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"Stop it! Don't touch him! Don't you d-"

The wrathful rantings of the Togruta woman were cut short as an Inquisitor hit her temple with the blunt of his lightsaber. She cried out and went limp, perhaps even briefly lost consciousness. It mattered not to the monster who's bloody red lightsaber hummed with no remorse.

Darth Vader starred down at the small child before him. A future Jedi padawan that the Togruta had dared to raise in a galaxy full of Jedi hunters. A risk and a sorry failure on her part. He would kill this child to teach a final lesson to an idiotic apprentice.

However as he raised his blade to cut down the boy a most peculiar thing happened. The boy craned his neck to stare up at the monster. But he did not try to run, he did not appear scared in the slightest. The Force signature around the boy seemed... curious?

Darth Vader brought his lightsaber towards the boy as if to finish him off. The boy remained still. Stubbornly still. Vader stopped. The boy smiled and pointed at the blade.

"Pwetty." Came the soft, innocent word. Darth Vader felt himself recoil slightly from the child.

The little human giggled. And he took a step towards the Sith Lord. "Pwetty!" He reached for the lightsaber, chubby little face broadening in a huge smile.

"Luke, run!" The Togruta was awake again.

The boy, Luke, did not heed her warning however and took several steps until he was upon the Sith. With his hand he grabbed the rim of Darth Vader's boot, supporting himself as he reached for the lightsaber again, stretching to touch the humming blade.

"This boy is fearless..." Vader thought. "No... he is innocent." Again he raised the lightsaber and readied himself for the kill.

But the boy remained still and finally looked Darth Vader in the face with bright blue eyes. "Can I pway too?" He asked hopefully, still reaching for the lightsaber, Force presence growing stronger. More lively.

This little rugrat desert boy had untapped power, raw and ready to be molded. Power that could perhaps surpass the likes of Jedi Masters Darth Vader killed for mere sport. Without a second thought Darth Vader deactivated his lightsaber and placed it on his belt. Innocence was moldable. Innocence could become anything and everything. And in this instance it seemed so natural to take it. As if this path was the only one. To take, mold, train and use.

Darth Vader picked the boy up. The child squealed in absolute pure excitement. His captain came forward.

"Take this boy to the shuttle. I will arrive shortly."

"Yes sir!" The captain said, taking the child and immediately marching away.

Darth Vader turned to the Jedi who glowered at him in open defiance.

"I will kill you if you hurt him." She snarled. Her fangs showed as her lips curled. Another blow was given to her stomach, doubling the woman over and to her knees.

Darth Vader came forward, his lightsaber bursting back to life. "I have no intention of hurting your youngling. He will be safe with me." Darth Vader raised his lightsaber over her head. He would let no Jedi get their hands on his new apprentice. And she would not get a chance either. "Take comfort in my promise, Ahsoka."

The lightsaber came down.
And the silence was all Darth Vader left behind.

The future was full of promise.

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