Chapter 17: Little Ezzy

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Morning came along for a man name Kanan Jarrus. He strolled along normal down the wonders of Lothal. Not much Imperial was around the clock which even though, Kanan didn't have any weapons on him. Kanan kept low and quiet.

Chattering was heard, Loth-Cats meowing, all the craziness that goes through here. Kanan huffed an continue down the road. This place is getting more crazier by the second. He thought. More houses he passed by, abandoned or broken in. He felt something off which made him slow down. The Force was tugging on his body.

Never used the Force since Order 66. What's going on? He thought. He followed the movement in the Force. It lead him to an abandoned house. Kanan scratch his head in confusion and decided to walk inside the house. It was dark, cold, very dirty and...empty. Kanan was only lost for the look of the place. There was a picture frame of a family. He wiped the dust off it and seen the family.

The father, mother and their son. The father had Blue hair with dull blue eyes while the mother had shiny blue ones. The little boy, had the blue hair, shiny blue eyes and was smiling sweet. Kanan smiled to the picture. It looked like a happy family after all....yet, he felt how the family must have died.

Kanan pushed the thought away and kept walking around the house more. It was a mess. Walls torn down, weeds growing near the door. Windows, covered in wood plants, and finally....blood. Kanan kinda froze to that, but it was old blood, stained into the floor.

Clanking metal noises were made inside the house. Kanan heard where it came from and walked towards it to see what was going on. He slowly walked in the kitchen, knowing with no weapon he could at least find a pan and whack someone. But, the footsteps were small, very tiny.

He walked around the corner and saw a....a little kid. He was hiding, holding a pot close to him for protection. Kanan saw how scared he was. It was a little kid, blue hair, blue eyes. Wait! Blue hair?! Blue eyes?! It was the boy from the picture!

He's all by himself? Why? Where are his parents? Kanan thought rapidly. The little boy started crying, yelling at Kanan. "Stay away! Don't hurt me!" Kanan shook his head and pulled the little one close. The boy screamed but, stopped. "Don't worry, I'm a good guy." He said with a smile.

"But, your not gonna kill me?" The boy asked. "No, I wouldn't do that. I'm a good man." Kanan said, making the little boy laugh. Kanan chuckled. "What's your name? I'll tell you mine." The boy only stood back more. Yet, he felt safe.

"Ezra...Ezra Bridger." The boy, Ezra spoke slowly. Kanan nodded. "I'm Kanan, nice to meet you. Are you hungry?" He asked Ezra. Ezra nodded quickly. "Come on, let's go. I'll take good care of you." Ezra smiled and hugged Kanan. Kanan was yet shocked that the kid was holding close to him. He thought of how alone he has been. He looks to be 5 years old. Kanan only smirked and walked out of the building.

"Ka...Kanan?" He looked at Kanan with glowing eyes. "What is it?" Kanan said. "Can I stay the night with you?" Kanan look dead straight at Ezra. He must not wanna be alone? He thought with sadness. Kanan nodded and hugged him. "Yes, thank you!" Ezra said chirpy.


Kanan and Ezra arrived at the ship known as the Ghost. He saw Hera run off the ramp and, look at Kanan. "Kanan, I been...Oh my, who are little one?" Hera said bubbly, and making Ezra laugh. Kanan put Ezra down and Ezra ran into the ship. "Ok, start talking..." Kanan sigh.

"I found him by himself, I think his parents were...killed..." Kanan lowered his voice. Hera was a little shock. "Does he know?" She asked laying her hand on his shoulder. "Have no idea, but the poor kid thought I was gonna hurt him."

"Well, let's make sure he didn't bump into anything." Kanan said, rushing into the ship, heading to the main room. Kanan stopped when he saw the little kid, playing with a pot, making it out of drums. "Ha, there you are!" Kanan chuckled. Ezra beater more with it. Hera walked in and laugh when Ezra made more beats.

"I wish my parents could see me......but,.....they were......k...killed....." Ezra started sobbing. Hera, who blinked hugged him close and cooed him. "Shhhh! It's ok, its ok. We promise, to raise'll be safe..."

