The Story of the Jarrus Child

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So this might seem confusing but Ezra isn't really in this. It will make sense once you start getting into it most likely. This takes place during "fire across the galaxy" when the crew, minus Ezra rescue Kanan.

Kanan's pov

I remained strapped to the torture table meditating, I was interupted by the door to the cell opening and familiar voices, the crew came. I looked to see Hera and the others smiling at the door way. "Told you we would find you love." "I never doubted." Once they got me off of the table and out of the cell we made it all the way to the bridge, only to run into  the Grand Inquisitor. "Well hello there Jarrus. I see you have company with you." He said as he gestured at  the others, I moved in front of them and ignited my lightsaber. "Don't even think about it." He smiled and charged at me, this is going to be a long day.

Fifteen terrible minutes later

While I battled the Inquisitor the others are trying to find a way through the closed door we needed to get through. I was to busy thinking about the others I forgot about my current situation. He brought his lightsaber down onto my shoulder pad, making slight contact with my skin. I gave a cry of pain looked to my shoulder wound, it wasn't serious but man does it sting. "Weak Kanan Jarrus, can't protect himself or his family." I growled and charged again only to be pushed back torwards the edge of the bridge. He looked at me curiously. "You look familiar... I've read about a small case file." He laughed "A man who fits your profile, the man had a child." My blood froze as the crew turned to me searching for a hidden answer.

Flash back to 11 years ago

I ran through the streets of Lothal being chased by storm troopers who tried to scan me for weapons. Unfortunately I brought my lightsaber with me and ran, fearing they would discover me. "Daddy what's going on?" I looked to the bundle in my arms, my five year old son. His mother, my wife died during child birth. I ran down a alley and saw an old cardboard box. I had a idea, I pulled my little Ezra away from me and placed him in the box. "Daddy's going to be right back, just wait here. I love you." I kissed his forehead right before he wrapped his small arms around my neck. "Don't leave me." I gave him one quick last hug and reached into my coat pocket, pulling out a stuffed lothcat and handed it to him "Never Ezra." I covered the box up with some other boxes for camouflage and ran down the alley. The troopers followed me, and after an hour of pure running I finally lost them, then decided to return to the alley. I made it back to the alley only to find....
Blood, scattered boxes, and... a stuffed lothcat, it had specks of blood on it. Ezra would never leave it behind. My baby boy is gone, I failed him, I'm the worst father ever. I clutched the toy to my chest as I fell to my knees, sobbing.

Back to the present

I screamed in anger and swung my ingnited lightsaber at his chest, which he quickly blocked. The others stood in disbelief​ as I fought the Inquisitor, he came close to my ear and said
"I know what happened to him, does the sight still haunt you at night?" I reached my limit as the images came back and so, I reached my blaster and aimed it at his heart. "For my son." I pulled the trigger and he fell to the ground dead. I started to shake as tears threatened to fall. "Kanan?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Hera and the others, all seemed worried. "We'll talk later let's get out of here." I used my lightsaber to cut a whole through the door and ran to the docking bay where Hera had left the ghost. Sabine shot a trooper to the left as Zeb took out two on our right, when we made it to the docking bay we ran inside the ghost quickly while avoiding fired shots. Zeb was the last one inside and closed the ramp, Sabine was already at a turrent ready to fire in case we needed it. Hera was flying us out and preparing hyperspace​ coordinates so I decided to take my usual seat next to her. Once we made it in hyperspace​ the crew sat around me expecting answers, Hera was the least unhappy with my hidden secret, I looked to the floor "Hera I'm sorry it's just...  It's a subject I don't like to talk about." I felt tears slide down my cheek and Hera's hands on mine. "Love I know this must be hard, I know you feel like you failed bu-" "I did fail Hera! I failed my son that day, he should be here right now." I sobbed "His birthday is in two days, it's supposed to be his sweet sixteen... He deserved to live life, he barely had a taste of living." I couldn't stand it anymore and walked out of the cockpit to my room. I locked the door and pulled out a small red wooden box, I opened it and wept. Inside was Ezra's stuffed lothcat and a picture of me, Lillian my wife, and Ezra that had been taken on the day he was born. These two things are all I have left of them, that's when the flash back started.

Flash back to 5 hours after Ezra's                   disappearance

I searched all throughout town but in my heart I knew he was gone. It's all my fault, I sat now on the outskirts of town. I still had the stuffed cat in my hand if course, even though it now had dried specks of blood and tear stains on it. It's still precious to me. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of crows... Crows... O no, this can't be good. I ran to where they all had gathered, I yelled at them to scare them away from the area and looked to a dirt like ditch they were gathered around before. What I saw shattered my heart, thrown in the ditch was my little boy. I quickly ran to his side and pulled him into my arms. I ran my fingers through his bloody​ matted hair. He was soaked in his own blood and bruised severely, that's when I saw it. A blood coated metal pipe laying next to him, carved into the pipe was an imperial mark. They did this to him, they beat my little boy to death. He never deserved this, it should've been me. I sobbed as I held my dead child in my arms.

"I'm so sorry!!!!!"

Back to the present again

My eyes shot open and tears soon followed. I climbed into my bed and hugged my son's toy as I cried, remembering that day I failed as a father.

Well the bird pic describes me very well right now. Lol😂
I'm tired, going crazy, and I still have a lot of things to do. Don't forget to leave a suggestion.😀
Night peeps!

Col out🍉🍍🍓🍐🍊🍒🥝🍎

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