Chapter 9: explanation...sort of

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Ezra POV

On my normal bunk I woke up. I had totally no idea how I had ended up here.

The last thing I remember was that strange figure who disappeared... into thin air

No wait ...

The Inquisitor.

Just in time I was be able to stop his saber of hurting Sabine.

With a splitting headache I swung my legs over the bed and sat there for a moment. With my hand I rubbed the sleep off my face. After I had rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I jumped off the top bunk and left the room. Only then I realized that for the first time in days, I had slept without nightmares.

Well, this day could not start better.

Kanan and the rest I found in the cockpit. Unlike me, they looked like they hadn't had a lot of sleep.

All four of them stopped talking when I walked in, they stared at me.

"Uhm ... Did I miss something?"

Now they seemed to realize that they were staring at me.

"I will explain." Kanan smiled at me. He stood up but right away his face twisted in a mask of pain and he grabbed his right shoulder. To my shock I saw it was wrapped up in bandages.

Immediately Hera was right up to push Kanan back into the chair. "You take it easy!" She looked at Sabine and Zeb. "You two can explain it while Ezra is looking for something to eat."

Upon hearing Hera's words, I realized how hungry I was. Sabine and Zeb nodded and pushed me toward the cockpit to the kitchen. I grabbed a jogan and set at the table.

"Well kid... uh." Zeb scratched his neck. "Go one Sabine. Said it."

Sabine then gave him a quick angry look. "What is the last thing you remember?" She asked.

"Well." I said between bites. "I stopped the lightsaber of the Inquisitor and he threw me against the wall. From then on it is all blank." I took another bite and then the fruit was up so I stood up again to take a second and then I sat down again.

"Well it was Kanan who saved us and we flee. Unfortunately, we just bumped into a whole troop of stormtroopers and Agent Kallus. Agent Kallus managed to hit Kanan with a lucky shot in the shoulder. You were lucky that Zeb was the one who carried you or else you would have a nice hole in you right now."

I swallowed the big bite away at those thoughts. Yes indeed it was good.

"Well, it took a while before we had shaken off Kallus. We did not sleep much because then we had tie fighters on our roof. " Sabine showed a faint smile. "You on the other hand slept like a baby even though you have fallen of the top bunk. We found you curled up in a ball on the floor. "

Well I was able to sleep through everything.

"But how did you put yourself in this trouble this time ?" Asked Zeb.

"Well ..." I quickly explained what I remember.

Zeb and Sabine looked at me as if they had just seen a ghost.

"So that guy could just dissolve into thin air?" Sabine gave Zeb a stub. "Zeb!"

"As you think. Not the fact that I just saw a scary capped person and I had to listen to those two voices the hole time! "I yelled without that I wanted it. Now I had said everything at loud, I realized how strange it all sounded.

"Wow kid, do calm." Said Zeb.

"Calm? I am perfectly calm. How do you that idea?" during talking I had jumped up and now I sat down with my legs crossed beaten. "Look: perfectly calm!"

"Kid you know you are using Chopper as a chair?" Sabine rose an eyebrow.

Chopper beeped angry under me.

When didhe rolled in?

"Oh sorry chop." The droid hit me with one of his arms. I jumped off when he wanted to shock me. "Hey, I said sorry!" I hit him on the top. "Hey easy you piece of junk."

"Maybe we should tell Kanan and Hera this." Sabine suggested when Chopper was about to shock me again.


"Then maybe you should have said it earlier that you had to come and get us." Sabine was already gone half.


"Chop, I said sorry!"

We followed Sabine to the cockpit.

"What's Hera?" She asked when we entered.

"Nothing. I just heard Ezra scream. Just wanted to be sure that you do not break off my ship."

"Ow." Said Zeb, Sabine and I synchronic.

Chopper beeped angry again.

Hera and Kanan laughed. This made Kanans grimace in pain once again.

"Did you really sat on Chopper?" He ask despite the pain.

With my hand I scratched the back of my head. A faint smile escaped me.

"Well enough, tell them what you said to us."

I cleared my throat and told them both exactly the same thing I told Sabine and Zeb.

Although I thought that maybe it would sound less crazy the second time, I was wrong. It sounded even stranger than before.

I also got the same reaction from Kanan and Hera as I had received from Sabine and Zeb.

"Say something!" I was frustrated. "Don't just sit there with your mound open!"

If those nightmares hadn't made me crazy enough, I was now really getting insane.

Go to sleep kid.

I shook my head. "What! I can't sleep now! "

"Uh Ezra we said nothing."

Go to sleep. Closed those eyes of yours and you can lie nicely down.

"Again, I'm not going to sleep!"

"Ezra sweetheart. We said nothing for the second time. "

Your eyelids are getting heavy.

I'm going crazy.

And heavier.

I stumbled backwards. The crew looked at me suspicions

"Ezra? Are you?" Sabine put a hand on my shoulder.

You can barely keep them open.

I put my hands on my ears. Shut up! I screamed in my head.

You are frying everything. Let me do it.

Okay if you think you can do it better.

I froze. "The voices. They're back." I whispered.

Kanan stood up. "Ezra easy. Just shut them out of your thoughts. "

You better forget that. We know where you live.

Seriously? We know where you live?

This was too much for me. "I can't!"

I closed my eyes.

Hey, see! I made him close his eyes!

O Force! Now just shut up yeah!

They remember me at two others.

I stumbled again causing Sabines hand to slip off my shoulder.


I felt myself fall when I tripped over my own feet.

Now sleep. Forget all your worries. Sleep.

That sounded so nice.

No pain. No worries. No ghosts. Nothing. Just sleep.

So alluring.

Didn't I tripped?

Do not think about it. You want only one thing: peace.

Someone shook me.

Close everything and everyone outside.

I began to sink away into the world of sleep.

This will become a very pleasant dream.

No! Not another dream!


Go to sleep.

And I listened.

sorry for the late update but i had a show to do and help of my circus lessons



no elentricity so no internet

and homework to do

so yeah pretty buzzy

~starloverrebel out

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