

"It's over, Anikin! I have the high ground!"

"For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her."



"This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place."

"Who is that kid?"

And just like that, Sonic once again gasped and looked around the area. Of course, that sky was gloomy and more mud-brown than the usual blue and (mostly) clear skies like he was used to. So that meant that he wasn't in an environment he was familiar with on Earth. But at this point, he didn't care where he was, just as long as he never needed to travel like that again.

"Ugh. That hurt." Sonic muttered.

He then started to sit up and look around, seeing nothing but smoke and mountains led him to believe he was in some mining facility somewhere. He checked to see he still had his grappling cables gloves.

"Where the heck am I?" Sonic asked himself.

"Let's get back to our post, we need to get our reports written." A person said, getting Sonic's attention.

He quickly ducked down and hid under the crates that he didn't notice he was surrounded by. He then looked and saw a person wearing a white plastoid composite worn over a black body glove.

"Did you take notes?"

"No. Did you?" A second person wearing the same armor asked the other.

Sonic wasn't really sure which was talking as they were standing too close together. For all he knew, the one on the left and the one on the right was talking at the same time.


"Who takes notes while walking?" The one on the left asked.

Sonic then watched as they walked away and finally got a moment to get a good look at where he was. From what he could tell, it was exactly as he suspected. It was indeed a mining facility of some sort.

"Okay..." Sonic didn't know what to think about where he was. "Okay, Sonic. Relax." He stopped himself from immediately freaking out.

Then he looked and noticed the skies and noticed the neighborhood planets.

"Whoa... I guess there's more than just one world?" He said surprised.

Then he got an idea and quickly activated his H.U.D mask. Quickly doing a scan for any JL signatures, he noticed how nobody picking up.

"Right. No JL network to bounce off of." Sonic sighed and knew tracking them, even with JL's advanced technology, was going to be impossible.

"They could be on any planet in this galaxy." Sonic said.

They don't have any comms either since the satellite doesn't exist or because they're out of range. All suits made by or for the Justice League have the same comms channel installed so they could always be in touch. Either that or the systems hack one another to stay in touch in case of jamming. So, the only thing Sonic could do is hope he gets close enough again that he could get in touch with someone or enhance his signal so they could pick it up.

"Okay, I gotta find a way to get around somehow." Sonic thought that was a good place to start. "Something tells me I need to get around the galaxy fast."

Then a man in armor came up behind him and aimed a strange-looking rifle at him.

"Don't move!" The man in armor demanded as he kept the rifle aimed at him. Sonic raised his hands and started to turn around slowly.

"Buddy, let it be known that if I had a dollar for every time someone said don't move..." then he realized how many times he was told that. "Well, I'd have two dollars."

He then noticed the confused look on the man's helmet. "I know it's not a lot. But it's strange that it only happened twice, right?"

Then before the man in armor had a chance to see what was happening, Sonic spin dash the man, followed by him yanking the gun out of his hands. Then leaping over the man, he kicked him off the edge and shot a cable wired to catch him. The man shrieked and tried to call for help when he shot a cable and pulled his helmet off, followed by Sonic covering his mouth with wires from his gauntlet.

"So, what is a guy like you doing in armor like this?" Sonic asked as he dangled on a cable next to the man.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your buddies will pull you up in the hour." Then he pulled himself back up and started to look around. "If they find you."

While Sonic started to sneak his way around the facility to find some form of transport, he saw the same two men from earlier talking. He started to make his way around and come up towards them, his suitable to stop him from making much noise.

"I heard the new shipment of Wookiee's had just arrived." The one on the left said to the other.

"About time," The one on the right commented. "The last batch didn't last long."

Sonic then came over and placed his arms on their shoulders, earning a jump from the two.

"Who are we talking about?" Sonic was curious to know.

"What?!" Both of them cried.

