Chapter 8: saved by?

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Sabine POV

The Inquisitor just threw an unconscious Ezra over his shoulder when I turned the corner.

Did 'he' really had to find him first?

The Pau'an turned to us. "Well well. The artist and the big purple beast. "

I could not help it but chuckled when he called Zeb a purple beast. He on the other hand found it not quite funny and he took out his rifle bo-rifle to attack the Inquisitor. That could just activate his lightsaber in time.

O we really need you now Kanan.

Zeb had to be really careful so his bo-rifle wasn't chopped in two by the Inquisitor.

For a few seconds I stood there undecided. I could not do much.

If I throw a bomb at the Inquisitor, it would also hurt Ezra....even kill him.

If I throw a smoke bomb, he might get away with Ezra and found him again would not be easy.

And if I shoot with my blasters at him, I maybe hit Ezra.

The best option of the three was shooting so I did. The result was better than I expected. The Inquisitor's Force-pushed away Zeb and deflected the shot but while he had let Ezra fall on the ground.

Zeb attacked again, so I got the chance to sneak past the two.

Except that the Inquisitor had noticed it.

He escaped Zeb and his lightsaber came towards me. Too late, I figured it out and I threw my arms up like that could protect me.

"Sabine" I heard Zeb scream.

It was quiet in the alley where the fight took place.

I opened one eye and saw a blue lightsaber stopped the red.

I sighted in relief.

3th POV, unknown location

"Do we even know or that thing is here?"

"It should be."

"O perfect."

The figure walked through the dark corridors where probably wasn't been a single soul in a few years. Only by the force of which he existed, he was guided.

And indeed. There hung the object that they needed.

Only one problem: it was surrounded by a force field that would only let one particular person come in and out.

"So now what?"

"We study this area well. We need to send the best possible image to the boy."

"And after that?"

"Everything on his time, Trait. Everything on his time."

Sabine POV

Immediately I thought it was Kanan when I saw the blue blade.

To my surprise I saw it was Ezra who had stopped it and...

You could read the trouble he had on his face.

The Inquisitor broke the contact of the two lightsabers. Almost immediately he fell back. Ezra's collapsed on his knee when he paraded the blade again.

He was still too weak.

The Inquisitor used the Force which makes him flew against the wall where he lay semi-conscious. I rushed towards him. He tried again to get up, but his strength and energy just seemed to be gone. I pushed him back down, with half-closed eyes, he looked at me. "Sabine." His voice sounded so weak, so futile.

What did you do before we came here?

"Surrender and maybe you can continue to live." The Inquisitors red saber was a hair's breadth away from my neck. Ezra's hand enriched his saber beside him. "Forget that boy." The Inquisitor kicked the object away with his foot.

Kanan where are you?

Kanan POV

Using the Force and Hera's coordinates I found my way fast through the streets of Lothal. She had dropped me off as close as possible.

The signature of my padawan was weak, but luckily he was there.

It seemed that I came just in time, because when I turned the corner of the alley, the Inquisitor held Sabine in place with his lightsaber. Next to her was Ezra leaning against the wall as a bag on the floor. Zeb stood there afraid the Inquisitor would do something to Sabine if he made a wrong motion.

It was risky but I Force-pushed the Inquisitor. Fortunately, nobody was injured. He himself still more fell against the wall and was out.

"Kanan" Sabine cried happy to see me. She stood up. I rushed to Ezra. "He's not hurt, Kanan." She insured me. "Just very tired."

Hearing that was a load off my mind.

"Let's get him to the Ghost where he can rest."

Zeb picked up Ezra.

Inquisitor POV

I woke up when it was already dark. How long had I been out?

Of course there was not a single trooper come looking for me or Agent Kallus. The troopers I understood, they were terrified of me and the other Inquisitors. And then I didn't even started about the two Sith Lords: Dark Vader and the Emperor.

Agent Kallus knew I was in charge here and obviously that didn't pleased him.


I stood up, my lightsaber was lying further into a corner.

The Jedi and padawan proven time and time again how difficult they were to catch. Of course I knew that if you have one of them, the other will also captures easily. Stupid Padawan-Master band.

My lightsaber flew into my hand and I clicked it on my back.

Being an inquisitor is still heavy. Especially for me as the Grand Inquisitor. All the other would be all too happy with my death so they could take my place.

Well unlucky for them, I wasn't planning to do that. In stat I was going to kill the Jedi, get the Padawan to the dark side and become a Sith Lord.

But first I had to found that mysterious figure once again.

so I thank StarWarsMao for the idea of the chapter title

the idea of papersculpting was also great but head and coin of my one hero decided


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