The Mute (Modern AU)

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This is ExraXSabine... I think? Well I'll give it a shot, here ya go. Also for those like me who love Voltron watch the video above. Lol😂

Ezra's pov

My name is Exra, I am in 11th grade, I attend Capitol Lothal High, my parents are Ephraim and Mira Bridger, I love art and cats, and one more thing. I'm mute. Not physically mute, more like I don't like to talk. In fact, the only people I talk to is my parents and I barely see them. They do a lot of work at the police station so I only get to talk to them about 4 hours a week? I don't know. Because of their important work I've been forced to be independent. Outside of the house I have absolutely no friends, but you see. There's this girl, her name is Sabine. And yeah she doesn't know I exist but that doesn't change how I feel about her. The problem is.... I don't talk, at all. Everyone knows I don't talk, most just assume due to a physical problem. Little do they know I just don't want to, I never can think of what to say anyways. I grab my blue hoodie, backpack, and phone and make my way to school.

Sabine's pov

I'm walking on my way to class with my best friends when I see Ezra across the hall. I do like him, but he probably doesn't even know I exist. He's really shy around others and doesn't have many friends. Maybe we can hang out sometime?

Ezra's pov

Yes! I leap for joy on the inside when I hear they lunch bell ring and pack my things. I rush out of the class room and grab my lunch, making my way down the stairs and to the soccer field. Normally Sabine is sitting alone watching the others play, she doesn't care for soccer as much as basketball. I run outside to see her on the sidelines and casually walk forward to make my move. But... I haven't talked in front of anyone in public ever. What if she thinks I weird? What if my voice cracks? What i-. Maybe I shouldn't. I turn to walk away with my head hung low, only to be knocked over by the football quarter back Zeb. "Oh... Um sorry." I give a half smile and shake my head. "Checking out Sabine Wren huh?" What?!? Was this guy watching me? I can't contain my blushing and knowing I'm cought nod a yes. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get her!" He laughs and offers me a hand to pull me up, which I gladly accept. Zeb offers me good lucks and strolls away, I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I pick a daisy from the ground and walk to where Sabine is. I try my best not to make myself look completely weird as I sit next to her and offer her the daisy. At first she just stared at me with a blank expression, but soon she began to smile and... Blush? "Could you stick it behind my ear please?" I smile and tuck her bangs and the flower behind her ear. "You're beautiful." I clamp my hands over my mouth. Afdvvxg?!?
Did I just talk!?? Now I've done it, I probably sounded like a five year old. "Why thank you." I pause myself in my confusion to put my mind into a  another separate confusing thought. "You're not surprised that I have a voice?" "Of course not! Everyone has a voice!" I don't think this girl gets it for some reason. "But if I was mu-" "Mute? That's not what I meant." Yep now I'm really confused. "I mean the voice in your heart, and because of it no one is ever truly mute." We pause and watch the soccer practice, until I feel compelled to say what I've been trying to all along. "My hearts voice says I love you." I wait for a few seconds with no response, maybe she doesn't feel the same. "My hearts voice says I love you too." She loves me? She loves me! But does she? "You don't even know me though." "Well you don't know me either " I chuckled and look into her gorgeous eyes "Your birthday is on February 12th, your favorite color is purple, your favorite food is beef stir fry with a light drizzle of soy free Korean BBQ sauce, your favorite band is Against the Current, your favorite artist is Vincent van Gogh, you have a brother whose name is Tristan, you hate the smell of grapefruit, and your favorite sport is Basketball. I would say I know quite a bit about you." At first I feel like I admited to being a stalker, which I am not! But after hearing this she just smiled. "Well then, I should get to know you more. Wanna meet at the mall after school?" I was flabbergasted, she wants to hang out with me? I am the luckiest man on Earth. "Count me in."

The last one is for Voltron lovers.😂
I'm thinking on starting a Voltron one-shot book, would anyone be interested in actually reading it of I did? Well I hope you Ezbine shippers out there liked this.😋
Before I go, starting on April 13th I'll be at Disney World!!!! Yay!!! Counting down the days folks! I'll be taking lots of star wars land photos and prop pictures while I'm there and I'll probably post them. Well I'm tired, have a good night!

Col out🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵

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