Chapter 16: Terrible Things

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Kanan ended up passing out while meditating. He was so tired and stressed out about, wanting to know more about Vader and the Inquisitor's. His body finally shut down and was drifted to sleep. Yet, his dream, very different it is.

It was dark, cold and abandoned. Kanan walked blocks of buildings. He search and search, finding who tagged along with him: Ezra. Man, how he knew splitting up was a bad solution.

He ran then to find Ezra's Force Signature. It didn't take him that long to find it. He stopped and notice it lead to a dead end. Not the best place to be at. Kanan being him, followed in even how creepy it was.

The walls, covered in oil, paint. The ground so scourge and many cracks. His heart race a beat every time he walk closer with the Force. His mind was filled with questions. Is Ezra ok? What's going on?

Mostly... Should he have a bad feeling about this? Kanan finally realized this was really long, he decided to run to see where this end leads to. The Jedi kept running, pass the walls now with...blood? Hissing, voices echoed through. A cry was heard near by. Ezra!

"Ezra, I coming!" He yelled, running with his power. The scream would get loud and loud. He was almost there, just a little more. Finally. It stopped, Kanan worries. He used the Force to try to see if Ezra was near or not. He was, few more away. Kanan ran again and kept going until he reached his destination.

When Kanan seen an orange jumpsuit, he found his Padawan. Kanan's eyes open big, Ezra stood up with fear. Cuts, bruises and a black eye, the kid spoke by almost screaming. "Master...go! Run! Don't let them take you..." Ezra pushed him away. Ezra shoved him more but Kanan didn't budge. "Ezra we're leaving, come on!" He said, grabbing the Padawan's risk.

Panic rose in Ezra quick, only to know that an enemy was behind him. "Welcome, child...Jedi..." Kanan turn around to see a dark shadow, taller than Kanan staring be on them. It laugh a mighty laugh and spoke on. "Master, Padawan. Rare to find, yes. But, young one has potential." The figure pointed towards the kid.

"Ezra, Go!" Kanan pushed him forward and kept running for Ezra to speed up. The shadow roared and followed behind to catch the runners. They were getting near the end, until Ezra force push Kanan to the other side. "Ezra! Hurry come on, we can make it!" Kanan called reaching his hands out.

"Kanan, run! I'll hold him off! Just go!" Just go? No! Kanan wants to stay and help his Padawan. He shook his head and went to join the kid. With shock, Ezra pushed him back with sadness. The shadow man, crept behind Ezra, arms grabbing the teen. "Kanan, run! Don't stop! Keep...Running!" Ezra screamed, trying to break free.

"Ezra I'm not leaving you!" Kanan replied with worry. Ezra shook his head. "We've done our best...protect the others......Run, Master...." Ezra spoke with sadness. Kanan froze with fear in his legs. The darkness swallows Ezra and Kanan falls to his knees. Ezra was gone. Ezra was gone!

He reached his arm out. "Ezra!" He cried. It was too late, his Padawan was gone. Gone before his eyes...

Kanan jumped up screaming bloody murder. He was pouring down sweat and looked around him. His vision was blurry but, he noticed his Padawan was beside him. "Kanan?" He question. Kanan shook his head to get the horrible image out. " I?" He mumbled out.

"Your room. You had a nightmare, Kanan." Ezra spoke quietly. Kanan nodded and rubbed his head. I'm on the ship but, it felt so real. Ezra placed a hand on his should and patted his back. "Wanna talk about it? You can if you want, I'm all ears but that's up to you." Kanan smiled at those words.

"Sound like me." Kanan chuckled. Ezra smiled. "Learn from the best." Kanan hesitated and hugged Ezra. Ezra was stunned but knew, Kanan must have been feeling bad. He hugged him back and smiled more. "You were taken form a dark substance, and I couldn't save you." Kanan spoke where Ezra could hear him.

"I thought I lost you..." Kanan said with a shaky voice. Ezra only grin. "I know the feeling, don't worry Kanan. I would never abandon, nor seeing you hurt. I'm here for you..." Ezra spoke softly. Kanan laughed and said something unbelievable.

"Thank you, I love you son." Kanan covered his mouth soon as he was done speaking. Ezra was amazed at that sentence. Thank you, I love you son. Ezra never near thought Kanan would see him as his son. He always thought of Kanan as his own father. He was be on hoped with that.

"So-so sorry, I-I didn't mean-" Ezra hugged Kanan tight and mumbled into his shirt. "Love you to, dad." Kanan was in joy. He never knew Ezra seen his as his dad.

"Thank you Ezra, my son. You always have hope for me." Kanan spoke again, holding Ezra close to him. A few ten minutes passed and apparently Ezra passed out in Kanan's arms. He chuckled and pulled his Padawan...Son, his son closer to him. Kanan felt safe again.

What made him happy was the little spark of joy, to help his fears go away.


Hey guys. Soooooo, I made a new thing where I would try to find some Star Wars Rebels pics and kinda show it to you guys. Soooooo, please check that out in hope I get more likes to it.

But anyways, thanks for reading...bye bye...

Chopper: *Driod language* Maul is right next to you!

Me: I WILL MAKE YOU-Uhh? *Looks around*

Me: Darn it Chopper!

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