Friendship Bracelet

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Inspired by Jill Bearup's Luke and Mara short. Just kinda had to make that bracelet a headcanon!


Deftly another wooden bead fell into place on the little black cord with a satisfying click.
Leia Organa looked up from her book.
"What are you doing, Luke?"

"Nothing." Came the passive answer as another clicking sound came from the desk. They were relaxing in Leia and Han's apartment. Han was out with Lando and Winter had taken the twins with Threepio to get ice cream, leaving Leia an hour or two to herself. Luke had almost got her to do some Jedi training, but had enough empathy to let Leia rest instead from her hectic job of politics.

Now she got up and came over to the desk, looking over Luke's shoulder with a grin. "What is that?"

"A bracelet." Luke replied, holding up the string of beads to let Leia see.
The cord was of sturdy make. There were wooden beads, turquoise beads and a single ruby in the center of the cord.

"Who's it for?" Leia asked with a raised eyebrow, looking down at her brother only to see a dark red spread over his ear lobe peeking from his well kept but shaggy hair. Leia smirked and gave Luke a gentle punch in the shoulder.

Luke sighed and set the precious bracelet down on the desk. "I don't know what I'm doing."

"Looks like you want to flirt with someone." Leia remarked, taking note of the actual quality of the beads he had no doubt spent a good price to have in his possession.

"I don't flirt." Luke pointed out the obvious social deficiency he had with women. While he had had many lovers he had never got them through acts of flirtation and sweet talk. It just sort of happened, and they always drifted off, died horrifically or used him and eventually stabbed him in the back.

Leia only smiled. "No, but this is a good start. Now who's the lucky lady?"

Luke rolled his eyes.

"Don't make me read your mind." Leia teased with a devious smirk.

"Fine, fine!" Luke raised his hands in feigned fear, an actual smile brightening his face as he shook his head. "You win. I made it for Mara."

"The woman who killed your clone?" Leia recalled thoughtfully. "You gave her your old lightsaber."

Luke nodded.

Leia smiled. "Well, you definitely stepped it up. Lightsabers are not romantic."

"I wasn't trying to be romantic."

Leia raised an eyebrow. "You gave your father's lightsaber to her. That has more meaning than friendliness."

Luke blushed openly now and Leia smiled as she picked up the beads and tied the ends together with practiced ease. "I think it's sweet. And I think Mara will like it." She set the bracelet in Luke's hand. "You're adorable, lil brother."

Luke raised an eyebrow and grinned. "We've never found out who is older."

"We can always assume." Leia said, ruffling his hair playfully before returning to the couch.


Han and Lando soon returned with Mara Jade in tow. Luke and Leia awaited their arrival. Luke hugged Han and then Lando, clapping him on the back with a big grin while Leia kissed Han hello.

"Come on in boys, Threepio is almost done with dinner."

"Always a pleasure to dine with you, Princess." Lando said as he took Leia's hand and kissed it. Han smacked Lando's arm in playful defense, getting between him and a laughing Leia as they went on their way.

Luke shook his head and turned to Mara, who by now had come to his side and was appraising him with a soft emerald gaze.

"Good to see you, Skywalker. How's Jedi life?"

"Not much has happened yet." Luke admitted. "Maybe when you're not so busy with Karrde, we could build it together?"

Mara shrugged, but did not give an actual answer.

Luke offered a kind smile. "I don't mean to push."

"You're not." Mara said immediately. "It's just not something I can see myself being."

Slowly Luke nodded. "I was never able to see what I could be in the future. But the Force will guide us, even if our paths split."

Mara sighed, but her demeanor seemed to soften. "I'm afraid that split has already happened."

"Maybe." Luke agreed slowly, but nonetheless remained optimistic as he took the bracelet from his pocket and offered it to her.

"What's this?" Mara asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Something a little more... friendly. Than a lightsaber at least."

A gentle smile touched Mara's face and she offered her wrist to him.

Luke took it readily and slipped the bracelet over her hand. It fit perfectly.

"Thank you... Luke." She said his name, and she reached out and pulled him into a quick, but very meaningful hug.

They parted and Luke beamed as he gestured to the indoors. Mara daintily took his hand with her own that wore the bracelet.
The evening was going to be a memorable one.

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