They were ready to fight when Sonic leaped and went above them before knocking them out with his Homing Attacks on the platform. Sonic then went back into stealth and sneaked around the facility. As he was going around, he spotted about a dozen hairy creatures wearing handcuffs.

"These must be those Wookiees those guys were talking about." Sonic thought in his head.

In the group of Wookies, Sonic noticed a smaller Wookie in the group. If he had to take a guess, these armored men were using these innocent creatures as slave labor. At least that's what it was looking like with everything he saw. Then when what he had to guess was a parent tried to comfort him, they were yelled at by the men in masks. Deciding to do something about this, seeing these people needed help, Sonic leaped into action. Jumping high enough to be missed by the one guard they have posted, or maybe those were the others dangling off the edge.

Landing right behind the guy, Sonic tapped his shoulder. "Hey."

"What?!" The Stormtrooper was shocked to see this hedgehog here before he was lightning-punched in the face.

The punch was so strong that it managed to shatter his mask and send him flying. The Wookies then roared and growled at Sonic, wondering what he wants.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Sonic assured them as he raised a hand to the cuffs. "I'm here to help you."

That seemed to only confuse them more when Sonic ripped the cuffs off. The Wookies seemed to be surprised by his strength when several other Troopers came out.

Sonic leaped into action and covered the Wookies and Wind-Slashing at their guns.

"Real talk, how do you guys tell each other apart?" Sonic wonders as he landed in between a group of them. "Because I've only been here ten minutes, and you're all starting to blur together."

Meanwhile, there was help coming for the lone hedgehog on his mission. Hera Syndulla was flying the Ghost over the platform, while her team plus the recently rescued orphan, Ezra Bridger, had intercepted news that the Wookiee Prisoners would be transferred to Kessel to work in Spice Mine K-76. They knew they had little time to waste to come in and save the Forest Dwelling creatures. But she was shocked when they noticed that someone was already there and seemingly fighting against the Empire.

"Who is that?" Hera wondered as she opened fire, giving the guy a helping hand.

The blasts managed to take down a few stormtroopers and gave the blue creature a second to speed attack. But she didn't know how he was able to move so fast.

"Specter One to Ghost. How's that landing approach coming along?"

"In a minute," Hera replied through the coms, "Though we may have an unexpected guest."

"Um... what do you mean by an unexpected guest?" She heard Spectre Four's voice grumbled.

"I'm not sure myself, but I think he's on our side," Hera admitted, "Just in case, play on the side of caution."

"Copy that, Spectre Two," Kanan's voice spoke back through the coms, "We'll move in as planned, Spectre One out."

With that, Hera made her move in for a landing.
Once the ship made its landing, the troopers were taking shots at it. Seeing as they helped him (or were terrible aiming), he decided to help them by using his Homing Attacks on the Stormtroopers.

Sonic turned to face the four maybe allies, three out of four of them looked human. Although he couldn't say for certain with one of them having a helmet on. Although he wore a mask to protect his identity, so he wasn't going to judge.

Every once in a while, he could get a good look at the others that were helping him take down the troopers.

The fourth was definitely alien. Yellow eyes, grey skin, and purple hair. Sonic could have sworn the guy had hands for feet. He held a strange rifle in his hands. The guy looked like he wasn't sure to aim his weapon at the speedster.

The helmet girl wore armor that look painted over. Sonic had to admit she wore it well. She held two pistols in her hands. She appeared to be observing his ninja suit. He couldn't blame her; Cisco went overboard with his and the other suits. He wasn't even sure what it was truly capable of himself... yet.

The boy with blue hair looked only a few years younger than the Adrien or Marinette. He appeared to be unarmed and was amazed at what the superhero had done.

Finally, the only adult annoys them, who Sonic guessed to say he was their leader, lowed his weapon as he approached them. One of his arms was covered with armor otherwise he didn't seem too different from any other guy. Except maybe the bun on the back of his hair, then again, he's seen weirder. He knew a man named Doctor Strange for crying out loud. Sonic ducked behind the barricades for cover with them to cool down. He's been working nonstop for a guy who was basically dead not half an hour ago.