"Thank you...miss lady." Hera patted his hair. "It's Hera, nice to meet you..." Kanan added in. "Ezra, wanna eat?" Ezra nodded and smiled. "Ezra, come here, sit down. We can talk about anything." Ezra skipped to the table and sat down beside Hera. "Is there anything you wanna talk about?" She said, looking curious and playful.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked slowly. Hera nodded, and watch him. "Can I be here with you guys? Y'all seem nice." Hera was amazed at these words, this child they just met wanted to stay with her and Kanan.

"My parents we're killed by the Empire a year ago, I was left alone for a while body even comes for a orphan" Hera heartbeat dropped. Her own past life was hitting her hard.

"I know how you feel, I lost my mother when I was little. You're not alone, sweetie." Hera hugged the kid close. Kanan decided to talk to Ezra, to see if anything he wanted to help him. "Hey Ezra, come here." Ezra skipped towards to Kanan. Kanan lead him to his room.

"Ezra, no trying to make you feel uncomfortable but, can you tell me about your past?" Ezra tensed up but, nodded.

"My parents were trying to raise me good but the bad men, came and killed them. They were gonna kill me but left in a flash. No body came, I was all alone and abandoned. For...a long year."

Kanan choked on sadness. A light bulb clicked. "It's fine, Ezra, you promise me that you won't tell anyone about this, right?"

"Yes. I promise." Ezra replied. "Ok, so years ago, I lost my Master to Clone troopers, ones who fought with use Jedi." Ezra's eyes sparked. "You a Jedi!?" He almost squeak. Kanan nodded and smiled.

"I always knew a Jedi would save me. I was told all about the Jedi, Clone Wars and...Order 66?" He was questioned with the last one.

"Yes, Order 66. I survived it, I'm almost a Jedi, not yet but...promise you won't tell?" Kanan placed his pinky out. "Pinky promise." Ezra chuckled. Kanan smiled and patted the boy's hair. "Welcome kid." Ezra hugged Kanan. "Thank you, Daddy." Kanan froze. Am I dad now?

****Time Skip*******

Ezra was 8 now, and it was very late, Kanan recently found out that Ezra was force sensitive. This was very well, surprised yet, a challenge. Kanan was asleep when he felt and heard his door open to reveal a small, Ezra at the door.

Kanan thought it was Hera, checking him. He fell into a deep sleep and smiled happily. Ezra tip toe to Kanan, and layed down right next to him. Ezra soon, was drifted to sleep and dreamed of peace.

When Kanan woke up, Ezra was still beside him. "Ezra?" He mumbled. "Huh...what?" Ezra yawned. Ezra jumped and fell out of bed. Kanan looked down at the clumsy kid. Ezra yawn more. "Where am I?" He wondered. "Oh, oops sorry Kanan. I had a bad dream last night." Ezra said bashful.

Kanan smiled at Ezra. "No worries kid, you'll be fine."

***Years later****

Ezra was now 15, and very well developed. Him and Kanan had a bond that was stuck like glue. Kanan walked up to him. "Hey Kanan." He waved. "Hey Ezra." Kanan waved back. "Kanan...can I talk to you for a moment?" Kanan was a bit shocked. Ezra now a days, never really do this.

"Sure, what's up?" He asked, ready for every word. "Ummm, thanks for helping me ever since we met. I feel really glad about our new family." Ezra smiled joyfully. Kanan laughed. "No worries, we have each other's back."

"Thanks. Love you dad." Ezra smiled but when into a frozen looked and covered his mouth. Ezra felt his face lit up pink with embarrassment. Kanan stood still and felt his heart warm up. He called me dad! Awww! Kanan pulled Ezra into a hug and smiled. "Love you to, son." Ezra felt warm and happy, like butterflies dancing freely.


My apologies for not updating soon! I was busy and with people and had sucky internet. But, hey post up which is good. I hope you enjoy this little cute story, I will update soon again.

May the force be with you...

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