Chapter 20: Captured Part 3

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After Kanan got done punching the wall, his hands hurt. Pain was all he wanted but knew it was wrong. He dropped to the floor again, curled up in a ball. He layed still and quiet, until a knock was heard. "Kanan, open up." It was Hera. Kanan knew not to make Hera made, he open the door.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. "Terrible, why ask the same question?" He murmured.

Hera only shook her head. "I get that it's only been five weeks and-" Kanan stomped his foot. "We should have him back by now!" He barked.

"Hera, he could be dead! I need him back, for all of us. I can't imagine him gone from our arms. I can't lose another member of family..." He whispered the last part.

Hera kinda backed up a little bit but only spoke once again. "We have to move forward." Kanan's heart felt like it stopped. His emotions were taking control of him.

He backed up and closed his door. Pretty much, locked it again. "Kanan!" Hera called out. Kanan only stood still. "Kanan! Open up!" Kanan ignore her yelling his name, now he wanted to be alone, for good. "Go away!" He snapped.

He could tell that Hera left, by her soft footsteps. He had his back up against the door. He fell down, slowly and looked blankly at the floor. Ezra? I'm sorry...I failed you! He felt the tears coming again, he only hold it in for a few moments until a knock was at the door. "What is it?" Sounding a little crabby.

"It's me, Sabine. Zeb's here to, can we talk?" He felt like something was up with them, like they were upset. Kanan got up and open the door. "What's up?" He asked in his normal tone. "Look, but...Kanan, we feel lost without Ezra." Zeb said, sounding sad.

"Yah, we miss him dearly. We we're wondering if you had a plan?" Sabine said. Kanan's eyes lit up. They were on his side! He couldn't believe it! "I do. But first, let's plan this out." Both Zeb and Sabine walked in Kanan's room and planned the plan out.

"Ok, so the TIE-Fighter that you and Ezra stole is still here?" Kanan asked. "Yeah, we had no idea what to do with it. Plus, we got bored." Zeb grin.

Kanan was a little mad at that but, it meant good luck. "Alright, here's the plan. Sabine, you and Zeb check the areas where storm troopers will enter. I'll grab Ezra, break out and find our way out, and back home..." Kanan finished off.

"Yeah but, what about Hera?" She asked a little worried. Kanan forgot about Hera, he felt as when she finds's the end of the world. "Let's hope she won't kill us."

Everyone nodded and left Kanan's room, Kanan decided to come out and get some fresh air. He looked at the sun falling down the horizon, leaving a beautiful sunset. His teal eyes wonder to its colors and was amazed by it.

Kanan smiled and sat down in the tall grass. His eyes wonder off to the stars that were shiny bright, like diamonds. His eyes were slowing closing, meaning sleep was pulling him in. He closed his eyes and dreamed of peace.


Ezra was screaming for his life. It was about to end, right in front of him. "Ready boy? Or are you going to join us?" The Inquisitor said laughing. Ezra only struggled to calm down, his eyes were dull, his body was wanting to shut down.

The Inquisitor raised his blade. "No! KANAN! KANAN!" He cried. Tarkin was a bit confused. Kanan? He thought. He notice the Inquisitor was ready to strike his blade down, but he stopped him. "Wait, Inquisitor, thus I need to speak to you." The Inquisitor turned around and followed Tarkin behind.

"Who is Kanan?" He asked with concern. "Kanan is the boy's master. Yet, the boy has potential. Very close to the Dark Side." An idea hatched in Tarkin's head. "How about we use him to lure in the Rebel friends and, keep him for good?" The Inquisitor nodded and smirked. "He'll be ours, then I'll order him to kill the Rebels."

Ezra saw both enemies walk back in. His body began to shake madly. "Now, Padawan. Tell me this. Where are your Rebel friends?" Ezra didn't say a word, which only caused worst. "Tell me, where are they?" The Sith raised his hand up to his face and used pain with the Force.

Ezra grunted in pain, deep pain build up him. "...Kanan....No!" He growled. Ezra seen a flash image, he saw Kanan but, looked...looked dead. ", no!" The enemies laugh. "What you see?"

"I...I see." He whispers. "I see......Only you making me more, and more frustrated!" Ezra hissed. The Inquisitor kinda stood back. Very strong, much need to our side. Ezra only tried looking away. Kanan, help me! Please, I'm hurt and lost. Ezra felt the blackness coming to him, he closed his eyes and was taken into the Dark.


Kanan was sitting down, on the ground. He notice something was in front of him. Only the view of the tall grass, high mountains and Loth-Cats running around. He felt the air run pass him like water.

He open his eyes and saw a door, very weird. He decided to follow anyways. He pass through the door. His mind wondered to where he was going to be lead to. As he entered the door, it suddenly was turn into a small cell room. Uh oh! Kanan knew right off the bat where he was. Empire, very obvious.

Kanan's heart dropped, hearing a loud cry of pain. Ezra! "Ezra? E-Ezra!" Kanan shouted. He ran to the cry but stopped when he saw the Grand Inquisitor. "Tell me where your Rebel friends are." He waved his hand in front of Ezra. "Kanan...No!" He growled. Kanan stumbled back.

Kanan then saw the Sith raise his blade up to Ezra. Kanan began screaming. "Ezra!" Kanan cried. "No! Kanan! KANAN!" Ezra screamed bloody murder. "Ezra! NOO!"


Kanan jumped with a loud scream. He notice that Hera, was beside him. "Kanan?" She asked worried. Kanan rubbed his head, he was still outside. "What...happen?" He asked. "I don't know, you were screaming for Ezra's name." She said slowly.

"I had a vision then...Hera...we..." Kanan rushed the words out but, Hera stopped him. "I know, we need Ezra back...we will get him back." She smiled. "I'm really sorry Kanan, I was just worried of losing another member, I was too over feared of that." Kanan chuckled.

"No worries, now...let's get our friend back." He jumped up and walked back to the Ghost. Hera knew Kanan was back to himself, he had hope filling up his heart.

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