"Hi." Sonic decided to go with a friendly greeting. "Who are all of you?"

"Isn't that our question for you?" The one in the helmet asked him, confirming to be a female due to the voice.

"I asked you first," Sonic replied.

"Oh, great." The tall, shaved ape-looking alien rolled his eyes as he shot down another trooper.

"Another kid."

"Hey. I'm 47." Sonic informed the alien, not sure exactly what he was trying to prove there.

"That still doesn't answer who you are." The man with the bun reminded Sonic as he was ducking for cover.

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog " Sonic explained as he did a little spin move.

"Sonic? That was the best you could come up with?" The girl in the helmet asked him.

"Hey, that's my real name. And all of the good superhero names were taken where I'm from." Sonic defended his name choice.

"And where's that?" The boy asked him.

"Look, I'd love to answer all your questions, but is it possible to do it when we're not fighting for our lives?" Sonic asked the group.

"He's right. We gotta help those Wookies." The guy had to agree that was the main mission.

"I'll distract these guys." Sonic offered as he stood back up. "You guys get to them."

Before they could stop him, Sonic leaped back into the thick of things, and started using his super speed to take out the Stormtroopers.

"Now seriously, can we at least make it interesting by talking?" Sonic asked as he spin dash attacked, punched another, then kicked the final one. "I mean, are you friends or just coworkers? You probably don't even know each other."

The rebels were watching in shock as this creature was single-handedly taking on a squad of Stormtroopers on his own at super speed. Seeing they were distracted, Ezra, the boy, sneaked off and made his way to the Wookies. Once he made it over, he started to uncuff them with a gadget he made to pick locks.

"Why isn't anyone laughing?" Sonic asked as one tried to punch him and Sonic grabbed his fist. He then swung around and threw the trooper.

Sonic then sighed as he spun to do Spinjitzu on remaining Stormtroopers. The rest of the group was impressed, getting a few fair shots in themselves.

Sonic without breaking a sweat, jumped back to them. "Is that all of them?"

"Wow. You've got done sick moves out there." The girl in the helmet informed the Hedgehog.

"Thanks," Sonic said as he eyed the group. "Not too bad yourselves."

They then looked and saw the Wookies (most of them) had their hands free and were thanking the boy and Ezra for their help.

"So... who are you guys?" Sonic finally wanted to know who he just helped.

"We're a group of people who have had enough of the Empire." The girl said as she looked at Peter's armor. "I'm Sabine." She then pointed to the alien. "That's Zeb."

"Hey." Sonic greeted the ape-like species.

"Nice skills you had back there." Zeb complimented him.

"That's Kanan." Sabine gestured to the guy with the bun in his hair. "And that's Ezra." She gestured to the boy.

"Hey." Ezra greeted the hero.

"Okay, that's cool." Sonic said as he decided it was nice to have names on the faces. "Follow questions: what are they?" He gestured to the Wookies. "What is he?" He gestured to Zeb. "What is the Empire? And last but not least, where am I?"

"You don't know where you are?" Kanan asked in confusion. "How'd you even end up here?"

"It's a long story." Sonic sighed as he recalled what happened. "But trust me, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Just as he said that five enemy ships appeared behind the ship that came to the aliens' aid. They started shooting at the ship causing the same ship's rear guns to fire back, destroying one of the enemy ships.

All of a sudden, a much larger enemy ship came flying in. A large cannon aimed at Sonic and the group of Rebels fired at them. Everyone quickly avoided the fire. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured. The ship that carried the freedom fighters moved away as the four small ships followed in pursuit while the large cruiser landed on the platform. As the hatch opened, an officer wearing grey armor stood ahead of the army of Stormtroopers.

"Take them down!" The officer with a weird helmet demanded.

