Real or not Real?

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I updated "Empty heart" too.😉

Ezra's pov during "Zero hour"

Me and Sabine manged to destroy the dictator "Sabine! Time to go!" I doged shots and turned to run. That's when Sabine and the others fired at the ship causing a huge explosion. I tried to get away from the blast only to fail, the last thing I heard was Sabine screaming my name. Then everything went dark.... And then light, a bright light came brighter and brighter. The next thing I know I see myself in the medbay. The others next to me but they looked different, like how they looked two years ago different! I lifted myself up as they rushed to my side and tried to have me lay back down. "Ezra please, relax." I heard Kanan say as Hera looked to Kanan worried. I'm so confused, Sabine's hair is the same, Zeb's armor is the same, Hera has the same outfit, and Kanan isn't blind! "Guys, what happened?" They looked to each other and Kanan rushed the others out of the room. He gave me a look of sympathy and sat down next to me. "Don't you remember? You and the others came to rescue me and you fell from the bridge." "I know that but what about Ashoka, Maul, Darth Vader, Thrawn, Sato died. I saw it with my own eyes. And you..." I started to cry "You were blind, it was my fault... I don't understand." He frowned and ran his fingers through my hair. "Ezra you've been in a comma for 7 months. Ashoka died a long time ago, and everything else you said. I don't know but I do know I'm not blind." He chuckled. I wrapped my arms around him as he did the same, I don't understand what's going on... "Kanan... You love me, real or not?" He hugged me tighter "Real." "Sabine is going back with her family, real or not?" "Not real." "Kallus is fulcrum, real or not?" "Not real." This went on for minutes until I finally came to the conclusion that the past years I had experienced were never real, I finally have a chance to make things right. I'm right where I belong.

Sorry it was short but I'm just a little tired.😂
Once again I did update "Empty heart."

Col out⚽🏈⚾⚽🏈⚾

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