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Written because I have writers blocked in both my fanfics and my roleplays.


The wind was searing, the sky blackened with volcanic ash, lit only by the uproarious lava lakes, seeming to feed off the dark presence that had overtaken the planet. Anakin Skywalker pulled his hood further over his head until he was able to get out of the fiery rain and into the Separatist facility.

The sight within was as unsavory as the world outside. Destroyed battle droids and dismembered bodies littered the hallway and onward into the control room where the majority lay dead. Not a single one was given mercy. Anakin grimaced at the smell and quickly left, moving deeper into the fortress.

He traveled deep and deeper still until he came upon a dark room, more than like it had been built into the mountain. It was a loading dock, made obvious by the large, but destroyed droids and millions of crates stacked haphazardly about. The ceiling was high and beams held it up. Anakin felt his attention wander to those rafters, searching for some sign of life.

"Luke?" Anakin called gently. "Luke it's me, Dad. I've come alone."

There was no answer, Anakin knew the boy was waiting to be sure it was no trick. So Anakin exercised patience as well. Until finally the shadows above moved and he could make out the silhouette of his son's cloaked figure.

"Luke." Anakin said in some vaguely felt relief. "Let's go, let's leave right now."

"Why?" Came the question, the tone causing Anakin to flinch. What should have been a young and soft voice was now a ragged one with such hatred in one simple word. Anakin swallowed tightly.

"Because we need you home." Anakin said carefully. "Your mother is worried about you."

"Is she safe?" Came another hissing inquiry

"Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are with her." Anakin assured, but a mocking laugh was his answer.

"Is that so? Mother is a good as dead then."

"They're safe from the Emperor and Order 66." Anakin said.

His son snorted. "The only Jedi to be spared will be you. And only because your death would kill my mother."

"Luke, what happened to Leia isn't their fault." Anakin said, fighting a ball in his throat.

Luke's figure suddenly jumped from the rafter and gracefully landed a few feet from Anakin. "Not their fault?" He asked angrily. "Not their fault?! I told them my visions, I told Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and Yoda and none of them listened to me!" Luke stalked forward angrily and grabbed Anakin by the neck of his tunic. "If anyone had just listened Leia would be here! None of this would have had to happened."

Anakin laid a hand over Luke's, squeezing tightly. "I understand, more than you realize I understand your pain. I lost Leia too, she was everything to me. To all of us." He said hoarsely. "But you have to let go. Don't make me lose you too, don't do this to your mother."

A broken, cracked laugh escaped Luke's pale lips, his blue eyes glowing almost yellow under his hood. "I can't let it go. I won't. They will all pay, every single one of them."

"That's not going to bring Leia back." Anakin said imploringly.

Luke only shook his head. "You think I don't know that? This is my revenge, not a futile resurrection. The Empire will be mine, and everything Leia worked so hard to build will be brought to her vision."

"The Emperor will kill you, Luke. He's just using you!"

"I don't care!" Luke screamed back at him, shaking Anakin with pure wrath. "I don't care what happens anymore! The Jedi are liars, cowards! They killed Leia and they deserve to die!"

Anakin grabbed Luke by his shoulders. "Luke stop this! This isn't you."

"Isn't it?" Luke asked breathlessly. "Leia is all I ever truly had. I might as well be dead now with her."

"Luke, don't say that." Anakin said, feeling his eyes sting with tears as he valiantly tried to be strong. "Luke, son, Leia would not want this. Please stop. Come away, come home to us."

Luke shook his head and shrugged Anakin's hands from his shoulders, stepping away slowly. "You should leave." He hissed. "My master will be here soon, and I won't save you from him."


"Leave!" Luke snapped, drawing his lightsaber, the vibrant green blade extending from the hilt and stopped only inches from Anakin's face. "Before I kill you."

Anakin backed away, biting his lip hard. But he slowly raised his hands, turned and began walking. Luke only placed his weapon back on his belt when Anakin was out of sight.

But that was not the last time he could see his father. Anakin would continue to fight. He would continue to search for his son and one day he would bring the boy home to his mother. Leia's death would not be the end of their family. Not if Anakin Skywalker had a say in it.

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