"More of you?" Sonic raised an eyebrow even as the enemy started firing upon them all, "Guys! If you guys were this persistent in a real job, you wouldn't need to stoop this low in career choices!"

That earned a chuckle out of the current allies of Sonic. This started a gunfight between the freedom fighters and the bucket heads. Sonic charged in to engage the Stormtroopers, dodging the gunfire along the way.

"Little Runner's got guts!" Zeb commented as they all ran for cover. "I'll give him that!"

"For mocking them of going after them?" Sabine wonders as she backed away, firing on every trooper she spotted.

"Both." Zeb decided to go with.

Sonic then Spin Dash attacks the troopers, preventing them from shooting. Three more thugs went to aid him, standing in front of him before firing upon the speedster.

Sonic used his amazing powers and skills to avoid the laser fire. Sabine decided to lead their new ally a hand and blasted the three Stormtroopers as she was impressed with his moves.

"This guy's good!" Sabine complimented the speedster.

Kanan had to agree on his skills. "Yeah, glad he's on our side!"

The little Wookiee was both scared and confused at what was happening and tried to make a run for it. The child's father notice this and tried to go after him only to get shot in the arm.

One of the Stormtroopers seemed to notice the fleeing alien child and chased after him. Zeb helped the father up and get back toward the barricades they'd made for themselves. Ezra noticed the young one running away only to make his way to the barriers.

The increasing number of troopers started to take a toll on Sonic as he was starting to become tired. He had just fought Eggman, and is now fighting to free some growling apes. Deciding to fall back, he ran behind the crates and sighed. "Okay. Fighting our way out isn't such a good idea."

"Those were some nice moves out there." Sabine congratulated him. "Surprised you lasted so long."

"Same," Sonic said as he noticed the boy flinging balls of electricity. His eyes widened in amazement. "A slingshot that shoots electric balls?! That is awesome, dude!"

Ezra smirked at that, "Thanks!"

Just then, Sonic heard through a communication device that Kanan was carrying, "I can't maintain position!"

Kanan pulled out the communications device. "Go! Lead the TIEs away and give yourself maneuvering room!"

"I am not leaving you behind!"

Kanan then thought of what to do when he noticed an empty crate. "No, you're not! We're running a 22 pickup!"

Sabine and Zeb seemed to be against that idea. "Seriously?"

Kanan then turned towards her. "You've got any better ideas?"

"Jump into the pit now, and get it over with?" Zeb offered a suggestion.

"All right, I'll be sure you're ready."

"22 pick up? Care to let me in on the secret?" Ezra asks the leader.

"Yeah," Sonic raised his hand in confusion, "Same with the hedgehog."

"Kid. Sonic. I'm about to let everyone on the secret." Kanan answered before walking over the grates, putting away his gun and approaching the armored men dodging the gunfire.

The officer raised an arm to a ceasefire, thinking he was surrendering. That was the case as the leader of the Rebels took to pieces on his belt and put them together.

His long blue blade of light came from the hilt as he went into a battle stance. Both Ezra and Sonic stared in awe, "Whoa!"

The eyes widened in horror as most of his squad seemed to be uneasy by this new threat. First the armored warrior and now this?! The officer regained his focus as he ordered, "All troopers, focus your fire on... on the Jedi!"

Doing what he ordered, the troops fired upon the now-known Jedi. His weapon deflected their fire back at them, killing them with their laser bolts.

Kanan turned to his team as he told them. "Time to go!"

"Right," Zeb nodded in agreement, "Everyone, into the container!"

The alien helped the Wookiee prisoner into the crate while his son followed. Sonic noticed their ship being chased by the TIEs before getting an idea.

Sonic turned to the armored girl, "I'm gonna help our getaway ship!"

As Sabine was helping the prisoners into the crates, she turned to him in shock. Do you know what you're doing?"

"Nope!" Sonic admitted before swinging to the higher platform and shooting another grappling cable at one of the TIEs. He hung for his life as the enemy ship sped off...

Ezra stared at the father as he was reaching out to where the youngling had run off towards. Looking to the hero who was busy with the ships, the Jedi busy with the Troopers, he saw he was the only one left. Hesitating for a quick second, he was shocked at the fact he was doing something unselfish and raced off to find the child.

"Kid!" Zeb cried as the kid ran away from the group. "Karabast! If he's left behind again, it's not my fault!"

Meanwhile, Sonic was letting out a shriek of terror as he didn't think this all the way through.

"Oh, I should have thought this through!" Sonic cried as he pulled himself closer to the point he was on the TIE.

Once he made it onto the ship, he grabbed onto the top of it and ripped it off.

"Hey, mind if I had a go?" Sonic asked as he Spin Dash to the pilot.

"What?!" The pilot asked as he was tossed out of the ship.

Sonic then noticed their getaway ship shooting at him and quickly leaped off of it. Landing on the roof of their ship, he waved his hands. Inside he saw a green alien and a garbage can-looking robot.

"Hi!" Sonic greeted the two of them.

"Hang on," Hera tells the stranger as Chopper shot down the TIEs.

"No arguments here!" Sonic assured her.

The Ghost flew down and attached to the container Zeb and Sabine were in with the Wookies.

"Magnetic seal locked," Hera informed them.

Meanwhile, with Ezra, he was chasing the trooper who was hot on the child Wookie.

"Hey!" Ezra cried to get the trooper's attention.

The Stormtrooper turned to face the boy and aimed his blaster. But Ezra used his newfound strange abilities and leaped over the trooper. Copying Sonic's movements, he landed in front of the Wookie and shot electric balls at the trooper.

With each hit, he took a step back and ended up slipping over the railing.

"Got ya!" Ezra was happy to say as he worked on the handcuffs.

"It's over for you, Jedi!" The commander stated as he raised a gun to his back. "A master and an apprentice. Such a rare find these days."

"I don't know where you get your delusions, bucket head. I work alone." Ezra proclaimed.

"Not this time." Kanan cried as the Ghost raises into view.

Kanan and Sonic were on top of the ship as the Empire member opened fire on the ship.

Kanan just uses his lightsaber to deflect the blasts and have them go back. One of them managed to hit him and send him over the railing.

"Jump, guys!" Sonic called to them with his hands and reached out for them to catch.

The Wookie and boy managed to grab onto the Hedgehog as they flew off. Agent Alexander Kallus was clinging underneath the balcony as he watched as the rebels escaped.

"First Jedi you've ever seen, sir?" The Trooper Ezra shot asked, clinging to the same thing.

But Kallus kicked the Trooper in anger, hearing him scream as he fell to his death. This was unlike anything that he had to go up against with the boy and now Jedi duo. In the farthest outreaches of the Galaxy, a dark and menacing presence walked through the halls of his castle. His name is Darth Vader. The most menacing figure in the galaxy.

He marched forward and kneeled in front of a hologram projection.

The hologram appeared and was of Emperor Palpatine. "Lord Vader."

"My Master," Vader replied.

"There has been a great disturbance in the Force," Palpatine told his apprentice. "Have you felt it?"

"Yes," Vader confirmed that he has felt something change.

"We have a new enemy," Palpatine tells the Darth. "They are spread throughout the galaxy. I do not know where or how. But I feel they are a threat to us."

"We will find this disruption...and snuff them out," Vader promises his Emperor.

"That is one way." Palpatine agreed with Vader. "But...if they could be turned, they could become an even powerful asset to our cause. Do you think it can be done?"

"They will either join us...or die," Vader promises to send any resource to find these people.

They are either a threat to their way of life or could be something that can be turned to the Dark Side. If they are given the right leeway, the right push, they could make the Empire a force to be reckoned with. But first, they needed to find these people. This has now become a race to find the Justice League.

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